Import VBCC source snapshot (29/04/2022)
diff --git a/machines/generic/machine.c b/machines/generic/machine.c
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..f7b86ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/machines/generic/machine.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1166 @@
+/*  Example backend for vbcc, it models a generic 32bit RISC or CISC
+    CPU.
+    Configurable at build-time are:
+    - number of (32bit) general-purpose-registers
+    - number of (64bit) floating-point-registers
+    - number of (8bit) condition-code-registers
+    - mechanism for stack-arguments (moving ot fixed sp)
+    It allows to select as run-time-options:
+    - two- or three-address code
+    - memory operands or load-store-architecture
+    - number of register-arguments
+    - number of caller-save-registers
+#include "supp.h"
+static char FILE_[]=__FILE__;
+/*  Public data that MUST be there.                             */
+/* Name and copyright. */
+char cg_copyright[]="vbcc generic code-generator V0.1b (c) in 2001 by Volker Barthelmann";
+/*  Commandline-flags the code-generator accepts:
+    0: just a flag
+    VALFLAG: a value must be specified
+    STRINGFLAG: a string can be specified
+    FUNCFLAG: a function will be called
+    apart from FUNCFLAG, all other versions can only be specified once */
+int g_flags[MAXGF]={0,0,
+		    0,0,
+/* the flag-name, do not use names beginning with l, L, I, D or U, because
+   they collide with the frontend */
+char *g_flags_name[MAXGF]={"three-addr","load-store",
+			   "volatile-gprs","volatile-fprs","volatile-ccrs",
+			   "imm-ind","gpr-ind",
+			   "gpr-args","fpr-args","use-commons"};
+/* the results of parsing the command-line-flags will be stored here */
+union ppi g_flags_val[MAXGF];
+/*  Alignment-requirements for all types in bytes.              */
+zmax align[MAX_TYPE+1];
+/*  Alignment that is sufficient for every object.              */
+zmax maxalign;
+/*  CHAR_BIT for the target machine.                            */
+zmax char_bit;
+/*  sizes of the basic types (in bytes) */
+zmax sizetab[MAX_TYPE+1];
+/*  Minimum and Maximum values each type can have.              */
+/*  Must be initialized in init_cg().                           */
+zmax t_min[MAX_TYPE+1];
+zumax t_max[MAX_TYPE+1];
+zumax tu_max[MAX_TYPE+1];
+/*  Names of all registers. will be initialized in init_cg(),
+    register number 0 is invalid, valid registers start at 1 */
+char *regnames[MAXR+1];
+/*  The Size of each register in bytes.                         */
+zmax regsize[MAXR+1];
+/*  a type which can store each register. */
+struct Typ *regtype[MAXR+1];
+/*  regsa[reg]!=0 if a certain register is allocated and should */
+/*  not be used by the compiler pass.                           */
+int regsa[MAXR+1];
+/*  Specifies which registers may be scratched by functions.    */
+int regscratch[MAXR+1];
+/* specifies the priority for the register-allocator, if the same
+   estimated cost-saving can be obtained by several registers, the
+   one with the highest priority will be used */
+int reg_prio[MAXR+1];
+/* an empty reg-handle representing initial state */
+struct reg_handle empty_reg_handle={0,0};
+/* Names of target-specific variable attributes.                */
+char *g_attr_name[]={"__interrupt",0};
+/*  Private data and functions.         */
+#define THREE_ADDR (g_flags[0]&USEDFLAG)
+#define LOAD_STORE (g_flags[1]&USEDFLAG)
+#define VOL_GPRS   ((g_flags[2]&USEDFLAG)?g_flags_val[2].l:NUM_GPRS/2)
+#define VOL_FPRS   ((g_flags[3]&USEDFLAG)?g_flags_val[3].l:NUM_FPRS/2)
+#define VOL_CCRS   ((g_flags[4]&USEDFLAG)?g_flags_val[4].l:NUM_CCRS/2)
+#define IMM_IND    ((g_flags[5]&USEDFLAG)?1:0)
+#define GPR_IND    ((g_flags[6]&USEDFLAG)?2:0)
+#define GPR_ARGS   ((g_flags[7]&USEDFLAG)?g_flags_val[7].l:0)
+#define FPR_ARGS   ((g_flags[8]&USEDFLAG)?g_flags_val[8].l:0)
+#define USE_COMMONS (g_flags[9]&USEDFLAG)
+/* alignment of basic data-types, used to initialize align[] */
+static long malign[MAX_TYPE+1]=  {1,1,2,4,4,4,4,8,8,1,4,1,1,1,4,1};
+/* sizes of basic data-types, used to initialize sizetab[] */
+static long msizetab[MAX_TYPE+1]={1,1,2,4,4,8,4,8,8,0,4,0,0,0,4,0};
+/* used to initialize regtyp[] */
+static struct Typ ltyp={LONG},ldbl={DOUBLE},lchar={CHAR};
+/* macros defined by the backend */
+static char *marray[]={"__section(x)=__vattr(\"section(\"#x\")\")",
+		       "__GENERIC__",
+		       0};
+/* special registers */
+static int sp;                     /*  Stackpointer                        */
+static int t1,t2,t3;               /*  temporary gprs */
+static int f1,f2,f3;               /*  temporary fprs */
+#define dt(t) (((t)&UNSIGNED)?udt[(t)&NQ]:sdt[(t)&NQ])
+static char *sdt[MAX_TYPE+1]={"??","c","s","i","l","ll","f","d","ld","v","p"};
+static char *udt[MAX_TYPE+1]={"??","uc","us","ui","ul","ull","f","d","ld","v","p"};
+/* sections */
+#define DATA 0
+#define BSS 1
+#define CODE 2
+#define RODATA 3
+#define SPECIAL 4
+static long stack;
+static int stack_valid;
+static int section=-1,newobj;
+static char *codename="\t.text\n",
+  *dataname="\\n",
+  *bssname="",
+  *rodataname="\t.section\t.rodata\n";
+/* return-instruction */
+static char *ret;
+/* label at the end of the function (if any) */
+static int exit_label;
+/* assembly-prefixes for labels and external identifiers */
+static char *labprefix="l",*idprefix="_";
+/* variables to calculate the size and partitioning of the stack-frame
+   in the case of FIXED_SP */
+static long frameoffset,pushed,maxpushed,framesize;
+/* variables to keep track of the current stack-offset in the case of
+   a moving stack-pointer */
+static long notpopped,dontpop,stackoffset,maxpushed;
+static long localsize,rsavesize,argsize;
+static void emit_obj(FILE *f,struct obj *p,int t);
+/* calculate the actual current offset of an object relativ to the
+   stack-pointer; we use a layout like this:
+   ------------------------------------------------
+   | arguments to this function                   |
+   ------------------------------------------------
+   | return-address [size=4]                      |
+   ------------------------------------------------
+   | caller-save registers [size=rsavesize]       |
+   ------------------------------------------------
+   | local variables [size=localsize]             |
+   ------------------------------------------------
+   | arguments to called functions [size=argsize] |
+   ------------------------------------------------
+   All sizes will be aligned as necessary.
