First version of the AVR port
diff --git a/contiki-avr/uip/rtl8019.c b/contiki-avr/uip/rtl8019.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a5c8cca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contiki-avr/uip/rtl8019.c
@@ -0,0 +1,931 @@
+#include "rtl8019.h"
+#include "delay.h"
+#include "debug.h"
+#include "avr/pgmspace.h"
+#include "rtlregs.h"
+*  Module Name:       Realtek 8019AS Driver
+*  Created By:        Louis Beaudoin (
+*  Original Release:  September 21, 2002 
+*  Module Description:  
+*  Provides functions to initialize the Realtek 8019AS, and send and retreive
+*  packets
+*  November 15, 2002 - Louis Beaudoin
+*    processRTL8019Interrupt() - bit mask mistake fixed
+*  September 30, 2002 - Louis Beaudoin
+*    Receive functions modified to handle errors encountered when receiving a
+*      fast data stream.  Functions now manually retreive data instead of
+*      using the send packet command.  Interface improved by checking for
+*      overruns and data in the buffer internally.
+*    Corrected the overrun function - overrun flag was not reset after overrun
+*    Added support for the Imagecraft Compiler
+*    Added support to communicate with the NIC using general I/O ports
+*  Args:        1. unsigned char RTL_ADDRESS - register offset of RTL register
+*               2. unsigned char RTL_DATA - data to write to register
+*  Created By:  Louis Beaudoin
+*  Date:        September 21, 2002
+*  Description: Writes byte to RTL8019 register.
+*  Notes - If using the External SRAM Interface, performs a write to
+*            address MEMORY_MAPPED_RTL8019_OFFSET + (RTL_ADDRESS<<8)
+*            The address is sent in the non-multiplxed upper address port so
+*            no latch is required.
+*          If using general I/O ports, the data port is left in the input
+*            state with pullups enabled
+/*#define writeRTL(RTL_ADDRESS,RTL_DATA) do{ *(volatile unsigned char *) \
+                             (MEMORY_MAPPED_RTL8019_OFFSET \
+                             + (((unsigned char)(RTL_ADDRESS)) << 8)) = \
+                             (unsigned char)(RTL_DATA); } while(0)*/
+#define writeRTL nic_write
+void writeRTL(unsigned char address, unsigned char data)
+    // put the address and data in the port registers - data port is output
+    outp( address, RTL8019_ADDRESS_PORT );
+    outp( 0xFF, RTL8019_DATA_DDR );
+    outp( data, RTL8019_DATA_PORT );
+	// toggle write pin
+    RTL8019_SET_WRITE;
+	// set data port back to input with pullups enabled
+    outp( 0x00, RTL8019_DATA_DDR );
+    outp( 0xFF, RTL8019_DATA_PORT );
+*  Args:        unsigned char RTL_ADDRESS - register offset of RTL register
+*  Created By:  Louis Beaudoin
+*  Date:        September 21, 2002
+*  Description: Reads byte from RTL8019 register
+*  Notes - If using the External SRAM Interface, performs a read from
+*            address MEMORY_MAPPED_RTL8019_OFFSET + (RTL_ADDRESS<<8)
+*            The address is sent in the non-multiplxed upper address port so
+*            no latch is required.
