Import relevant files from BeDC 1.0
diff --git a/BeDC.h b/BeDC.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6f8678f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/BeDC.h
@@ -0,0 +1,195 @@
+// BeDC.h                                                               //
+// The header file to use with BeDC                                     //
+//                                                                      //
+// Written By: Magnus Landahl                                           //
+// E-Mail:                                    //
+//                                                                      //
+// Copyright © Magnus Landahl - Stockholm 2000                          //
+#ifndef	_BE_DC_H_
+#define _BE_DC_H_
+//Messages types
+#define DC_MESSAGE		 						 0
+#define	DC_SUCCESS		 			DC_MESSAGE + 1
+#define DC_ERROR		 			DC_MESSAGE + 2
+#define DC_CLEAR					DC_MESSAGE + 4
+//Color defines
+#define DEF_COLOR								 0
+#define DC_WHITE					 DEF_COLOR + 1
+#define DC_BLACK					 DEF_COLOR + 2
+#define DC_BLUE						 DEF_COLOR + 3
+#define DC_RED						 DEF_COLOR + 4
+#define DC_YELLOW					 DEF_COLOR + 5
+#define DC_GREEN					 DEF_COLOR + 6
+#define BEDC_MESSAGE						'bedc'
+#define BEDC_MAIN_TYPE						 	 0
+#define BEDC_VER							 "1.0" 
+#include <TypeConstants.h>
+#include <SupportDefs.h>
+#include <Messenger.h>
+#include <Message.h>
+#include <String.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <Point.h>
+#include <Rect.h>
+class BeDC
+	////////////////////////////////////////////////
+	//               Public Procedures
+	public:
+		BeDC(const char *c_name = "Application", int8 color = DEF_COLOR){
+			name = strdup(c_name);
+			s_color = color;
+		}
+		~BeDC(){
+			delete name;
+		}
+		//Send a message
+		void SendMessage(char *text, int8 type = DC_MESSAGE){
+			BMessage message(BEDC_MESSAGE);
+			message.AddString(	"bedc_name", 	name);
+			message.AddInt8(	"bedc_type", 	type);
+			message.AddString(	"bedc_text", 	text);
+			message.AddInt8(	"bedc_color",	s_color);
+			message.AddString(	"bedc_ver",		BEDC_VER);
+			message.AddInt8(	"bedc_main_type", BEDC_PLAIN_MESSAGE);
+			SendMessageToApp(&message);
+		}
+		//---------------
+		//Send a format string - parameters
+		void SendFormat(const char *text, ...){ 
+			char buffer[1024]; 
+			va_list args; 
+			va_start(args, text); 
+			vsprintf(buffer, text, args); 
+			va_end(args); 
+			SendMessage(buffer, DC_MESSAGE);       
+		} 
+		void SendFormatT(const char *text, int8 type, ...){ 
+			char buffer[1024]; 
+			va_list args; 
+			va_start(args, type); 
+			vsprintf(buffer, text, args); 
+			va_end(args); 
+			SendMessage(buffer, type); 
+		} 
+		//---------------
+		//Dump a BMessage
+		void DumpBMessage(BMessage *Message, const char *desc = "", int8 type = DC_MESSAGE){
+			Message->AddInt32(	"bedc_what", Message->what);
+			Message->AddInt8(	"bedc_main_type", BEDC_BMESSAGE);
+			Message->AddInt8(	"bedc_type", type);
+			Message->AddString(	"bedc_name", name);
+			Message->AddString(	"bedc_desc", desc);
+			Message->AddInt8(	"bedc_color",s_color);
+			Message->AddString(	"bedc_ver",	 BEDC_VER);
+			Message->what = BEDC_MESSAGE;
+			SendMessageToApp(Message);	
+		}
+		//---------------				
+		//Send a separator (Add a separator)
+		void AddSeparator(){
+			SendMessage("Separator", DC_SEPARATOR);
+		}
+		//---------------
+		//Send a clear message (Clear the window that is online)
+		void Clear(){
+			SendMessage("Clear", DC_CLEAR);
+		}
+		//---------------
+		//Send an Int32
+		void SendInt(	int32 integer, const char *desc = NULL, int8 type = DC_MESSAGE){
+			str.SetTo("");
+			if (desc != NULL) 	str <<  desc; 	else
+								str << "Integer: ";
+			str << integer;
+			SendMessage((char *)str.String(),type); 
+		}
+		//---------------
+		//Send an Int64
+		void SendInt(	int64 integer, const char *desc = NULL, int8 type = DC_MESSAGE){
+			str.SetTo("");
+			if (desc != NULL) 	str <<  desc; 	else
+								str << "Integer: ";
+			str << integer;
+			SendMessage((char *)str.String(),type); 
+		}
+		//---------------
+		//Send a BPoint
+		void SendPoint(	BPoint point, const char *desc = NULL, int8 type = DC_MESSAGE){
+			str.SetTo("");
+			if (desc != NULL) 	str <<  desc; 	else
+								str << "Point: ";
+			str << "X = " << point.x  << " Y = " << point.y;
+			SendMessage((char *)str.String(),type); 
+		}
+		//---------------
+		//Send a BRect
+		void SendRect(	BRect rect, const char *desc = NULL, int8 type = DC_MESSAGE){
+			str.SetTo("");
+			if (desc != NULL) 	str <<  desc; 	else
+								str << "Rectangle: ";
+			str << "Left = " << rect.left  << " Top = " <<
+				<< " Right = " << rect.right << " Bottom = " << rect.bottom;
+			SendMessage((char *)str.String(),type); 	
+		}
+		//---------------
+		////////////////////////////////////////////
+		//               Private Data
+	private:
+		char *name;
+		int8 s_color;
+		BString str;
+		void SendMessageToApp(BMessage *Msg){
+			BMessenger messenger("application/");
+			if (messenger.IsValid()) messenger.SendMessage(Msg);
+		}	