+   In the case of FIXED_SP, the stack-pointer will be adjusted at
+   function-entry to leave enough space for the arguments and have it
+   aligned to 16 bytes. Therefore, when calling a function, the
+   stack-pointer is always aligned to 16 bytes.
+   For a moving stack-pointer, the stack-pointer will usually point
+   to the bottom of the area for local variables, but will move while
+   arguments are put on the stack.
+   This is just an example layout. Other layouts are also possible.
+static long real_offset(struct obj *o)
+  long off=zm2l(o->v->offset);
+  if(off<0){
+    /* function parameter */
+    off=localsize+rsavesize+4-off-zm2l(maxalign);
+  }
+  off+=argsize;
+  off+=stackoffset;
+  off+=zm2l(o->val.vmax);
+  return off;
+/*  Initializes an addressing-mode structure and returns a pointer to
+    that object. Will not survive a second call! */
+static struct obj *cam(int flags,int base,long offset)
+  static struct obj obj;
+  static struct AddressingMode am;
+  am.flags=flags;
+  am.base=base;
+  am.offset=offset;
+  return &obj;
+/* changes to a special section, used for __section() */
+static int special_section(FILE *f,struct Var *v)
+  char *sec;
+  if(!v->vattr) return 0;
+  sec=strstr(v->vattr,"section(");
+  if(!sec) return 0;
+  sec+=strlen("section(");
+  emit(f,"\t.section\t");
+  while(*sec&&*sec!=')') emit_char(f,*sec++);
+  emit(f,"\n");
+  if(f) section=SPECIAL;
+  return 1;
+/* generate code to load the address of a variable into register r */
+static void load_address(FILE *f,int r,struct obj *o,int type)
+/*  Generates code to load the address of a variable into register r.   */
+  if(!(o->flags&VAR)) ierror(0);
+  if(o->v->storage_class==AUTO||o->v->storage_class==REGISTER){
+    long off=real_offset(o);
+    if(THREE_ADDR){
+      emit(f,"\tadd.%s\t%s,%s,%ld\n",dt(POINTER),regnames[r],regnames[sp],off);
+    }else{
+      emit(f,"\tmov.%s\t%s,%s\n",dt(POINTER),regnames[r],regnames[sp]);
+      if(off)
+	emit(f,"\tadd.%s\t%s,%ld\n",dt(POINTER),regnames[r],off);
+    }
+  }else{
+    emit(f,"\tmov.%s\t%s,",dt(POINTER),regnames[r]);
+    emit_obj(f,o,type);
+    emit(f,"\n");
+  }
+/* Generates code to load a memory object into register r. tmp is a
+   general purpose register which may be used. tmp can be r. */
+static void load_reg(FILE *f,int r,struct obj *o,int type)
+  type&=NU;
+  if(o->flags&VARADR){
+    load_address(f,r,o,POINTER);
+  }else{
+    if((o->flags&(REG|DREFOBJ))==REG&&o->reg==r)
+      return;
+    emit(f,"\tmov.%s\t%s,",dt(type),regnames[r]);
+    emit_obj(f,o,type);
+    emit(f,"\n");
+  }
+/*  Generates code to store register r into memory object o. */
+static void store_reg(FILE *f,int r,struct obj *o,int type)
+  type&=NQ;
+  emit(f,"\tmov.%s\t",dt(type));
+  emit_obj(f,o,type);
+  emit(f,",%s\n",regnames[r]);
+/*  Yields log2(x)+1 or 0. */
+static long pof2(zumax x)
+  zumax p;int ln=1;
+  p=ul2zum(1L);
+  while(ln<=32&&zumleq(p,x)){
+    if(zumeqto(x,p)) return ln;
+    ln++;p=zumadd(p,p);
+  }
+  return 0;
+static struct IC *preload(FILE *,struct IC *);
+static void function_top(FILE *,struct Var *,long);
+static void function_bottom(FILE *f,struct Var *,long);
+#define isreg(x) ((p->x.flags&(REG|DREFOBJ))==REG)
+#define isconst(x) ((p->x.flags&(KONST|DREFOBJ))==KONST)
+static int q1reg,q2reg,zreg;
+static char *ccs[]={"eq","ne","lt","ge","le","gt",""};