+*          If using general I/O ports, the data port is assumed to already be
+*            an input, and is left as an input port when done
+/*#define readRTL(RTL_ADDRESS) (*(volatile unsigned char *) \
+                       (MEMORY_MAPPED_RTL8019_OFFSET \
+                       + (((unsigned char)(RTL_ADDRESS)) << 8)) )*/
+#define readRTL nic_read
+unsigned char readRTL(unsigned char address)
+   unsigned char byte;
+   // drive the read address
+   outp( address, RTL8019_ADDRESS_PORT );
+   //nop();
+   // assert read
+   nop();
+   // read in the data
+   byte = inp( RTL8019_DATA_PIN );
+   // negate read
+   RTL8019_SET_READ;
+   return byte;
+*  RTL8019setupPorts(void);
+*  Created By:  Louis Beaudoin
+*  Date:        September 21, 2002
+*  Description: Sets up the ports used for communication with the RTL8019 NIC
+*                 (data bus, address bus, read, write, and reset)
+void RTL8019setupPorts(void)
+volatile unsigned char *base = (unsigned char *)0x8300;
+  	// enable external SRAM interface - no wait states
+  	outp(inp(MCUCR) | (1<<SRE), MCUCR);
+    // make the address port output
+    outp( 0xFF, RTL8019_ADDRESS_DDR );
+    // make the data port input with pull-ups
+    outp( 0xFF, RTL8019_DATA_PORT );
+	// make the control port read and write pins outputs and asserted
+	//outp( inp(RTL8019_CONTROL_DDR) | (1<<RTL8019_CONTROL_READPIN) |
+	//          (1<<RTL8019_CONTROL_WRITEPIN), RTL8019_CONTROL_DDR );
+	//outp( inp(RTL8019_CONTROL_PORT) | (1<<RTL8019_CONTROL_READPIN) |
+	//          (1<<RTL8019_CONTROL_WRITEPIN), RTL8019_CONTROL_PORT );
+	// enable output pin for Resetting the RTL8019
+	sbi( RTL8019_RESET_DDR, RTL8019_RESET_PIN );
+*  HARD_RESET_RTL8019()
+*  Created By:  Louis Beaudoin
+*  Date:        September 21, 2002
+*  Description: Simply toggles the pin that resets the NIC
+/*#define HARD_RESET_RTL8019() do{ sbi(RTL8019_RESET_PORT, RTL8019_RESET_PIN); \
+                                Delay_10ms(1); \
+                                cbi(RTL8019_RESET_PORT, RTL8019_RESET_PIN);} \
+                                while(0)*/
+*  overrun(void);
+*  Created By:  Louis Beaudoin
+*  Date:        September 21, 2002
+*  Description: "Canned" receive buffer overrun function originally from
+*                 a National Semiconductor appnote
+*  Notes:       This function must be called before retreiving packets from
+*                 the NIC if there is a buffer overrun
+void overrun(void);
+//*   All offsets in Page 0 unless otherwise specified
+//*	  All functions accessing CR must leave CR in page 0 upon exit
+#define CR		 	0x00
+#define PSTART		0x01
+#define PAR0      	0x01    // Page 1
+#define CR9346    	0x01    // Page 3
+#define PSTOP		0x02
+#define BNRY		0x03
+#define TSR			0x04
+#define TPSR		0x04
+#define TBCR0		0x05
+#define NCR			0x05
+#define TBCR1		0x06
+#define ISR			0x07
+#define CURR		0x07   // Page 1
+#define RSAR0		0x08
+#define CRDA0		0x08
+#define RSAR1		0x09
+#define CRDA1		0x09
+#define RBCR0		0x0A
+#define RBCR1		0x0B
+#define RSR			0x0C
+#define RCR			0x0C
+#define TCR			0x0D
+#define CNTR0		0x0D
+#define DCR			0x0E
+#define CNTR1		0x0E
+#define IMR			0x0F
+#define CNTR2		0x0F
+#define RDMAPORT  	0x10
+#define RSTPORT   	0x18
+* RTL ISR Register Bits
+#define ISR_RST	7
+#define ISR_OVW 4
+#define ISR_PRX 0
+#define ISR_RDC 6
+#define ISR_PTX 1
+*  RTL Register Initialization Values
+// RCR : accept broadcast packets and packets destined to this MAC
+//         drop short frames and receive errors
+#define RCR_INIT		0x04
+// TCR : default transmit operation - CRC is generated 
+#define TCR_INIT		0x00
+// DCR : allows send packet to be used for packet retreival
+//         FIFO threshold: 8-bits (works)
+//         8-bit transfer mode
+#define DCR_INIT		0x58
+// IMR : interrupt enabled for receive and overrun events
+#define IMR_INIT		0x11
+// buffer boundaries - transmit has 6 256-byte pages
+//   receive has 26 256-byte pages
+//   entire available packet buffer space is allocated
+#define TXSTART_INIT   	0x40
+#define RXSTART_INIT   	0x46
+#define RXSTOP_INIT    	0x60
+void RTL8019beginPacketSend(unsigned int packetLength)
+  volatile unsigned char *base = (unsigned char *)0x8300;
+	unsigned int sendPacketLength;
+	sendPacketLength = (packetLength>=ETHERNET_MIN_PACKET_LENGTH) ?
