Initial revision
diff --git a/contiki-cpc/readme.txt b/contiki-cpc/readme.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2fc791a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contiki-cpc/readme.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+What I did to make contiki for CPC:
+1. I took the contiki sources and made it compile with gcc on linux.
+2. Next I made it compile with sdcc
+3. Next I added cpc version of some files.
+4. Then I prayed.
+About contiki:
+contiki is both the initial program to run to start the operating system 
+AND contains a library of functions to use by the other programs. 
+Compile contiki executable to generate the executable and to generate a 
+list of symbols.
+These symbols are used to compile the other programs. When they are run 
+they will automatically call the appropiate functions.
+This is not as good as referencing a fixed location jumptable, because 
+each utility has to be recompiled if the contiki executable is recompiled 