+static char *logicals[]={"or","xor","and"};
+static char *arithmetics[]={"slw","srw","add","sub","mullw","divw","mod"};
+/* compare if two objects are the same */
+static int compare_objects(struct obj *o1,struct obj *o2)
+  if((o1->flags&(REG|DREFOBJ))==REG&&(o2->flags&(REG|DREFOBJ))==REG&&o1->reg==o2->reg)
+    return 1;
+  if(o1->flags==o2->flags&&o1->am==o2->am){
+    if(!(o1->flags&VAR)||(o1->v==o2->v&&zmeqto(o1->val.vmax,o2->val.vmax))){
+      if(!(o1->flags&REG)||o1->reg==o2->reg){
+        return 1;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  return 0;
+/* Does some pre-processing like fetching operands from memory to
+   registers etc. */
+static struct IC *preload(FILE *f,struct IC *p)
+  int r;
+  if(isreg(q1))
+    q1reg=p->q1.reg;
+  else
+    q1reg=0;
+  if(isreg(q2))
+    q2reg=p->q2.reg;
+  else
+    q2reg=0;
+  if(isreg(z)&&(THREE_ADDR||!compare_objects(&p->q2,&p->z))){
+    zreg=p->z.reg;
+  }else{
+    if(ISFLOAT(ztyp(p)))
+      zreg=f1;
+    else
+      zreg=t1;
+  }
+  if((p->q1.flags&(DREFOBJ|REG))==DREFOBJ&&!p->{
+    p->q1.flags&=~DREFOBJ;
+    load_reg(f,t1,&p->q1,q1typ(p));
+    p->q1.reg=t1;
+    p->q1.flags|=(REG|DREFOBJ);
+  }
+  if(p->q1.flags&&LOAD_STORE&&!isreg(q1)){
+    if(p->code==ASSIGN&&isreg(z))
+      q1reg=p->z.reg;
+    else if(ISFLOAT(q1typ(p)))
+      q1reg=f1;
+    else
+      q1reg=t1;
+    load_reg(f,q1reg,&p->q1,q1typ(p));
+    p->q1.reg=q1reg;
+    p->q1.flags=REG;
+  }
+  if((p->q2.flags&(DREFOBJ|REG))==DREFOBJ&&!p->{
+    p->q2.flags&=~DREFOBJ;
+    load_reg(f,t1,&p->q2,q2typ(p));
+    p->q2.reg=t1;
+    p->q2.flags|=(REG|DREFOBJ);
+  }
+  if(p->q2.flags&&LOAD_STORE&&!isreg(q2)){
+    if(ISFLOAT(q2typ(p)))
+      q2reg=f2;
+    else
+      q2reg=t2;
+    load_reg(f,q2reg,&p->q2,q2typ(p));
+    p->q2.reg=q2reg;
+    p->q2.flags=REG;
+  }
+  return p;
+/* save the result (in zreg) into p->z */
+void save_result(FILE *f,struct IC *p)
+  if((p->z.flags&(REG|DREFOBJ))==DREFOBJ&&!p->{
+    p->z.flags&=~DREFOBJ;
+    load_reg(f,t2,&p->z,POINTER);
+    p->z.reg=t2;
+    p->z.flags|=(REG|DREFOBJ);
+  }
+  if(isreg(z)){
+    if(p->z.reg!=zreg)
+      emit(f,"\tmov.%s\t%s,%s\n",dt(ztyp(p)),regnames[p->z.reg],regnames[zreg]);
+  }else{
+    store_reg(f,zreg,&p->z,ztyp(p));
+  }
+/* prints an object */
+static void emit_obj(FILE *f,struct obj *p,int t)
+  if(p->am){
+    if(p->am->flags&GPR_IND) emit(f,"(%s,%s)",regnames[p->am->offset],regnames[p->am->base]);
+    if(p->am->flags&IMM_IND) emit(f,"(%ld,%s)",p->am->offset,regnames[p->am->base]);
+    return;
+  }
+  if((p->flags&(KONST|DREFOBJ))==(KONST|DREFOBJ)){
+    emitval(f,&p->val,p->dtyp&NU);
+    return;
+  }
+  if(p->flags&DREFOBJ) emit(f,"(");
+  if(p->flags&REG){
+    emit(f,"%s",regnames[p->reg]);
+  }else if(p->flags&VAR) {
+    if(p->v->storage_class==AUTO||p->v->storage_class==REGISTER)
+      emit(f,"%ld(%s)",real_offset(p),regnames[sp]);
+    else{
+      if(!zmeqto(l2zm(0L),p->val.vmax)){emitval(f,&p->val,LONG);emit(f,"+");}
+      if(p->v->storage_class==STATIC){
+        emit(f,"%s%ld",labprefix,zm2l(p->v->offset));
+      }else{
+        emit(f,"%s%s",idprefix,p->v->identifier);
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  if(p->flags&KONST){
+    emitval(f,&p->val,t&NU);
+  }
+  if(p->flags&DREFOBJ) emit(f,")");
+/*  Test if there is a sequence of FREEREGs containing FREEREG reg.