+	                 packetLength : ETHERNET_MIN_PACKET_LENGTH ;
+	//start the NIC
+	writeRTL(CR,0x22);
+	// still transmitting a packet - wait for it to finish
+	while( readRTL(CR) & 0x04 );
+	//load beginning page for transmit buffer
+	//set start address for remote DMA operation
+	writeRTL(RSAR0,0x00);
+	writeRTL(RSAR1,0x40);
+	//clear the packet stored interrupt
+	writeRTL(ISR,(1<<ISR_PTX));
+	//load data byte count for remote DMA
+	writeRTL(RBCR0, (unsigned char)(packetLength));
+	writeRTL(RBCR1, (unsigned char)(packetLength>>8));
+	writeRTL(TBCR0, (unsigned char)(sendPacketLength));
+	writeRTL(TBCR1, (unsigned char)((sendPacketLength)>>8));
+	//do remote write operation
+	writeRTL(CR,0x12);
+void RTL8019sendPacketData(unsigned char * localBuffer, unsigned int length)
+	unsigned int i;
+	volatile unsigned char *base = (unsigned char *)0x8300;
+	for(i=0;i<length;i++)
+		writeRTL(RDMAPORT, localBuffer[i]);
+void RTL8019endPacketSend(void)
+  volatile unsigned char *base = (unsigned char *)0x8300;
+	//send the contents of the transmit buffer onto the network
+	writeRTL(CR,0x24);
+	// clear the remote DMA interrupt
+	writeRTL(ISR, (1<<ISR_RDC));
+// pointers to locations in the RTL8019 receive buffer
+static unsigned char nextPage;
+static unsigned int currentRetreiveAddress;
+// location of items in the RTL8019's page header
+#define  enetpacketstatus     0x00
+#define  nextblock_ptr        0x01
+#define	 enetpacketLenL		  0x02
+#define	 enetpacketLenH		  0x03
+unsigned int RTL8019beginPacketRetreive(void)
+  volatile unsigned char *base = (unsigned char *)0x8300;
+	unsigned char i;
+	unsigned char bnry;
+	unsigned char pageheader[4];
+	unsigned int rxlen;
+	// check for and handle an overflow
+	processRTL8019Interrupt();
+	// read CURR from page 1
+	writeRTL(CR,0x62);
+	i = readRTL(CURR);
+	// return to page 0
+	writeRTL(CR,0x22);
+	// read the boundary register - pointing to the beginning of the packet
+	bnry = readRTL(BNRY) ;
+	/*	debug_print(PSTR("bnry: "));
+		debug_print8(bnry);*/
+	/*	debug_print(PSTR("RXSTOP_INIT: "));
+	debug_print8(RXSTOP_INIT);
+	debug_print(PSTR("RXSTART_INIT: "));
+	debug_print8(RXSTART_INIT);*/
+	// return if there is no packet in the buffer
+	if( bnry == i ) {
+	  return 0;
+	}
+	// clear the packet received interrupt flag
+	writeRTL(ISR, (1<<ISR_PRX));
+	// the boundary pointer is invalid, reset the contents of the buffer and exit
+	if( (bnry >= RXSTOP_INIT) || (bnry < RXSTART_INIT) )
+	{
+		writeRTL(CR, 0x62);
+		writeRTL(CR, 0x22);
+		return 0;
+	}
+	// initiate DMA to transfer the RTL8019 packet header
+    writeRTL(RBCR0, 4);
+    writeRTL(RBCR1, 0);
+    writeRTL(RSAR0, 0);
+    writeRTL(RSAR1, bnry);
+    writeRTL(CR, 0x0A);
+    /*    	debug_print(PSTR("Page header: "));*/
+	for(i=0;i<4;i++) {
+	  pageheader[i] = readRTL(RDMAPORT);
+	  /*	  debug_print8(pageheader[i]);*/
+	}
+	// end the DMA operation
+    writeRTL(CR, 0x22);
+    for(i = 0; i <= 20; i++) {
+      if(readRTL(ISR) & 1<<6) {
+	break;
+      }
+    }
+    writeRTL(ISR, 1<<6);
+	rxlen = (pageheader[enetpacketLenH]<<8) + pageheader[enetpacketLenL];
+	nextPage = pageheader[nextblock_ptr] ;
+	currentRetreiveAddress = (bnry<<8) + 4;
+	/*	debug_print(PSTR("nextPage: "));
+		debug_print8(nextPage);*/
+	// if the nextPage pointer is invalid, the packet is not ready yet - exit
