Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of UserGuide/KeyboardShortcuts

Oct 8, 2016, 4:48:58 PM (8 years ago)



  • UserGuide/KeyboardShortcuts

    v1 v1  
     1= Introduction =
     3Drawing in Grafx2 can be done with only a mouse. However, you will be much faster if you use the keyboard and the shortcuts from this list.
     4Note : These are the default shortcuts. You can modify the actual shortcuts for your config in the helpscreen inside the program.
     7= Details =
     9||Scroll up||Up||Scrolls the picture up, both in magnify and normal mode. This hotkey cannot be removed.||
     10||Scroll down||Down||Scrolls the picture down, both in magnify and normal mode. This hotkey cannot be removed.||
     11||Scroll left||Left||Scrolls the picture to the left, both in magnify and normal mode. This hotkey cannot be removed.||
     12||Scroll right||Right||Scrolls the picture to the right, both in magnify and normal mode. This hotkey cannot be removed.||
     13||Faster scroll up||<Shift> + Up||Used to scroll upwards in the picture fast, either in magnify and normal mode.||
     14||Faster scroll down||<Shift> + Down||Used to scroll downwards in the picture fast, either in magnify and normal mode.||
     15||Faster scroll left||<Shift> + Left||Used to scroll to the left in the picture fast, either in magnify and normal mode.||
     16||Faster scroll right||<Shift> + Right||Used to scroll to the right in the picture fast, either in magnify and normal mode.||
     17||Slower scroll up||<Alt> + Up||Used to scroll upwards in the picture pixel by pixel, either in magnify and normal mode.||
     18||Slower scroll down||<Alt> + Down||Used to scroll downwards in the picture pixel by pixel, either in magnify andnormal mode. normal mode.||
     19||Slower scroll left||<Alt> + Left||Used to scroll to the left in the picture pixel by pixel, either in magnify and normal mode.||
     20||Slower scroll right||<Alt> + Right||Used to scroll to the right in the picture pixel by pixel, either in magnify and normal mode.||
     21||Move mouse cursor 1 pixel up||<Ctrl> + Up||Used to simulate a very small mouse deplacement upwards. Its very useful when you want a ultra-high precision.||
     22||Move mouse cursor 1 pixel down||<Ctrl> + Down||Used to simulate a very small mouse deplacement downwards. Its very useful when you want a ultra-high precision.||
     23||Move mouse cursor 1 pixel left||<Ctrl> + Left||Used to simulate a very small mouse deplacement to the left. Its very useful when you want a ultra-high precision.||
     24||Move mouse cursor 1 pixel right||<Ctrl> + Right||Used to simulate a very small mouse deplacement to the right. Its very useful when you want a ultra-high precision.||
     25||Simulate left mouse click||' '||Used to simulate a click with the left mouse button.. Its very useful when you want a ultra-high precision.||
     26||Simulate right mouse click||<Shift> + ' '||Used to simulate a click with the right mouse button.. Its very useful when you want a ultra-high precision.||
     27||Show/hide option menu||F10||Switch the tool bar display on/off. This hot-key cannot be removed.||
     28||Show/hide cursor||F9||Switch the cursor display on/off. This only works on the "small cross" and "hand" cursors.||
     29||Set paintbrush to 1 pixel||Del||Useful when you want to use a "single-pixel-brush". ||
     30||Paintbrush choice||F4||Opens a menu where you can choose a paintbrush out of 24 predefined ones. ||
     31||Monochrome brush||<Shift> + F4||Turn your current user-defined brush into a single colored one. All non-transparent colors are set to current foreground color.||
     32||Freehand drawing||'d'||Set the drawing mode to the classical freehand one. ||
     33||Switch freehand drawing mode||<Shift> + 'd'||Switch between the 3 ways to use freehand drawing. These modes are: continuous, discontinuous and point by point.||
     34||Continuous freehand drawing||<Ctrl> + 'd'||Switch directly to continuous freehand drawing mode. ||