+    Used by peephole. */
+static int exists_freereg(struct IC *p,int reg)
+  while(p&&(p->code==FREEREG||p->code==ALLOCREG)){
+    if(p->code==FREEREG&&p->q1.reg==reg) return 1;
+    p=p->next;
+  }
+  return 0;
+/* search for possible addressing-modes */
+static void peephole(struct IC *p)
+  int c,c2,r;struct IC *p2;struct AddressingMode *am;
+  for(;p;p=p->next){
+    c=p->code;
+    if(c!=FREEREG&&c!=ALLOCREG&&(c!=SETRETURN||!isreg(q1)||p->q1.reg!=p->z.reg)) exit_label=0;
+    if(c==LABEL) exit_label=p->typf;
+    /* Try const(reg) */
+    if(IMM_IND&&(c==ADDI2P||c==SUBIFP)&&isreg(z)&&(p->q2.flags&(KONST|DREFOBJ))==KONST){
+      int base;zmax of;struct obj *o;
+      eval_const(&p->q2.val,p->typf);
+      if(c==SUBIFP) of=zmsub(l2zm(0L),vmax); else of=vmax;
+      if(1/*zmleq(l2zm(-32768L),vmax)&&zmleq(vmax,l2zm(32767L))*/){
+	r=p->z.reg;
+	if(isreg(q1)) base=p->q1.reg; else base=r;
+	o=0;
+	for(p2=p->next;p2;p2=p2->next){
+	  c2=p2->code;
+	  if(c2==CALL||c2==LABEL||(c2>=BEQ&&c2<=BRA)) break;
+	  if(c2!=FREEREG&&(p2->q1.flags&(REG|DREFOBJ))==REG&&p2->q1.reg==r) break;
+	  if(c2!=FREEREG&&(p2->q2.flags&(REG|DREFOBJ))==REG&&p2->q2.reg==r) break;
+	  if(c2!=CALL&&(c2<LABEL||c2>BRA)/*&&c2!=ADDRESS*/){
+	    if(!p2->>q1.flags&(REG|DREFOBJ))==(REG|DREFOBJ)&&p2->q1.reg==r){
+	      if(o) break;
+	      o=&p2->q1;
+	    }
+	    if(!p2->>q2.flags&(REG|DREFOBJ))==(REG|DREFOBJ)&&p2->q2.reg==r){
+	      if(o) break;
+	      o=&p2->q2;
+	    }
+	    if(!p2->>z.flags&(REG|DREFOBJ))==(REG|DREFOBJ)&&p2->z.reg==r){
+	      if(o) break;
+	      o=&p2->z;
+	    }
+	  }
+	  if(c2==FREEREG||(p2->z.flags&(REG|DREFOBJ))==REG){
+	    int m;
+	    if(c2==FREEREG)
+	      m=p2->q1.reg;
+	    else
+	      m=p2->z.reg;
+	    if(m==r){
+	      if(o){
+		o->am=am=mymalloc(sizeof(*am));
+		am->flags=IMM_IND;
+		am->base=base;
+		am->offset=zm2l(of);
+		if(isreg(q1)){
+		  p->code=c=NOP;p->q1.flags=p->q2.flags=p->z.flags=0;
+		}else{
+		  p->code=c=ASSIGN;p->q2.flags=0;
+		  p->typf=p->typf2;p->q2.val.vmax=sizetab[p->typf2&NQ];
+		}
+	      }
+	      break;
+	    }
+	    if(c2!=FREEREG&&m==base) break;
+	    continue;
+	  }
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    /* Try reg,reg */
+    if(GPR_IND&&c==ADDI2P&&isreg(q2)&&isreg(z)&&(isreg(q1)||p->q2.reg!=p->z.reg)){
+      int base,idx;struct obj *o;
+      r=p->z.reg;idx=p->q2.reg;
+      if(isreg(q1)) base=p->q1.reg; else base=r;
+      o=0;
+      for(p2=p->next;p2;p2=p2->next){
+        c2=p2->code;
+        if(c2==CALL||c2==LABEL||(c2>=BEQ&&c2<=BRA)) break;
+        if(c2!=FREEREG&&(p2->q1.flags&(REG|DREFOBJ))==REG&&p2->q1.reg==r) break;
+        if(c2!=FREEREG&&(p2->q2.flags&(REG|DREFOBJ))==REG&&p2->q2.reg==r) break;
+        if((p2->z.flags&(REG|DREFOBJ))==REG&&p2->z.reg==idx&&idx!=r) break;
+        if(c2!=CALL&&(c2<LABEL||c2>BRA)/*&&c2!=ADDRESS*/){
+          if(!p2->>q1.flags&(REG|DREFOBJ))==(REG|DREFOBJ)&&p2->q1.reg==r){
+            if(o||(q1typ(p2)&NQ)==LLONG) break;
+            o=&p2->q1;
+          }
+          if(!p2->>q2.flags&(REG|DREFOBJ))==(REG|DREFOBJ)&&p2->q2.reg==r){
+            if(o||(q2typ(p2)&NQ)==LLONG) break;
+            o=&p2->q2;
+          }
+          if(!p2->>z.flags&(REG|DREFOBJ))==(REG|DREFOBJ)&&p2->z.reg==r){
+            if(o||(ztyp(p2)&NQ)==LLONG) break;
+            o=&p2->z;
+          }
+        }
+        if(c2==FREEREG||(p2->z.flags&(REG|DREFOBJ))==REG){
+          int m;
+          if(c2==FREEREG)
+            m=p2->q1.reg;
+          else
+            m=p2->z.reg;
+          if(m==r){
+            if(o){
+              o->am=am=mymalloc(sizeof(*am));
+              am->flags=GPR_IND;
+              am->base=base;
+              am->offset=idx;
+	      if(isreg(q1)){
+		p->code=c=NOP;p->q1.flags=p->q2.flags=p->z.flags=0;
+	      }else{
+		p->code=c=ASSIGN;p->q2.flags=0;
+		p->typf=p->typf2;p->q2.val.vmax=sizetab[p->typf2&NQ];
+	      }
+            }
+            break;
+          }
+          if(c2!=FREEREG&&m==base) break;
+          continue;
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+/* generates the function entry code */
+static void function_top(FILE *f,struct Var *v,long offset)