+	if( (nextPage >= RXSTOP_INIT) || (nextPage < RXSTART_INIT) ) {
+	  /*	  UDR0 = '0';*/
+	  return 0;
+	}
+    return rxlen-4;
+void RTL8019retreivePacketData(unsigned char * localBuffer, unsigned int length)
+	unsigned int i;
+	volatile unsigned char *base = (unsigned char *)0x8300;
+	// initiate DMA to transfer the data
+    writeRTL(RBCR0, (unsigned char)length);
+    writeRTL(RBCR1, (unsigned char)(length>>8));
+    writeRTL(RSAR0, (unsigned char)currentRetreiveAddress);
+    writeRTL(RSAR1, (unsigned char)(currentRetreiveAddress>>8));
+    writeRTL(CR, 0x0A);
+	for(i=0;i<length;i++)
+		localBuffer[i] = readRTL(RDMAPORT);
+	// end the DMA operation
+    writeRTL(CR, 0x22);
+    for(i = 0; i <= 20; i++)
+        if(readRTL(ISR) & 1<<6)
+            break;
+    writeRTL(ISR, 1<<6);
+    currentRetreiveAddress += length;
+    if( currentRetreiveAddress >= 0x6000 )
+    	currentRetreiveAddress = currentRetreiveAddress - (0x6000-0x4600) ;
+void RTL8019endPacketRetreive(void)
+  volatile unsigned char *base = (unsigned char *)0x8300;
+	unsigned char i;
+	// end the DMA operation
+    writeRTL(CR, 0x22);
+    for(i = 0; i <= 20; i++)
+        if(readRTL(ISR) & 1<<6)
+            break;
+    writeRTL(ISR, 1<<6);
+	// set the boundary register to point to the start of the next packet
+    writeRTL(BNRY, nextPage);
+void overrun(void)
+  volatile unsigned char *base = (unsigned char *)0x8300;
+	unsigned char data_L, resend;	
+	data_L = readRTL(CR);
+	writeRTL(CR, 0x21);
+	Delay_1ms(2);
+	writeRTL(RBCR0, 0x00);
+	writeRTL(RBCR1, 0x00);
+	if(!(data_L & 0x04))
+		resend = 0;
+	else if(data_L & 0x04)
+	{
+		data_L = readRTL(ISR);
+		if((data_L & 0x02) || (data_L & 0x08))
+	    	resend = 0;
+	    else
+	    	resend = 1;
+	}
+	writeRTL(TCR, 0x02);
+	writeRTL(CR, 0x22);
+	writeRTL(CR, 0x62);
+	writeRTL(CR, 0x22);
+	writeRTL(ISR, 0x10);
+	writeRTL(TCR, TCR_INIT);
+	writeRTL(ISR, 0xFF);
+ * \brief Size of a single ring buffer page.
+ */
+#define NIC_PAGE_SIZE   0x100
+ * \brief First ring buffer page address.
+ */
+#define NIC_START_PAGE  0x40
+ * \brief Last ring buffer page address plus 1.
+ */
+#define NIC_STOP_PAGE   0x60
+ * \brief Number of pages in a single transmit buffer.
+ *
+ * This should be at least the MTU size.
+ */
+#define NIC_TX_PAGES    6
+ * \brief Number of transmit buffers.
+ */
+#define NIC_TX_BUFFERS  2
+ * \brief Controller memory layout:
+ *
+ * 0x4000 - 0x4bff  3k bytes transmit buffer
+ * 0x4c00 - 0x5fff  5k bytes receive buffer
+ */
+ * \brief Standard sizing information
+ */
+#define TX_PAGES 12         /* Allow for 2 back-to-back frames */
+static unsigned char mac[6] = {0x00,0x06,0x98,0x01,0x02,0x26};
+void Delay(long nops)
+    volatile long i;
+    for(i = 0; i < nops; i++) 
+#ifdef __IMAGECRAFT__
+        asm("nop\n");
+        asm volatile("nop\n\t"::);
+static int NicReset(void)
+volatile unsigned char *base = (unsigned char *)0x8300;
+    unsigned char i;
+    unsigned char j;
+    for(j = 0; j < 20; j++) {
+        debug_print(PSTR("SW-Reset..."));
+        i = nic_read(NIC_RESET);
+        Delay(500);
+        nic_write(NIC_RESET, i);
+        for(i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
+            Delay(5000);
+            /*
+             * ID detection added for version 1.1 boards.