     35||Line||'l'||Allows you to draw lines. ||
     36||Knotted lines||<Shift> + 'l'||Allows you to draw linked lines. This mode can also be called "Polyline".||
     37||Spray||'a'||Allows you to spray brushes randomly in the picture. ||
     38||Spray menu||<Shift> + 'a'||Opens a menu in which you can configure the spray flow and size. ||
     39||Flood-fill||'f'||Allows you to fill an area of the picture made of pixels of the same color. ||
     40||Replace color||<Shift> + 'f'||Allows you to replace all the pixels of the color pointed by the mouse with the fore-color or the back-color.||
     41||Beziers curves||'i'||Allows you to draw Beziers curves. ||
     42||Beziers curve with 3 or 4 points||<Shift> + 'i'||Allows you to choose whether you want to draw Beziers curves with 3 or 4 points.||
     43||Empty rectangle||'r'||Allows you to draw a rectangle using the brush. ||
     44||Filled rectangle||<Shift> + 'r'||Allows you to draw a filled rectangle. ||
     45||Empty circle||'c'||Allows you to draw a circle using the brush. ||
     46||Empty ellipse||<Ctrl> + 'c'||Allows you to draw an ellipse using the brush. ||
     47||Filled circle||<Shift> + 'c'||Allows you to draw a filled circle. ||
     48||Filled ellipse||<Ctrl> + <Shift> + 'c'||Allows you to draw a filled ellipse. ||
     49||Empty polygon||'n'||Allows you to draw a polygon using the brush. ||
     50||Empty "polyform"||<Ctrl> + 'n'||Allows you to draw a freehand polygon using the brush. ||
     51||Filled polygon||<Shift> + 'n'||Allows you to draw a filled polygon. ||
     52||Filled "polyform"||<Ctrl> + <Shift> + 'n'||Allows you to draw a filled freehand polygon. ||
     53||Rectangle with gradation||<Alt> + 'r'||Allows you to draw a rectangle with a color gradation. ||
     54||Gradation menu||<Alt> + 'g'||Allows you to configure the way color gradations are calculated. ||
     55||Sphere with gradation||<Alt> + 'c'||Allows you to draw a rectangle with a color gradation. ||
     56||Ellipse with gradation||<Alt> + <Shift> + 'c'||Allows you to draw an ellipse filled with a color gradation. ||
     57||Adjust picture||KP 5||Allows you to move the whole picture in order to re-center it. Notice that what gets out from a side reappears on the other.||
     58||Flip/shrink picture menu||<Shift> + KP 5||Opens a menu which allows you to flip the picture horizontally/vertically or to shrink it to half-scale horizontally and/or vertically.||
     59||Drawing effects||'e'||Opens a menu where you can enable/disable and configure the drawing effects listed below.||
     60||Shade mode||F5||Allows you to shade or lighten some pixels of the picture belonging to a color range, in addition of any drawing tool.||
     61||Shade menu||<Shift> + F5||Opens a menu where you can choose color ranges to use with the Shade mode. This menu also contains parameters used both in Shade and Quick-shade modes.||
     62||Quick-shade mode||<Ctrl> + F5||Does the same thing as shade mode with a simpler method (faster to define but a bit less powerful).||
     63||Quick-shade menu||<Ctrl> + <Shift> + F5||Opens a menu where you can define the parameters of the quick-shade mode. ||
     64||Stencil mode||F6||Allows you to mask colors that must not be affected when you are drawing. ||
     65||Stencil menu||<Shift> + F6||Opens a menu where you can choose colors masked by the Stencil mode. ||
     66||Mask mode||<Alt> + F6||Allows you to mask colors of the spare page that will keep you from  drawing. This mode should be called "True stencil".||
     67||Mask menu||<Alt> + <Shift> + F6||Opens a menu where you can choose colors for the Mask mode. ||
     68||Grid mode||'g'||Force the cursor to snap up grid points. ||
     69||Grid menu||<Shift> + 'g'||Open a menu where you can configure the grid used by Grid mode. ||
     70||Sieve mode||<Ctrl> + 'g'||Only draws pixels on certain positions matching with a sieve. ||
     71||Sieve menu||<Ctrl> + <Shift> + 'g'||Opens a menu where you can configure the sieve. ||
     72||Invert sieve||<Ctrl> + <Alt> + 'g'||Inverts the pattern defined in the Sieve menu. ||