+  rsavesize=0;
+  if(!special_section(f,v)&&section!=CODE){emit(f,codename);if(f) section=CODE;} 
+  if(v->storage_class==EXTERN){
+      emit(f,"\\t%s%s\n",idprefix,v->identifier);
+    emit(f,"%s%s:\n",idprefix,v->identifier);
+  }else
+    emit(f,"%s%ld:\n",labprefix,zm2l(v->offset));
+/* generates the function exit code */
+static void function_bottom(FILE *f,struct Var *v,long offset)
+  emit(f,ret);
+/*  End of private data and functions.  */
+/*  Does necessary initializations for the code-generator. Gets called  */
+/*  once at the beginning and should return 0 in case of problems.      */
+int init_cg(void)
+  int i;
+  /*  Initialize some values which cannot be statically initialized   */
+  /*  because they are stored in the target's arithmetic.             */
+  maxalign=l2zm(8L);
+  char_bit=l2zm(8L);
+  stackalign=l2zm(4);
+  for(i=0;i<=MAX_TYPE;i++){
+    sizetab[i]=l2zm(msizetab[i]);
+    align[i]=l2zm(malign[i]);
+  }
+  regnames[0]="noreg";
+  for(i=FIRST_GPR;i<=LAST_GPR;i++){
+    regnames[i]=mymalloc(10);
+    sprintf(regnames[i],"gpr%d",i-FIRST_GPR);
+    regsize[i]=l2zm(4L);
+    regtype[i]=&ltyp;
+  }
+  for(i=FIRST_FPR;i<=LAST_FPR;i++){
+    regnames[i]=mymalloc(10);
+    sprintf(regnames[i],"fpr%d",i-FIRST_FPR);
+    regsize[i]=l2zm(8L);
+    regtype[i]=&ldbl;
+  }
+  for(i=FIRST_CCR;i<=LAST_CCR;i++){
+    regnames[i]=mymalloc(10);
+    sprintf(regnames[i],"ccr%d",i-FIRST_CCR);
+    regsize[i]=l2zm(1L);
+    regtype[i]=&lchar;
+  }
+  /*  Use multiple ccs.   */
+  multiple_ccs=0;
+  /*  Initialize the min/max-settings. Note that the types of the     */
+  /*  host system may be different from the target system and you may */
+  /*  only use the smallest maximum values ANSI guarantees if you     */
+  /*  want to be portable.                                            */
+  /*  That's the reason for the subtraction in t_min[INT]. Long could */
+  /*  be unable to represent -2147483648 on the host system.          */
+  t_min[CHAR]=l2zm(-128L);
+  t_min[SHORT]=l2zm(-32768L);
+  t_min[INT]=zmsub(l2zm(-2147483647L),l2zm(1L));
+  t_min[LONG]=t_min(INT);
+  t_min[LLONG]=zmlshift(l2zm(1L),l2zm(63L));
+  t_min[MAXINT]=t_min(LLONG);
+  t_max[CHAR]=ul2zum(127L);
+  t_max[SHORT]=ul2zum(32767UL);
+  t_max[INT]=ul2zum(2147483647UL);
+  t_max[LONG]=t_max(INT);
+  t_max[LLONG]=zumrshift(zumkompl(ul2zum(0UL)),ul2zum(1UL));
+  t_max[MAXINT]=t_max(LLONG);
+  tu_max[CHAR]=ul2zum(255UL);
+  tu_max[SHORT]=ul2zum(65535UL);
+  tu_max[INT]=ul2zum(4294967295UL);
+  tu_max[LONG]=t_max(UNSIGNED|INT);
+  tu_max[LLONG]=zumkompl(ul2zum(0UL));
+  tu_max[MAXINT]=t_max(UNSIGNED|LLONG);
+  /*  Reserve a few registers for use by the code-generator.      */
+  /*  This is not optimal but simple.                             */
+  sp=FIRST_GPR;
+  t1=FIRST_GPR+1;
+  t2=FIRST_GPR+2;
+  f1=FIRST_FPR;
+  f2=FIRST_FPR+1;
+  regsa[t1]=regsa[t2]=1;
+  regsa[f1]=regsa[f2]=1;
+  regsa[sp]=1;
+  regscratch[t1]=regscratch[t2]=0;
+  regscratch[f1]=regscratch[f2]=0;
+  regscratch[sp]=0;
+  for(i=FIRST_GPR;i<=LAST_GPR-VOL_GPRS;i++)
+    regscratch[i]=1;
+  for(i=FIRST_FPR;i<=LAST_FPR-VOL_FPRS;i++)
+    regscratch[i]=1;
+  for(i=FIRST_CCR;i<=LAST_CCR-VOL_CCRS;i++)
+    regscratch[i]=1;
+  target_macros=marray;
+  return 1;
+void init_db(FILE *f)
+int freturn(struct Typ *t)
+/*  Returns the register in which variables of type t are returned. */
+/*  If the value cannot be returned in a register returns 0.        */
+/*  A pointer MUST be returned in a register. The code-generator    */
+/*  has to simulate a pseudo register if necessary.                 */
+  if(ISFLOAT(t->flags)) 
+    return FIRST_FPR+2;
+  if(ISSTRUCT(t->flags)||ISUNION(t->flags)) 
+    return 0;
+  if(zmleq(szof(t),l2zm(4L))) 
+    return FIRST_GPR+3;
+  else
+    return 0;
+int reg_pair(int r,struct rpair *p)
+/* Returns 0 if the register is no register pair. If r  */
+/* is a register pair non-zero will be returned and the */
+/* structure pointed to p will be filled with the two   */
+/* elements.                                            */
+  return 0;