+             */
+            if((nic_read(NIC_PG0_ISR) & NIC_ISR_RST) != 0 &&
+               nic_read(NIC_PG0_RBCR0) == 0x50 && 
+               nic_read(NIC_PG0_RBCR1) == 0x70) {
+                debug_print(PSTR("OK\r\n"));
+                return 0;
+            }
+        }
+        debug_print(PSTR("failed\r\n\x07"));
+        /*
+         * Toggle the hardware reset line. Since Ethernut version 1.3 the 
+         * hardware reset pin of the nic is no longer connected to bit 4 
+         * on port E, but wired to the board reset line.
+         */
+        if(j == 10) {
+            debug_print(PSTR("Ethernut 1.1 HW-Reset\r\n"));
+            sbi(DDRE, 4);
+            sbi(PORTE, 4);
+            Delay(100000);
+            cbi(PORTE, 4);
+            Delay(250000);
+        }
+    }
+    return -1;
+void initRTL8019(void)
+  unsigned char i, rb;
+  volatile unsigned char *base = (unsigned char *)0x8300;
+  RTL8019setupPorts();
+  /*#define nic_write writeRTL
+    #define nic_read readRTL*/
+      /*
+     * Disable NIC interrupts.
+     */
+    cbi(EIMSK, INT5);
+    /*    if(NicReset(base))
+	  return -1;*/
+#if 0
+    /*
+     * Mask all interrupts and clear any interrupt status flag to set the 
+     * INT pin back to low.
+     */
+    nic_write(NIC_PG0_IMR, 0);
+    nic_write(NIC_PG0_ISR, 0xff);
+    /*
+     * During reset the nic loaded its initial configuration from an 
+     * external eeprom. On the ethernut board we do not have any 
+     * configuration eeprom, but simply tied the eeprom data line to 
+     * high level. So we have to clear some bits in the configuration 
+     * register. Switch to register page 3.
+     */
+    nic_write(NIC_CR, NIC_CR_STP | NIC_CR_RD2 | NIC_CR_PS0 | NIC_CR_PS1);
+    /*
+     * The nic configuration registers are write protected unless both 
+     * EEM bits are set to 1.
+     */
+    nic_write(NIC_PG3_EECR, NIC_EECR_EEM0 | NIC_EECR_EEM1);
+    /*
+     * Disable sleep and power down.
+     */
+    nic_write(NIC_PG3_CONFIG3, 0);
+    /*
+     * Network media had been set to 10Base2 by the virtual EEPROM and
+     * will be set now to auto detect. This will initiate a link test.
+     * We don't force 10BaseT, because this would disable the link test.
+     */
+    nic_write(NIC_PG3_CONFIG2, NIC_CONFIG2_BSELB);
+    /*
+     * Reenable write protection of the nic configuration registers
+     * and wait for link test to complete.
+     */
+    nic_write(NIC_PG3_EECR, 0);
+    /*    NutSleep(WAIT500);*/
+    Delay_10ms(50);
+    /*
+     * Switch to register page 0 and set data configuration register
+     * to byte-wide DMA transfers, normal operation (no loopback),
+     * send command not executed and 8 byte fifo threshold.
+     */
+    nic_write(NIC_CR, NIC_CR_STP | NIC_CR_RD2);
+    nic_write(NIC_PG0_DCR, NIC_DCR_LS | NIC_DCR_FT1);
+    /*
+     * Clear remote dma byte count register.
+     */
+    nic_write(NIC_PG0_RBCR0, 0);
+    nic_write(NIC_PG0_RBCR1, 0);
+    /*
+     * Temporarily set receiver to monitor mode and transmitter to 
+     * internal loopback mode. Incoming packets will not be stored 
+     * in the nic ring buffer and no data will be send to the network.
+     */
+    nic_write(NIC_PG0_RCR, NIC_RCR_MON);
+    nic_write(NIC_PG0_TCR, NIC_TCR_LB0);
+    /*
+     * Configure the nic's ring buffer page layout.
+     * NIC_PG0_BNRY: Last page read.
+     * NIC_PG0_PSTART: First page of receiver buffer.
+     * NIC_PG0_PSTOP: Last page of receiver buffer.
