Make CPC version run from ROM

This frees up an extra 11K of RAM for apps.

It is still slightly broken: glitches during start of the ROM, and the
desktop icons are somehow missing. I don't know why yet...
diff --git a/contiki-cpc/arch/crt0.s b/contiki-cpc/arch/crt0.s
index da8bf56..325ef30 100644
--- a/contiki-cpc/arch/crt0.s
+++ b/contiki-cpc/arch/crt0.s
@@ -7,43 +7,44 @@
     .module crt0
 	.globl	_main
 	.globl _progend
-	.area	_HEADER (ABS)
 	;; Ordering of segments for the linker.
-	.area	_CODE
-; This is the program entry point. Execution starts here
-;; Initialise global variables, clear BSS areas, initialize AMSDOS and setup heap.
-    call    gsinit
-; Enter the C main.
-	call	_main
-	rst #0
-	.area _HOME
-	.area _CODE
+	; Things that go in RAM
 	.area _DATA
-	.area _BSEG
-	.area _BSS (REL)
-    .area _HEAP (REL)
+	.area _BSS
+    .area _HEAP
-	; We put the initializers for initialized data in the memory that will later
-	; be used for the heap. The gsinit copies it back to the CODE area above.
-	; Then, we can overwrite the now unused initializers with the heap.
-	; In the case of software actually running from ROM, the initializer section
-	; would be in ROM, and GSINIT would copy it to RAM. Of course in that case,
-	; The initializer space can't be reclaimed for the heap...
-	.area   _GSINIT (REL)
-    .area   _GSFINAL (REL)
-; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-	.area _GSINIT (REL)
+	;; Things that go in ROM
+	.area _HOME
+	.area	_CODE (REL,CON)
+	.area   _GSINIT (REL,CON)
+    .area   _GSFINAL (REL,CON)
+	.area	_CODE (REL,CON)
+	.db #1  ; Background ROM
+	.db #1  ; Version 1.4
+	.db #4
+	.db #0
+	.dw rsx_table
+	jp do_nothing
+	jp init
+	.db 'K' + #0x80
+	.ascii "CONTIK"
+	.db 'I' + #0x80
+	.db #0
+; This is the program entry point. Execution starts here
+;; Initialise global variables, clear BSS areas, initialize AMSDOS and setup heap.
 	ld	bc, #l__INITIALIZER
 	ld	a, b
 	or	a, c
@@ -56,7 +57,7 @@
 	ld hl,#s__DATA
 	ld (hl),#0
 	ld de,#s__DATA + #1
-	ld bc,#l__DATA
+	ld bc,#s__DATA + #0x200
 ; Initialize disk ROM
@@ -65,6 +66,18 @@
 	ld c,#7
 	call 0xbcce
-	.area   _GSFINAL
-	; After the ROMs are initialized, initialize the heap.
-	 jp __sdcc_heap_init
+	; Init the heap. Do it after the disk ROM is ready, because that may change HIMEM
+	call __sdcc_heap_init
+; Enter the C main.
+	jp	_main
+	LD A, #'K'
+	CALL #0xBB5A
+	scf
+	ret
+	rst #0
+; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------