
May 20, 2021:

9:20 PM Changeset in Renga [110a70f]main by Adrien Destugues <pulkomandy@…>
Add my TODO file Probably I should convert all this to github issues?
8:52 PM Changeset in Renga [85c95aa]main by Adrien Destugues <pulkomandy@…>
UI: make BuddyWindow use layout kit
8:42 PM Changeset in Renga [19839ea]main by Adrien Destugues <pulkomandy@…>
Cleanup: Delete BetterTextView
7:42 PM Changeset in Renga [bbeff62]main by Adrien Destugues <pulkomandy@…>
Fix build for new libnetservices
1:43 PM Ticket #70 (Nickname tab completion in group chats) updated by pulkomandy
Keywords changed
1:43 PM Ticket #70 (Nickname tab completion in group chats) updated by pulkomandy
Keywords changed
1:43 PM Ticket #70 (Nickname tab completion in group chats) updated by pulkomandy
Keywords changed
1:43 PM Ticket #70 (Nickname tab completion in group chats) created by pulkomandy
When pressing the tab key, the message writing view should …
1:36 PM Ticket #60 (Allow use of Renga without an account (XEP-0175)) updated by pulkomandy
Keywords changed
1:36 PM Ticket #60 (Allow use of Renga without an account (XEP-0175)) updated by pulkomandy
Keywords changed
1:35 PM Ticket #66 (Memorize multiple accounts) updated by pulkomandy
Keywords changed
1:35 PM Ticket #66 (Memorize multiple accounts) updated by pulkomandy
Keywords changed
1:35 PM Ticket #68 (RosterList: Highlight channels where there are activity) updated by pulkomandy
Keywords changed
1:35 PM Ticket #68 (RosterList: Highlight channels where there are activity) updated by pulkomandy
Keywords changed
1:35 PM Ticket #69 (Notification on nickname highlight) updated by pulkomandy
Keywords changed
1:35 PM Ticket #69 (Notification on nickname highlight) updated by pulkomandy
Keywords changed
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.