+     */
+    nic_write(NIC_PG0_TPSR, NIC_FIRST_TX_PAGE);
+    nic_write(NIC_PG0_BNRY, NIC_STOP_PAGE - 1);
+    nic_write(NIC_PG0_PSTART, NIC_FIRST_RX_PAGE);
+    nic_write(NIC_PG0_PSTOP, NIC_STOP_PAGE);
+    /*
+     * Once again clear interrupt status register.
+     */
+    nic_write(NIC_PG0_ISR, 0xff);
+    /*
+     * Switch to register page 1 and copy our MAC address into the nic. 
+     * We are still in stop mode.
+     */
+    nic_write(NIC_CR, NIC_CR_STP | NIC_CR_RD2 | NIC_CR_PS0);
+    for(i = 0; i < 6; i++)
+        nic_write(NIC_PG1_PAR0 + i, mac[i]);
+    /*
+     * Clear multicast filter bits to disable all packets.
+     */
+    for(i = 0; i < 8; i++)
+        nic_write(NIC_PG1_MAR0 + i, 0);
+    /*
+     * Set current page pointer to one page after the boundary pointer.
+     */
+    nic_write(NIC_PG1_CURR, NIC_START_PAGE + TX_PAGES);
+    /*
+     * Switch back to register page 0, remaining in stop mode.
+     */
+    nic_write(NIC_CR, NIC_CR_STP | NIC_CR_RD2);
+    /*
+     * Take receiver out of monitor mode and enable it for accepting 
+     * broadcasts.
+     */
+    nic_write(NIC_PG0_RCR, NIC_RCR_AB);
+    /*
+     * Clear all interrupt status flags and enable interrupts.
+     */
+    nic_write(NIC_PG0_ISR, 0xff);
+                           NIC_IMR_TXEE | NIC_IMR_OVWE);
+    /*
+     * Fire up the nic by clearing the stop bit and setting the start bit. 
+     * To activate the local receive dma we must also take the nic out of
+     * the local loopback mode.
+     */
+    nic_write(NIC_CR, NIC_CR_STA | NIC_CR_RD2);
+    nic_write(NIC_PG0_TCR, 0);
+    /*    NutSleep(WAIT500);*/
+    Delay_10ms(50);
+#endif /* 0 */
+    NicReset();
+    debug_print(PSTR("Init controller..."));
+    nic_write(NIC_PG0_IMR, 0);
+    nic_write(NIC_PG0_ISR, 0xff);
+    nic_write(NIC_CR, NIC_CR_STP | NIC_CR_RD2 | NIC_CR_PS0 | NIC_CR_PS1);
+    nic_write(NIC_PG3_EECR, NIC_EECR_EEM0 | NIC_EECR_EEM1);
+    nic_write(NIC_PG3_CONFIG3, 0);
+    nic_write(NIC_PG3_CONFIG2, NIC_CONFIG2_BSELB);
+    nic_write(NIC_PG3_EECR, 0);
+    /*    Delay(50000);*/
+    Delay_10ms(200);
+    nic_write(NIC_CR, NIC_CR_STP | NIC_CR_RD2);
+    nic_write(NIC_PG0_DCR, NIC_DCR_LS | NIC_DCR_FT1);
+    nic_write(NIC_PG0_RBCR0, 0);
+    nic_write(NIC_PG0_RBCR1, 0);
+    nic_write(NIC_PG0_RCR, NIC_RCR_MON);
+    nic_write(NIC_PG0_TCR, NIC_TCR_LB0);
+    nic_write(NIC_PG0_TPSR, NIC_FIRST_TX_PAGE);
+    nic_write(NIC_PG0_BNRY, NIC_STOP_PAGE - 1);
+    nic_write(NIC_PG0_PSTART, NIC_FIRST_RX_PAGE);
+    nic_write(NIC_PG0_PSTOP, NIC_STOP_PAGE);
+    nic_write(NIC_PG0_ISR, 0xff);
+    nic_write(NIC_CR, NIC_CR_STP | NIC_CR_RD2 | NIC_CR_PS0);
+    for(i = 0; i < 6; i++)
+        nic_write(NIC_PG1_PAR0 + i, mac[i]);
+    for(i = 0; i < 8; i++)
+        nic_write(NIC_PG1_MAR0 + i, 0);
+    nic_write(NIC_PG1_CURR, NIC_START_PAGE + TX_PAGES);
