Make CPC version run from ROM

This frees up an extra 11K of RAM for apps.

It is still slightly broken: glitches during start of the ROM, and the
desktop icons are somehow missing. I don't know why yet...
diff --git a/contiki-cpc/arch/clock.s b/contiki-cpc/arch/clock.s
index f74781e..9fb834f 100644
--- a/contiki-cpc/arch/clock.s
+++ b/contiki-cpc/arch/clock.s
@@ -1,29 +1,10 @@
 	.module clock
-	.area GSINIT
-	call __clock_init
-	.globl __clock_val
-	.globl __clock_init
+	.globl _clock_time
 	.area _CODE
-	ld hl,#event_block
-	ld b,#0x01
-	ld c,#0x00
-	ld de,#event_routine
-	call #0xbce0		;; KL NEW FAST TICKER
+	call #0xBD0D		;; KL TIME PLEASE
+	ex DE,HL
-	push hl
-	ld hl,(__clock_val)
-	inc hl
-	ld (__clock_val),hl
-	pop hl
-	ret
-__clock_val:: .dw 0
-	.ds 9