Import VBCC source snapshot (29/04/2022)
diff --git a/type_expr.c b/type_expr.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4c68805
--- /dev/null
+++ b/type_expr.c
@@ -0,0 +1,3090 @@
+/*  $VER: vbcc (type_expr.c) $Revision: 1.64 $   */
+#include "vbc.h"
+static char FILE_[]=__FILE__;
+#define CONSTADDR 256
+/* if MASK is set, a specialized version will be generated */
+#define USEHALF  (1L<<1)
+#define USELONG  (1L<<2)
+#define USELLONG (1L<<3)
+#define USEFLOAT (1L<<4)
+#define USEHEXL  (1L<<5)
+#define USEHEXU  (1L<<6)
+#define USEDEC   (1L<<7)
+#define USEOCT   (1L<<8)
+#define USEINT   (1L<<9)
+#define USEUNS   (1L<<10)
+#define USESTR   (1L<<11)
+#define USECHAR  (1L<<12)
+#define USEPERC  (1L<<13)
+#define USECNT   (1L<<14)
+#define USEALT   (1L<<15)
+#define USEZPAD  (1L<<16)
+#define USELALGN (1L<<17)
+#define USEBLANK (1L<<18)
+#define USESIGN  (1L<<19)
+#define USEWIDTH (1L<<20)
+#define USEAST   (1L<<21)
+#define USEPREC  (1L<<22)
+#define USESPEC  (1L<<23)
+#define USEREXP  (1L<<24)
+int alg_opt(np,type *);
+void simple_alg_opt(np);
+int test_assignment(type *,np);
+int type_expression2(np,type *);
+void make_cexpr(np);
+int dontopt;
+int no_cast_free;
+type uct={UNSIGNED|CHAR};
+type ust={UNSIGNED|SHORT};
+type uit={UNSIGNED|INT};
+type ult={UNSIGNED|LONG};
+#ifdef HAVE_ECPP
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+#ifdef HAVE_MISRA
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
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+/* removed */
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+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
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+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
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+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+void insert_constn(np p)
+/*  Spezialfall fuer np */
+    if(!p||!p->ntyp) ierror(0);
+    insert_const(&p->val,p->ntyp->flags);
+int const_typ(type *p)
+/*  Testet, ob Typ konstant ist oder konstante Elemente enthaelt    */
+    int i;struct_declaration *sd;
+    if(p->flags&CONST) return(1);
+    if(ISSTRUCT(p->flags)||ISUNION(p->flags))
+        for(i=0;i<p->exact->count;i++)
+            if(const_typ((*p->exact->sl)[i].styp)) return(1);
+    return 0;
+int arith_flag(int ta,int tb)
+  /* TODO: volatile? */
+  ta&=NU;tb&=NU;
+  if(ta==LDOUBLE||tb==LDOUBLE) return LDOUBLE;
+  if(ta==DOUBLE||tb==DOUBLE) return DOUBLE;
+  if(ta==FLOAT||tb==FLOAT) return FLOAT;
+  ta=int_erw(ta);tb=int_erw(tb);
+  if(ta==LLONG||tb==LLONG) return LLONG;
+  if((ta==LONG&&tb==(UNSIGNED|INT))||(ta==(UNSIGNED|INT)&&tb==LONG)){
+    if(zumleq(t_max(UNSIGNED|INT),t_max(LONG))) 
+      return LONG;
+    else
+      return UNSIGNED|LONG;
+  }
+  if(ta==LONG||tb==LONG) return LONG;
+  if(ta==(UNSIGNED|INT)||tb==(UNSIGNED|INT)) return UNSIGNED|INT;
+  return INT;
+type *arith_typ(type *a,type *b)
+/*  Erzeugt Typ fuer arithmetische Umwandlung von zwei Operanden    */
+  int ta,tb,va,vol;type *new;
+    new=new_typ();
+    ta=a->flags&NU;tb=b->flags&NU;
+    vol=(a->flags&VOLATILE)|(b->flags&VOLATILE);
+    if(ta==LDOUBLE||tb==LDOUBLE){new->flags=LDOUBLE|vol;return new;}
+    if(ta==DOUBLE||tb==DOUBLE){new->flags=DOUBLE|vol;return new;}
+    if(ta==FLOAT||tb==FLOAT){new->flags=FLOAT|vol;return new;}
+    ta=int_erw(ta);tb=int_erw(tb);