+    nic_write(NIC_CR, NIC_CR_STP | NIC_CR_RD2);
+    nic_write(NIC_PG0_RCR, NIC_RCR_AB);
+    nic_write(NIC_PG0_ISR, 0xff);
+    nic_write(NIC_PG0_IMR, 0);
+    nic_write(NIC_CR, NIC_CR_STA | NIC_CR_RD2);
+    nic_write(NIC_PG0_TCR, 0);
+    /*    Delay(1000000)*/
+    Delay_10ms(200);
+        nic_write(NIC_CR, NIC_CR_STA | NIC_CR_RD2 | NIC_CR_PS0 | NIC_CR_PS1);
+    rb = nic_read(NIC_PG3_CONFIG0);
+    debug_print8(rb);
+    switch(rb & 0xC0) {
+    case 0x00:
+        debug_print(PSTR("RTL8019AS "));
+        if(rb & 0x08)
+            debug_print(PSTR("jumper mode: "));
+        if(rb & 0x20)
+            debug_print(PSTR("AUI "));
+        if(rb & 0x10)
+            debug_print(PSTR("PNP "));
+        break;
+    case 0xC0:
+        debug_print(PSTR("RTL8019 "));
+        if(rb & 0x08)
+            debug_print(PSTR("jumper mode: "));
+        break;
+    default:
+        debug_print(PSTR("Unknown chip "));
+	debug_print8(rb);
+        break;
+    }
+    if(rb & 0x04)
+        debug_print(PSTR("BNC\x07 "));
+    if(rb & 0x03)
+        debug_print(PSTR("Failed\x07 "));
+    /*    rb = nic_read(NIC_PG3_CONFIG1);
+	  debug_print8(rb);*/
+    /*    NutPrintFormat(0, "IRQ%u ", (rb >> 4) & 7);*/
+    /*    debug_print("IRQ ");
+	  debug_print8((rb >> 4) & 7);*/
+    rb = nic_read(NIC_PG3_CONFIG2);
+    debug_print8(rb);
+    switch(rb & 0xC0) {
+    case 0x00:
+        debug_print(PSTR("Auto "));
+        break;
+    case 0x40:
+        debug_print(PSTR("10BaseT "));
+        break;
+    case 0x80:
+        debug_print(PSTR("10Base5 "));
+        break;
+    case 0xC0:
+        debug_print(PSTR("10Base2 "));
+        break;
+    }
+    return;
+  /*  HARD_RESET_RTL8019();*/
+  // do soft reset
+  writeRTL( ISR, readRTL(ISR) ) ;
+  Delay_10ms(5);
+  writeRTL(CR,0x21);       // stop the NIC, abort DMA, page 0
+  Delay_1ms(2);               // make sure nothing is coming in or going out
+  writeRTL(DCR, DCR_INIT);    // 0x58
+  writeRTL(RBCR0,0x00);
+  writeRTL(RBCR1,0x00);
+  writeRTL(RCR,0x04);
+  writeRTL(TCR,0x02);
+  writeRTL(CR, 0x61);
+  Delay_1ms(2);
+  writeRTL(PAR0+0, MYMAC_0);
+  writeRTL(PAR0+1, MYMAC_1);
+  writeRTL(PAR0+2, MYMAC_2);
+  writeRTL(PAR0+3, MYMAC_3);
+  writeRTL(PAR0+4, MYMAC_4);
+  writeRTL(PAR0+5, MYMAC_5);
+  writeRTL(CR,0x21);
+  writeRTL(DCR, DCR_INIT);
+  writeRTL(CR,0x22);
+  writeRTL(ISR,0xFF);
+  writeRTL(IMR, IMR_INIT);
+  writeRTL(TCR, TCR_INIT);
+  writeRTL(CR, 0x22);	// start the NIC
+void processRTL8019Interrupt(void)
+  volatile unsigned char *base = (unsigned char *)0x8300;
+  unsigned char byte = readRTL(ISR);
+  if( byte & (1<<ISR_OVW) )
+    overrun();
+  unsigned char RTL8019ReceiveEmpty(void)
+  {
+  unsigned char temp;
+  // read CURR from page 1
+  writeRTL(CR,0x62);
+  temp = readRTL(CURR);
+  // return to page 0
+  writeRTL(CR,0x22);
+  return ( readRTL(BNRY) == temp );
+  }*/