     73||Colorize mode||F7||Allows you to colorize the pixels on which your brush is pasted. This permits you to make transparency effects.||
     74||Colorize menu||<Shift> + F7||Opens a menu where you can give the opacity percentage for Colorize mode. ||
     75||Smooth mode||F8||Soften pixels on which your brush is pasted. ||
     76||Smooth menu||<Shift> + F8||Opens a menu where you can define the Smooth matrix. ||
     77||Smear mode||<Alt> + F8||Smears the pixels when you move your brush on the picture. ||
     78||Tiling mode||<Alt> + 'b'||Puts parts of the brush where you draw. ||
     79||Tiling menu||<Alt> + <Shift> + 'b'||Opens a menu where you can configure the origin of the tiling. ||
     80||Classical brush grabbing||'b'||Allows you to pick a brush defined within a rectangle. ||
     81||"Lasso" brush grabbing||<Ctrl> + 'b'||Allows you to pick a brush defined within a freehand polygon. ||
     82||Get previous brush back||<Shift> + 'b'||Restore the last user-defined brush. ||
     83||Horizontal brush flipping||'x'||Reverse brush horizontally. ||
     84||Vertical brush flipping||'y'||Reverse brush vertically. ||
     85||90ø brush rotation||'z'||Rotate the user-defined brush by 90ø (counter-clockwise). ||
     86||180ø brush rotation||<Shift> + 'z'||Rotate the user-defined brush by 180ø. ||
     87||Strech brush||'s'||Allows you to resize the user-defined brush. ||
     88||Distort brush||<Shift> + 's'||Allows you to distort the user-defined brush. ||
     89||Outline brush||'o'||Outlines the user-defined brush with the fore color. ||
     90||Nibble brush||<Shift> + 'o'||Deletes the borders of the user-defined brush. This does the opposite of the Outline option.||
     91||Get colors from brush||F11||Copy colors of the spare page that are used in the brush. ||
     92||Recolorize brush||F12||Recolorize pixels of the user-defined brush in order to get a brush which looks like the one grabbed in the spare page.||
     93||Rotate by any angle||'w'||Rotate the brush by an angle that you can define. ||
     94||Pipette||'`'||Allows you to copy the color of a pixel in the picture into the foreground or background color.||
     95||Swap foreground/background colors||<Shift> + '`'||Invert foreground and background colors. ||
     96||Magnifier mode||'m'||Allows you to zoom into the picture. ||
     97||Zoom factor menu||<Shift> + 'm'||Opens a menu where you can choose a magnifying factor. ||
     98||Zoom in||KP Plus||Increase magnifying factor. ||
     99||Zoom out||KP -||Decrease magnifying factor. ||
     100||Brush effects menu||<Ctrl> + <Alt> + 'b'||Opens a menu which proposes different effects on the user-defined brush. ||
     101||Text||'t'||Opens a menu which permits you to type in a character string and to choose a font, and then creates a new user-defined brush fitting to your choices.||
     102||Screen resolution menu||Return||Opens a menu where you can choose the dimensions of the screen in which you want to draw among the numerous X and SVGA proposed modes.||
     103||"Safety" resolution||<Shift> + Return||Set resolution to 320x200. This can be useful if you choosed a resolution that is not supported by your monitor and video card. Cannot be removed.||
     104||Help and credits||F1||Opens a window where you can get information about the program. ||
     105||Statistics||<Shift> + F1||Displays miscellaneous more or less useful information. ||
     106||Jump to spare page||Tab||Swap current page and spare page. ||
     107||Copy current page to spare page||<Shift> + Tab||Copy current page to spare page. ||
     108||Save picture as...||F2||Opens a file-selector that allows you to save your picture with a new path-name.||
     109||Save picture||<Shift> + F2||Saves your picture with the last name you gave it. ||
     110||Load picture||F3||Opens a file-selector that allows you to load a new picture. ||
     111||Re-load picture||<Shift> + F3||Re-load the current picture. This allows you to cancel modifications made since last saving.||