+    if(ta==(UNSIGNED|LLONG)||tb==(UNSIGNED|LLONG)){new->flags=UNSIGNED|LLONG|vol;return new;}
+    if(ta==LLONG||tb==LLONG){new->flags=LLONG|vol;return new;}
+    if(ta==(UNSIGNED|LONG)||tb==(UNSIGNED|LONG)){new->flags=UNSIGNED|LONG|vol;return new;}
+    if((ta==LONG&&tb==(UNSIGNED|INT))||(ta==(UNSIGNED|INT)&&tb==LONG)){
+        if(zumleq(t_max(UNSIGNED|INT),t_max(LONG))) new->flags=LONG|vol; else new->flags=UNSIGNED|LONG|vol;
+        return new;
+    }
+    if(ta==LONG||tb==LONG){new->flags=LONG|vol;return new;}
+    if(ta==(UNSIGNED|INT)||tb==(UNSIGNED|INT)){new->flags=UNSIGNED|INT|vol;return new;}
+    new->flags=INT|vol;
+    return new;
+int int_erw(int t)
+/*  Fuehrt Integer_Erweiterung eines Typen durch                */
+    if((t&NQ)>=INT) return t;
+    if(t&UNSIGNED){
+      if((t&NQ)<=CHAR&&zumleq(t_max(UNSIGNED|CHAR),t_max(INT))) return INT;
+      if((t&NQ)<=SHORT&&zumleq(t_max(UNSIGNED|SHORT),t_max(INT))) return INT;
+      return UNSIGNED|INT;
+    }
+    return INT;
+#if HAVE_AOS4
+static int aos4err;
+int aos4_attr(type *p,char *s)
+  if(p->attr&&strstr(p->attr,s))
+    return 1;
+  if(p->next)
+    return aos4_attr(p->next,s);
+  else
+    return 0;
+static np aos4_clone_tree(np p)
+  np new;
+  if(!p) return 0;
+  new=new_node();
+  *new=*p;
+  new->ntyp=clone_typ(p->ntyp);
+  new->left=aos4_clone_tree(p->left);
+  new->right=aos4_clone_tree(p->right);
+  new->alist=0;new->cl=0;new->dsize=0;
+  if(p->flags==CALL/*||p->cl||p->dsize*/) aos4err=1;
+  return new;
+#ifdef HAVE_MISRA
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+int type_expression(np p,type *ttyp)
+/*  Art Frontend fuer type_expression2(). Setzt dontopt auf 0   */
+		int ret_val;
+    dontopt=0;
+    simple_alg_opt(p);
+#ifdef HAVE_MISRA
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+   ret_val = type_expression2(p,ttyp);
+#ifdef HAVE_MISRA
+/* removed */
+		return ret_val;
+static void fix_addr_ptype(np op)
+  np p=op;
+  while(p->flags==FIRSTELEMENT) p=p->left;
+  if(p->left->flags==CONTENT){
+    int pt=p->left->left->ntyp->flags;
+    if(!ISPOINTER(pt)) ierror(0);
+    if(!ISPOINTER(op->ntyp->flags)) ierror(0);
+    op->ntyp->flags=pt;
+  }
+static int ptype(np op)
+  Var *v=0;
+  np p=op;
+  while(p->flags==FIRSTELEMENT/*||p->flags==CONTENT*/) p=p->left;
+  if(p->flags==IDENTIFIER)
+    v=find_var(p->identifier,0);
+  if(v) 
+    return POINTER_VARADR(v);
+  else
+    return POINTER_TYPE(op->ntyp);
+  return POINTER_TYPE(op->ntyp);
+static int decide_shortcut(np p,type *ttyp)
+  int ttf=ttyp->flags,f=p->flags;
+  if(f==PMULT) f=MULT;
+  if(!shortcut(f,ttyp->flags&NU)||
+     ISFLOAT(ttf)||ISFLOAT(p->left->ntyp->flags)||ISFLOAT(p->right->ntyp->flags)
+     )
+    return 0;
+  ttf&=NQ;
+  if(ttf<INT) return 1;
+  if(zm2l(sizetab[ttf])<zm2l(sizetab[(p->left->ntyp->flags&NQ)])) return 1;
+  if(zm2l(sizetab[ttf])<zm2l(sizetab[(p->right->ntyp->flags&NQ)])) return 1;
+  return 0;
+static type *best_addi2pt(zmax sz)
+  if(!zmeqto(sizetab[CHAR],sizetab[INT])&&!zmeqto(sz,Z0)&&MINADDI2P<=CHAR&&zumleq(zm2zum(sz),zumadd(tu_max[CHAR],ZU1))){
+    return &uct;
+  }else if(!zmeqto(sizetab[SHORT],sizetab[INT])&&!zmeqto(sz,Z0)&&MINADDI2P<=SHORT&&zumleq(zm2zum(sz),zumadd(tu_max[SHORT],ZU1))){
+    return &ust;
+  }
+  return 0;
+type *andcomp(np and,np cmp)
+  int i=0;zmax sval;zumax uval;
+  if(cmp){
