blob: 8ca55adcc0cfdec4f4deac545ef391c932889531 [file] [log] [blame]
; unsigned char kbhit (void);
; Return true if there's a key waiting, return false if not
.globl _kbhit
.area _CODE
call 0xBB09 ; KM READ KEY
ld (key),a
ld l,#1
ret c
ld l,#0
; char cgetc (void);
; Return a character from the keyboard. If there is no character available,
; the functions waits until the user does press a key. If cursor is set to
; 1 (see below), a blinking cursor is displayed while waiting.
.globl _cgetc
ld a,(key)
ld l,a
;; call 0xBB09
;; jr nc,_cgetc
;; ld l,a
;; ret
key: .db 0