     112||Save brush||<Ctrl> + F2||Opens a file-selector that allows you to save your current user-defined brush.||
     113||Load brush||<Ctrl> + F3||Opens a file-selector that allows you to load a brush. ||
     114||Settings||<Shift> + F10||Opens a menu which permits you to set the dimension of your picture, and to modify some parameters of the program.||
     115||Undo (Oops!)||'u'||Cancel the last action which modified the picture. This has no effect after a jump to the spare page, loading a picture or modifying its size.||
     116||Redo||<Shift> + 'u'||Redo the last undone action. This has no effect after a jump to the spare page, loading a picture or modifying its size.||
     117||Kill||<Shift> + Del||Kills the current page. It actually removes the current page from the list of "Undo" pages.||
     118||Clear page||Backspace||Clears the picture with the first color of the palette (usually black). ||
     119||Clear page with backcolor||<Shift> + Backspace||Clears the picture with the backcolor. ||
     120||Quit program||'q'||Allows you to leave the program. If modifications were not saved, confirmation is asked.||
     121||Palette menu||'p'||Opens a menu which allows you to modify the current palette. ||
     122||Secondary palette menu||<Shift> + 'p'||Opens a menu which allows you to define color series and some tagged colors. ||
     123||Exclude colors menu||<Ctrl> + 'p'||Opens a menu which allows you to define the colors you dont want to use in modes such as Smooth and Transparency, or when remapping a brush.||
     124||Scroll palette to the left||PgUp||Scroll palette in the tool bar to the left, column by column. ||
     125||Scroll palette to the right||PgDn||Scroll palette in the tool bar to the right, column by column. ||
     126||Scroll palette to the left faster||<Shift> + PgUp||Scroll palette in the tool bar to the left, 8 columns by 8 columns. ||
     127||Scroll palette to the right faster||<Shift> + PgDn||Scroll palette in the tool bar to the right, 8 columns by 8 columns. ||
     128||Center brush attachment point||<Ctrl> + KP 5||Set the attachement of the user-defined brush to its center. ||
     129||Top-left brush attachment point||<Ctrl> + Home||Set the attachement of the user-defined brush to its top-left corner. ||
     130||Top-right brush attachment point||<Ctrl> + PgUp||Set the attachement of the user-defined brush to its top-right corner. ||
     131||Bottom-left brush attachment point||<Ctrl> + End||Set the attachement of the user-defined brush to its bottom-left corner. ||
     132||Bottom-right brush attachment point||<Ctrl> + PgDn||Set the attachement of the user-defined brush to its bottom-right corner. ||
     133||Next foreground color||']'||Set the foreground color to the next in the palette. ||
     134||Previous foreground color||'['||Set the foreground color to the previous in the palette. ||
     135||Next background color||<Shift> + ']'||Set the background color to the next in the palette. ||
     136||Previous background color||<Shift> + '['||Set the background color to the previous in the palette. ||
     137||Next user-defined forecolor||'='||Set the foreground color to the next in the user-defined color series. ||
     138||Previous user-defined forecolor||'-'||Set the foreground color to the previous in the user-defined color series. ||
     139||Next user-defined backcolor||<Shift> + '='||Set the background color to the next in the user-defined color series. ||
     140||Previous user-defined backcolor||<Shift> + '-'||Set the background color to the previous in the user-defined color series. ||
     141||Shrink paintbrush||','||Decrease the width of the paintbrush if it is special circle or square. ||
     142||Enlarge paintbrush||'.'||Increase the width of the paintbrush if it is special circle or square. ||
     145= Mac OS X specific =
     147||Right mouse button simulation||<Apple> + mouse button or <Alt> + mouse button||Access to the alternate functions of the different icons.||