+    if((cmp->flags==CEXPR||cmp->flags==PCEXPR)){i=1;eval_constn(cmp);sval=vmax;uval=vumax;}
+  }else{
+    sval=Z0;uval=ZU0;
+    i=1;
+  }
+  if(and->flags==AND&&(and->left->flags==CEXPR||and->left->flags==PCEXPR)){i|=2;eval_constn(and->left);}
+  if(and->flags==AND&&(and->right->flags==CEXPR||and->right->flags==PCEXPR)){i|=2;eval_constn(and->right);}
+  if(i&2){
+    /*printf("CHECK: x&%ld ==/!= %ld\n",zm2l(vmax),(i&1)?zm2l(sval):-1L);*/
+    if(shortcut(COMPARE,UNSIGNED|CHAR)&&shortcut(AND,UNSIGNED|CHAR)&&!zmeqto(sizetab[CHAR],sizetab[SHORT])){
+      if(zmleq(vmax,t_max[CHAR]))
+	return &uct;
+      else if((i&1)&&zumleq(vumax,tu_max[CHAR])&&zumleq(uval,tu_max[CHAR]))
+	return &uct;
+    }
+    if(shortcut(COMPARE,UNSIGNED|SHORT)&&shortcut(AND,UNSIGNED|SHORT)&&!zmeqto(sizetab[SHORT],sizetab[INT])){
+      if(zmleq(vmax,t_max[SHORT]))
+	return &ust;
+      else if((i&1)&&zumleq(vumax,tu_max[SHORT])&&zumleq(uval,tu_max[SHORT]))
+	return &ust;
+    }
+    if(!zmeqto(sizetab[INT],sizetab[LONG])){
+      if(zmleq(vmax,t_max[INT]))
+	return &uit;
+      else if((i&1)&&zumleq(vumax,tu_max[INT])&&zumleq(uval,tu_max[INT]))
+	return &uit;
+    }
+    if(!zmeqto(sizetab[LONG],sizetab[LLONG])){
+      if(zmleq(vmax,t_max[LONG]))
+	return &ult;
+      else if((i&1)&&zumleq(vumax,tu_max[LONG])&&zumleq(uval,tu_max[LONG]))
+	return &ult;
+    }
+  }
+  return 0;
+static int nullpointer(np p)
+  if(p->flags!=CEXPR) return 0;
+  eval_constn(p); /* TODO: do we need to use other measure to verify null pointer? */
+  if(zmeqto(Z0,vmax)) return 1;
+  return 0;
+int type_expression2(np p,type *ttyp)
+/*  Erzeugt Typ-Strukturen fuer jeden Knoten des Baumes und     */
+/*  liefert eins zurueck, wenn der Baum ok ist, sonst 0         */
+/*  Die Berechnung von Konstanten und andere Vereinfachungen    */
+/*  sollten vielleicht in eigene Funktion kommen                */
+  int ok,f=p->flags,mopt=dontopt,ttf;
+  type *shorttyp;
+  static int assignop;
+  int aoflag;
+#if HAVE_AOS4
+  np thisp=0;
+#ifdef HAVE_ECPP
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+  if(!p){ierror(0);return(1);}
+  if(ttyp) ttf=ttyp->flags&NQ;
+  /*    if(p->ntyp) printf("Warnung: ntyp!=0\n");*/
+  p->lvalue=0;
+  p->sidefx=0;
+  ok=1;
+  if(!ecpp&&f==CALL&&p->left->flags==IDENTIFIER&&!find_var(p->left->identifier,0)){
+    /*  implizite Deklaration bei Aufruf einer Funktion     */
+    struct_declaration *sd;type *t;Var *v;
+#ifdef HAVE_MISRA
+/* removed */
+    error(161,p->left->identifier);
+    if(v=find_ext_var(p->left->identifier)){
+      if(!ISFUNC(v->vtyp->flags)||v->vtyp->next->flags!=INT){
+	error(68,p->left->identifier);
+#ifdef HAVE_MISRA
+/* removed */
+      }
+      v->flags&=~NOTINTU;
+    }else{	
+      sd=mymalloc(sizeof(*sd));
+      sd->count=0;
+      t=new_typ();
+      t->flags=FUNKT;
+      t->exact=add_sd(sd,FUNKT);
+      t->next=new_typ();
+      t->next->flags=INT;
+      add_var(p->left->identifier,t,EXTERN,0);
+    }
+  }
+#if HAVE_AOS4
+  if(f==CALL&&p->left->flags==DSTRUCT){
+    thisp=new_node();
+    thisp->flags=ADDRESS;
+    aos4err=0;
+    thisp->left=aos4_clone_tree(p->left->left);
+    thisp->right=0;
+    thisp->alist=0;thisp->cl=0;thisp->dsize=0;thisp->ntyp=0;
+  }
+  if(ecpp&&f==CALL){
+    argument_list *al=p->alist;
+    if(al/*&&!al->arg->ntyp*/){
+      while(al){
+        if(!al->arg) ierror(0);
+        if(!type_expression2(al->arg,0)) return 0;