+/* estimate the cost-saving if object o from IC p is placed in
+   register r */
+int cost_savings(struct IC *p,int r,struct obj *o)
+  int c=p->code;
+  if(o->flags&VKONST){
+    if(!LOAD_STORE)
+      return 0;
+    if(o==&p->q1&&p->code==ASSIGN&&(p->z.flags&DREFOBJ))
+      return 4;
+    else
+      return 2;
+  }
+  if(o->flags&DREFOBJ)
+    return 4;
+  if(c==SETRETURN&&r==p->z.reg&&!(o->flags&DREFOBJ)) return 3;
+  if(c==GETRETURN&&r==p->q1.reg&&!(o->flags&DREFOBJ)) return 3;
+  return 2;
+int regok(int r,int t,int mode)
+/*  Returns 0 if register r cannot store variables of   */
+/*  type t. If t==POINTER and mode!=0 then it returns   */
+/*  non-zero only if the register can store a pointer   */
+/*  and dereference a pointer to mode.                  */
+  if(r==0)
+    return 0;
+  t&=NQ;
+  if(t==0&&r>=FIRST_CCR&&r<=LAST_CCR)
+    return 1;
+  if(ISFLOAT(t)&&r>=FIRST_FPR&&r<=LAST_FPR)
+    return 1;
+  if(t==POINTER&&r>=FIRST_GPR&&r<=LAST_GPR)
+    return 1;
+  if(t>=CHAR&&t<=LONG&&r>=FIRST_GPR&&r<=LAST_GPR)
+    return 1;
+  return 0;
+int dangerous_IC(struct IC *p)
+/*  Returns zero if the IC p can be safely executed     */
+/*  without danger of exceptions or similar things.     */
+/*  vbcc may generate code in which non-dangerous ICs   */
+/*  are sometimes executed although control-flow may    */
+/*  never reach them (mainly when moving computations   */
+/*  out of loops).                                      */
+/*  Typical ICs that generate exceptions on some        */
+/*  machines are:                                       */
+/*      - accesses via pointers                         */
+/*      - division/modulo                               */
+/*      - overflow on signed integer/floats             */
+  int c=p->code;
+  if((p->q1.flags&DREFOBJ)||(p->q2.flags&DREFOBJ)||(p->z.flags&DREFOBJ))
+    return 1;
+  if((c==DIV||c==MOD)&&!isconst(q2))
+    return 1;
+  return 0;
+int must_convert(int o,int t,int const_expr)
+/*  Returns zero if code for converting np to type t    */
+/*  can be omitted.                                     */
+/*  On the PowerPC cpu pointers and 32bit               */
+/*  integers have the same representation and can use   */
+/*  the same registers.                                 */
+  int op=o&NQ,tp=t&NQ;
+  if((op==INT||op==LONG||op==POINTER)&&(tp==INT||tp==LONG||tp==POINTER))
+    return 0;
+  if(op==DOUBLE&&tp==LDOUBLE) return 0;
+  if(op==LDOUBLE&&tp==DOUBLE) return 0;
+  return 1;
+void gen_ds(FILE *f,zmax size,struct Typ *t)
+/*  This function has to create <size> bytes of storage */
+/*  initialized with zero.                              */
+  if(newobj&&section!=SPECIAL)
+    emit(f,"%ld\n",zm2l(size));
+  else
+    emit(f,"\\t%ld\n",zm2l(size));
+  newobj=0;
+void gen_align(FILE *f,zmax align)
+/*  This function has to make sure the next data is     */
+/*  aligned to multiples of <align> bytes.              */
+  if(zm2l(align)>1) emit(f,"\t.align\t2\n");
+void gen_var_head(FILE *f,struct Var *v)
+/*  This function has to create the head of a variable  */
+/*  definition, i.e. the label and information for      */
+/*  linkage etc.                                        */
+  int constflag;char *sec;
+  if(v->clist) constflag=is_const(v->vtyp);
+  if(v->storage_class==STATIC){
+    if(ISFUNC(v->vtyp->flags)) return;
+    if(!special_section(f,v)){
+      if(v->clist&&(!constflag||(g_flags[2]&USEDFLAG))&&section!=DATA){emit(f,dataname);if(f) section=DATA;}
+      if(v->clist&&constflag&&!(g_flags[2]&USEDFLAG)&&section!=RODATA){emit(f,rodataname);if(f) section=RODATA;}
+      if(!v->clist&&section!=BSS){emit(f,bssname);if(f) section=BSS;}
+    }
+    if(v->clist||section==SPECIAL){
+      gen_align(f,falign(v->vtyp));
+      emit(f,"%s%ld:\n",labprefix,zm2l(v->offset));
+    }else
+      emit(f,"\t.lcomm\t%s%ld,",labprefix,zm2l(v->offset));
+    newobj=1;
+  }
+  if(v->storage_class==EXTERN){
+    emit(f,"\t.globl\t%s%s\n",idprefix,v->identifier);
+    if(v->flags&(DEFINED|TENTATIVE)){
+      if(!special_section(f,v)){
+	if(v->clist&&(!constflag||(g_flags[2]&USEDFLAG))&&section!=DATA){emit(f,dataname);if(f) section=DATA;}
