/* CrO2 datassette emulator * Copyright 2012, Adrien Destugues * * Distributed under the terms of the MIT licence. */ #include "gui.h" #include "device.h" #include "k5.h" #include #include #include #include #include // Start status poller "thread" int pollStatus(Ihandle* ih) { try { Ihandle* motoron = (Ihandle*)IupGetAttribute(ih, "target"); uint8_t status = Device::getDevice().getStatus(); if (status & 8) IupSetAttribute(motoron, "VALUE", "0"); // motor OFF else IupSetAttribute(motoron, "VALUE", "1"); // motor ON } catch(const char*) { // Silently ignore exception if device is not available - not a good // idea to handle it from a timer... // Keep the timer running so it starts working when the device is // plugged } return IUP_DEFAULT; } void startPolling(Ihandle* target) { Ihandle* timer = IupTimer(); IupSetAttribute(timer, "target", (const char*)target); IupSetAttribute(timer, "TIME", "300"); IupSetCallback(timer, "ACTION_CB", pollStatus); IupSetAttribute(timer, "RUN", "YES"); } /* UI */ Gui::Gui(int* argc, char*** argv) { file = NULL; IupOpen(argc, argv); IupControlsOpen(); IupImageLibOpen(); Ihandle* menu_open = IupItem("Open", NULL); Ihandle* menu_exit = IupItem("Exit", NULL); Callback::create(menu_open, "ACTION", this, &Gui::menu_open); Callback::create(menu_exit, "ACTION", this, &Gui::menu_exit); Ihandle* menu = IupMenu( IupSubmenu("File", IupMenu( menu_open, menu_exit, NULL ) ), NULL ); // CONTROL Ihandle* motoron = IupProgressBar(); IupSetAttribute(motoron, "RASTERSIZE", "16x16"); playToggle = IupToggle("play", NULL); IupSetAttribute(playToggle, "ACTIVE", "NO"); IupSetAttribute(playToggle, "IMAGE", "IUP_MediaPlay"); Callback::create(playToggle, "ACTION", this, &Gui::setPlaying); Ihandle* recToggle = IupToggle("rec", NULL); IupSetAttribute(recToggle, "ACTIVE", "NO"); IupSetAttribute(recToggle, "IMAGE", "IUP_MediaRecord"); // EXPLORE Ihandle* platformlist = IupList(NULL); IupSetAttribute(platformlist, "EXPAND", "HORIZONTAL"); IupSetAttribute(platformlist, "DROPDOWN", "YES"); IupSetAttribute(platformlist, "1", "MO5"); IupSetAttribute(platformlist, "VALUE", "1"); blocklist = IupTree(); IupSetAttribute(blocklist, "EXPAND", "VERTICAL"); IupSetAttribute(blocklist, "ADDEXPANDED", "NO"); IupSetAttribute(blocklist, "ADDROOT", "NO"); IupSetAttribute(blocklist, "IMAGELEAF", "IMGBLANK"); IupSetAttribute(blocklist, "RASTERSIZE", "140x200"); Callback::create(blocklist, "SELECTION_CB", this, &Gui::selectBlock); hexEd = IupMatrix(NULL); // Setup title cells IupSetAttribute(hexEd, "FONT", "Courier, 10"); IupSetAttribute(hexEd, "FONT*:17", "Courier, 10"); IupSetAttribute(hexEd, "NUMCOL", "17"); IupSetAttribute(hexEd, "WIDTHDEF", "10"); IupSetAttribute(hexEd, "WIDTH17", "105"); IupSetAttribute(hexEd, "WIDTH0", "12"); IupSetAttribute(hexEd, "HEIGHT0", "8"); IupSetAttribute(hexEd, "SIZE", "400x230"); IupSetAttribute(hexEd, "EXPAND", "YES"); IupSetAttribute(hexEd, "ALIGNMENT", "ALEFT"); Callback::create(hexEd, "VALUE_CB", this, &Gui::matVal); Callback::create(hexEd, "VALUE_EDIT_CB", this, &Gui::setMatVal); // WINDOW LAYOUT Ihandle* tabs = IupTabs( IupVbox( IupHbox( IupLabel("Motor"), motoron, NULL ), IupHbox( playToggle, recToggle, NULL ), NULL ), IupVbox( IupHbox( IupLabel("Format:"), platformlist, NULL ), IupHbox( blocklist, IupVbox( hexEd, IupLabel("Checksum:"), NULL ), NULL ) ), NULL ); IupSetAttribute(tabs,"TABTITLE0", "Control"); IupSetAttribute(tabs,"TABTITLE1", "Explore"); Ihandle* dialog = IupDialog(tabs); IupSetAttribute(dialog, "TITLE", "CrO2 tape emulator"); IupSetAttributeHandle(dialog, "MENU", menu); IupShow(dialog); // Run the timer startPolling(motoron); // TODO the IUP main loop is blocking - it may be wise to move it out of // the constructor... IupMainLoop(); } Gui::~Gui() { delete file; IupControlsClose(); IupClose(); } int Gui::menu_open() { char name[65536]; name[0] = 0; if (IupGetFile(name) == 0) { // Load file try { file = Tape::load(name); } catch (const char* error) { puts(error); return IUP_DEFAULT; } // Fill in EXPLORE tab int count = file->getBlockCount(); int lastfile = -1; IupSetAttribute(blocklist, "DELNODE", "ALL"); for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) { const Tape::Block& blk = file->getBlock(i); if (blk.isFile()) { IupSetAttributeId(blocklist, "INSERTBRANCH", lastfile, blk.getName().c_str()); lastfile = i; } else { IupSetAttributeId(blocklist, "ADDLEAF", i-1, blk.getName().c_str()); if (blk.isControl()) IupSetAttributeId(blocklist, "IMAGE", i, "IMGLEAF"); } } // Enable play button IupSetAttribute(playToggle, "ACTIVE", "YES"); } return IUP_DEFAULT; } int Gui::menu_exit() { return IUP_CLOSE; } int Gui::selectBlock(int id, int what) { if (what) { selblock = id; std::ostringstream att; att << (file->getBlock(id).length / 16); IupSetAttribute(hexEd, "NUMLIN", att.str().c_str()); IupSetAttribute(hexEd, IUP_REDRAW, "ALL"); } else if (selblock == id) { selblock = -1; } return IUP_DEFAULT; } int Gui::setMatVal(int x, int y, const char* val) { int pos = (y-1) * 16 + (x-1); if (file == NULL || selblock < 0 || selblock >= file->getBlockCount()) return 0; const Tape::Block& block = file->getBlock(selblock); block.data[pos] = 0; // TODO parse hex val to int return 0; } const char* Gui::matVal(int y, int x) { if (y == 0) { switch(x) { case 0: return "0x"; case 17: return "ASCII"; default: { std::ostringstream name; name << std::hex; name << (x-1); return name.str().c_str(); } } } if (x == 0) { std::ostringstream name; name << std::hex; name << (y-1)*16; return name.str().c_str(); } if (file == NULL || selblock < 0 || selblock >= file->getBlockCount()) return ""; const Tape::Block& block = file->getBlock(selblock); if (x == 17) { int off = (y-1)*16; std::ostringstream txt; for(int j = 0; j < 16; j++) { if (off + j >= block.length) break; char c = block.data[off+j]; if (isprint(c)) txt << c; else txt << '.'; } return txt.str().c_str(); } else { int pos = (y-1) * 16 + (x-1); if (pos >= block.length) return ""; return toHex(block.data[pos]); } } int Gui::setPlaying(int state) { if (state == 0) { // pause } else try { // play Device::getDevice().write(*file); } catch (const char* ex) { IupMessage("CrO2 error", ex); } return IUP_DEFAULT; } const char* Gui::toHex(int val) { std::ostringstream str; str.flags(std::ios_base::hex | std::ios_base::uppercase); str.width(2); str.fill('0'); str << val; return str.str().c_str(); }