Added a command line argument to the apple2enh target.

One command line argument is accpeted which is the name of the application to be started initially - basically instead of 'welcome.prg'. The directory part is removed because application can only be loaded from the Contiki directory.

The intended usecase is selecting a Contiki *.prg file in the Apple GS/OS Finder with an Icon File in place for *.prg files which contains in the 'boss' section a reference to my ProDOS binary file loader. The loader supports the ProDOS startup file protocol used by the ProDOS launcher of GS/OS and emulates a BASIC REM command line understood by the cc65 C-Library command line handler.
2 files changed
tree: abcf75cb2e11464ad45218ac6c9750708125c1e6
  1. contiki-apple2/