+	if(v->clist&&constflag&&!(g_flags[2]&USEDFLAG)&&section!=RODATA){emit(f,rodataname);if(f) section=RODATA;}
+	if(!v->clist&&section!=BSS){emit(f,bssname);if(f) section=BSS;}
+      }
+      if(v->clist||section==SPECIAL){
+	gen_align(f,falign(v->vtyp));
+        emit(f,"%s%s:\n",idprefix,v->identifier);
+      }else
+        emit(f,"\\t%s%s\n\t.%scomm\t%s%s,",idprefix,v->identifier,(USE_COMMONS?"":"l"),idprefix,v->identifier);
+      newobj=1;
+    }
+  }
+void gen_dc(FILE *f,int t,struct const_list *p)
+/*  This function has to create static storage          */
+/*  initialized with const-list p.                      */
+  emit(f,"\tdc.%s\t",dt(t&NQ));
+  if(!p->tree){
+    if(ISFLOAT(t)){
+      /*  auch wieder nicht sehr schoen und IEEE noetig   */
+      unsigned char *ip;
+      ip=(unsigned char *)&p->val.vdouble;
+      emit(f,"0x%02x%02x%02x%02x",ip[0],ip[1],ip[2],ip[3]);
+      if((t&NQ)!=FLOAT){
+	emit(f,",0x%02x%02x%02x%02x",ip[4],ip[5],ip[6],ip[7]);
+      }
+    }else{
+      emitval(f,&p->val,t&NU);
+    }
+  }else{
+    emit_obj(f,&p->tree->o,t&NU);
+  }
+  emit(f,"\n");newobj=0;
+/*  The main code-generation routine.                   */
+/*  f is the stream the code should be written to.      */
+/*  p is a pointer to a doubly linked list of ICs       */
+/*  containing the function body to generate code for.  */
+/*  v is a pointer to the function.                     */
+/*  offset is the size of the stackframe the function   */
+/*  needs for local variables.                          */
+void gen_code(FILE *f,struct IC *p,struct Var *v,zmax offset)
+/*  The main code-generation.                                           */
+  int c,t,i;
+  struct IC *m;
+  argsize=0;
+  if(DEBUG&1) printf("gen_code()\n");
+  for(c=1;c<=MAXR;c++) regs[c]=regsa[c];
+  maxpushed=0;
+  /*FIXME*/
+  ret="\trts\n";
+  for(m=p;m;m=m->next){
+    c=m->code;t=m->typf&NU;
+    if(c==ALLOCREG) {regs[m->q1.reg]=1;continue;}
+    if(c==FREEREG) {regs[m->q1.reg]=0;continue;}
+    /* convert MULT/DIV/MOD with powers of two */
+    if((t&NQ)<=LONG&&(m->q2.flags&(KONST|DREFOBJ))==KONST&&(t&NQ)<=LONG&&(c==MULT||((c==DIV||c==MOD)&&(t&UNSIGNED)))){
+      eval_const(&m->q2.val,t);
+      i=pof2(vmax);
+      if(i){
+        if(c==MOD){
+          vmax=zmsub(vmax,l2zm(1L));
+          m->code=AND;
+        }else{
+          vmax=l2zm(i-1);
+          if(c==DIV) m->code=RSHIFT; else m->code=LSHIFT;
+        }
+        c=m->code;
+	gval.vmax=vmax;
+	eval_const(&gval,MAXINT);
+	if(c==AND){
+	  insert_const(&m->q2.val,t);
+	}else{
+	  insert_const(&m->q2.val,INT);
+	  p->typf2=INT;
+	}
+      }
+    }
+    if(c==CALL&&argsize<zm2l(m->q2.val.vmax)) argsize=zm2l(m->q2.val.vmax);
+  }
+  peephole(p);
+  for(c=1;c<=MAXR;c++){
+    if(regsa[c]||regused[c]){
+      BSET(regs_modified,c);
+    }
+  }
+  localsize=(zm2l(offset)+3)/4*4;
+  /*FIXME: adjust localsize to get an aligned stack-frame */
+  function_top(f,v,localsize);
+  pushed=0;
+  for(;p;p=p->next){
+    c=p->code;t=p->typf;
+    if(c==NOP) {p->z.flags=0;continue;}
+    if(c==ALLOCREG) {regs[p->q1.reg]=1;continue;}
+    if(c==FREEREG) {regs[p->q1.reg]=0;continue;}
+    if(c==LABEL) {emit(f,"%s%d:\n",labprefix,t);continue;}
+    if(c==BRA){
+      if(0/*t==exit_label&&framesize==0*/)
+	emit(f,ret);
+      else
+	emit(f,"\tb\t%s%d\n",labprefix,t);
+      continue;
+    }
+    if(c>=BEQ&&c<BRA){
+      emit(f,"\tb%s\t",ccs[c-BEQ]);
+      if(isreg(q1)){
+	emit_obj(f,&p->q1,0);
+	emit(f,",");
+      }
+      emit(f,"%s%d\n",labprefix,t);
+      continue;
+    }
+    if(c==MOVETOREG){
+      load_reg(f,p->z.reg,&p->q1,regtype[p->z.reg]->flags);
+      continue;
+    }
+    if(c==MOVEFROMREG){
+      store_reg(f,p->z.reg,&p->q1,regtype[p->z.reg]->flags);
+      continue;
+    }
+    if((c==ASSIGN||c==PUSH)&&((t&NQ)>POINTER||((t&NQ)==CHAR&&zm2l(p->q2.val.vmax)!=1))){
+      ierror(0);
+    }
+    /* switch commutative operands if suitable */
+    if(c==ADD||c==MULT||c==AND||c==XOR||c==OR){
+      if(compare_objects(&p->q2,&p->z)){
+	struct obj tmp;
+	tmp=p->q1;
+	p->q1=p->q2;
+	p->q2=tmp;
+      }
+    }
+    p=preload(f,p);
+    c=p->code;
+    if(c==SUBPFP) c=SUB;
+    if(c==ADDI2P) c=ADD;
+    if(c==SUBIFP) c=SUB;
+    if(c==CONVERT){
+      if(ISFLOAT(q1typ(p))||ISFLOAT(ztyp(p))) ierror(0);
+      if(sizetab[q1typ(p)&NQ]<sizetab[ztyp(p)&NQ]){
+	if(q1typ(p)&UNSIGNED)
+	  emit(f,"\tzext.%s\t%s\n",dt(q1typ(p)),regnames[zreg]);
+	else
+	  emit(f,"\tsext.%s\t%s\n",dt(q1typ(p)),regnames[zreg]);
+      }
+      save_result(f,p);
+      continue;
+    }
+    if(c==KOMPLEMENT){
+      load_reg(f,zreg,&p->q1,t);
+      emit(f,"\tcpl.%s\t%s\n",dt(t),regnames[zreg]);
+      save_result(f,p);
+      continue;
+    }
+    if(c==SETRETURN){
+      load_reg(f,p->z.reg,&p->q1,t);
+      BSET(regs_modified,p->z.reg);
+      continue;
+    }
+    if(c==GETRETURN){
+      if(p->q1.reg){
+        zreg=p->q1.reg;
+	save_result(f,p);
+      }else
+        p->z.flags=0;
+      continue;
+    }
+    if(c==CALL){
+      int reg;
+      /*FIXME*/
+#if 0      
+      if(stack_valid&&(p->q1.flags&(VAR|DREFOBJ))==VAR&&p->q1.v->fi&&(p->q1.v->fi->flags&ALL_STACK)){
+	if(framesize+zum2ul(p->q1.v->fi->stack1)>stack)
+	  stack=framesize+zum2ul(p->q1.v->fi->stack1);
+      }else
+	stack_valid=0;
+      if((p->q1.flags&(VAR|DREFOBJ))==VAR&&p->q1.v->fi&&p->q1.v->fi->inline_asm){
+        emit_inline_asm(f,p->q1.v->fi->inline_asm);
+      }else{
+	emit(f,"\tcall\t");
+	emit_obj(f,&p->q1,t);
+	emit(f,"\n");
+      }
+      /*FIXME*/
+      pushed-=zm2l(p->q2.val.vmax);
+      if((p->q1.flags&(VAR|DREFOBJ))==VAR&&p->q1.v->fi&&(p->q1.v->fi->flags&ALL_REGS)){
+	bvunite(regs_modified,p->q1.v->fi->regs_modified,RSIZE);
+      }else{
+	int i;
+	for(i=1;i<=MAXR;i++){
+	  if(regscratch[i]) BSET(regs_modified,i);
+	}
+      }
+      continue;
+    }
+    if(c==ASSIGN||c==PUSH){
+      if(t==0) ierror(0);
+      if(c==PUSH){
+	emit(f,"\tmov.%s\t%ld(%s),",dt(t),pushed,regnames[sp]);
+	emit_obj(f,&p->q1,t);
+	emit(f,"\n");
+	pushed+=zm2l(p->q2.val.vmax);
+	emit(f,"\tpush.%s\t",dt(t));
+	emit_obj(f,&p->q1,t);
+	emit(f,"\n");
+	push(zm2l(p->q2.val.vmax));
+	continue;
+      }
+      if(c==ASSIGN){
+	load_reg(f,zreg,&p->q1,t);
+	save_result(f,p);
+      }
+      continue;
+    }
+    if(c==ADDRESS){
+      load_address(f,zreg,&p->q1,POINTER);
+      save_result(f,p);
+      continue;
+    }
+    if(c==MINUS){
+      load_reg(f,zreg,&p->q1,t);
+      emit(f,"\tneg.%s\t%s\n",dt(t),regnames[zreg]);
+      save_result(f,p);
+      continue;
+    }
+    if(c==TEST){
+      emit(f,"\ttst.%s\t",dt(t));
+      if(multiple_ccs)
+	emit(f,"%s,",regnames[zreg]);
+      emit_obj(f,&p->q1,t);
+      emit(f,"\n");
+      if(multiple_ccs)
+	save_result(f,p);
+      continue;
+    }
+    if(c==COMPARE){
+      emit(f,"\tcmp.%s\t",dt(t));
+      if(multiple_ccs)
+	emit(f,"%s,",regnames[zreg]);
+      emit_obj(f,&p->q1,t);
+      emit(f,",");
+      emit_obj(f,&p->q2,t);
+      emit(f,"\n");
+      if(multiple_ccs)
+	save_result(f,p);
+      continue;
+    }
+    if((c>=OR&&c<=AND)||(c>=LSHIFT&&c<=MOD)){
+      if(!THREE_ADDR)
+	load_reg(f,zreg,&p->q1,t);
+      if(c>=OR&&c<=AND)
+	emit(f,"\t%s.%s\t%s,",logicals[c-OR],dt(t),regnames[zreg]);
+      else
+	emit(f,"\t%s.%s\t%s,",arithmetics[c-LSHIFT],dt(t),regnames[zreg]);
+      if(THREE_ADDR){
+	emit_obj(f,&p->q1,t);
+	emit(f,",");
+      }
+      emit_obj(f,&p->q2,t);
+      emit(f,"\n");
+      save_result(f,p);
+      continue;
+    }
+    pric2(stdout,p);
+    ierror(0);
+  }
+  function_bottom(f,v,localsize);
+  if(stack_valid){
+    if(!v->fi) v->fi=new_fi();
+    v->fi->flags|=ALL_STACK;
+    v->fi->stack1=stack;
+  }
+  emit(f,"# stacksize=%lu%s\n",zum2ul(stack),stack_valid?"":"+??");
+int shortcut(int code,int typ)
+  return 0;
+int reg_parm(struct reg_handle *m, struct Typ *t,int vararg,struct Typ *d)
+  int f;
+  f=t->flags&NQ;
+  if(f<=LONG||f==POINTER){
+    if(m->gregs>=GPR_ARGS)
+      return 0;
+    else
+      return FIRST_GPR+3+m->gregs++;
+  }
+  if(ISFLOAT(f)){
+    if(m->fregs>=FPR_ARGS)
+      return 0;
+    else
+      return FIRST_FPR+2+m->fregs++;
+  }
+  return 0;
+int handle_pragma(const char *s)
+void cleanup_cg(FILE *f)
+void cleanup_db(FILE *f)
+  if(f) section=-1;