+        al->arg=makepointer(al->arg);
+        if(type_uncomplete(al->arg->ntyp)) error(39);
+        al=al->next;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  if(ecpp&&f==CALL){
+    ecpp_merk_al=ecpp_al;
+    ecpp_al=p->alist;
+  }
+  dontopt=0;
+  if(f==ADDRESS&&p->left->flags==IDENTIFIER) {p->left->flags|=CONSTADDR;/*puts("&const");*/}
+  if(ttyp&&(f==OR||f==AND||f==XOR||f==ADD||f==SUB||f==MULT||f==PMULT||f==DIV||f==MOD||f==KOMPLEMENT||f==MINUS)&&!ISPOINTER(ttyp->flags)&&shortcut(f==PMULT?MULT:f,ttyp->flags&NU))
+    shorttyp=ttyp;
+  else
+    shorttyp=0;
+  if(assignop){
+    aoflag=1;
+    assignop=0;
+  }else
+    aoflag=0;
+  if(!shorttyp){
+    if(f==EQUAL||f==INEQUAL){
+      if(p->left->flags==AND) shorttyp=andcomp(p->left,p->right);
+      if(p->right->flags==AND) shorttyp=andcomp(p->right,p->left);
+    }
+  }
+  if(!shorttyp&&(f==LAND||f==LOR)&&p->left->flags==AND) shorttyp=andcomp(p->left,0);
+  if(p->left&&p->flags!=ASSIGNOP){
+    struct_declaration *sd;
+    /*  bei ASSIGNOP wird der linke Zweig durch den Link bewertet  */
+    if(!p->left) ierror(0);
+    if(p->flags==CAST)
+      ok&=type_expression2(p->left,p->ntyp);
+    else
+      ok&=type_expression2(p->left,shorttyp);
+    if(p->left) p->sidefx|=p->left->sidefx;
+    if(!ok) return 0;
+  }
+  if(aoflag){
+    if(!p->left||!p->right) ierror(0);
+    shorttyp=p->left->ntyp;
+    ttyp=shorttyp;
+    ttf=ttyp->flags&NQ;
+  }
+  if(f==LAND||f==LOR){
+    shorttyp=0;
+    if(p->right->flags==AND) shorttyp=andcomp(p->right,0);
+  }
+  if(f==ADD){
+    if(p->left->flags==ADDRESSS||p->left->flags==ADDRESSA||p->left->flags==ADDRESSS){
+      zmax sz=szof(p->left->left->ntyp);
+      shorttyp=best_addi2pt(sz);
+    }
+    if((p->left->ntyp->flags&NQ)==ARRAY){
+      zmax sz=szof(p->left->ntyp);
+      shorttyp=best_addi2pt(sz);
+      if(shorttyp){
+	np new=new_node();
+	new->flags=CAST;
+	new->ntyp=clone_typ(shorttyp);
+	new->left=p->right;
+	p->right=new;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  if(p->right&&p->right->flags!=MEMBER){
+    struct_declaration *sd;
+    if(p->flags==ASSIGNOP){
+      dontopt=1;
+      assignop=1;
+    }else
+      dontopt=0;
+    if(p->flags==ASSIGN)
+      ok&=type_expression2(p->right,p->left->ntyp);
+    else
+      ok&=type_expression2(p->right,shorttyp);
+    p->sidefx|=p->right->sidefx;
+    if(!ok) return 0;
+  }
+#if HAVE_AOS4
+  if(thisp){
+    if(aos4_attr(p->left->ntyp,"libcall")){
+      argument_list *n=mymalloc(sizeof(*n));
+      n->arg=thisp;
+      n->next=p->alist;
+      n->pushic=0;
+      p->alist=n;
+      if(aos4err) {pre(stdout,thisp);ierror(0);}
+    }else{
+      free_expression(thisp);
+    }
+  }
+  if(ecpp&&f==CALL){
+    ecpp_al=ecpp_merk_al;
+  }
+/*    printf("bearbeite %s\n",ename[p->flags]);*/
+/*  Erzeugung von Zeigern aus Arrays                            */
+/*  Hier muss noch einiges genauer werden (wie gehoert das?)    */
+  if(p->left&&f!=PCEXPR&&(ISARRAY(p->left->ntyp->flags)||ISFUNC(p->left->ntyp->flags))){
+      np new=new_node();
+      zmax sz=szof(p->left->ntyp);
+      if((p->left->ntyp->flags&NQ)==ARRAY) new->flags=ADDRESSA;
+      else new->flags=ADDRESS;
+      new->ntyp=0;
+      new->left=p->left;
+      new->right=0;new->lvalue=0;new->sidefx=0; /* sind sidefx immer 0? */
+      p->left=new;
+      ok&=type_expression2(p->left,0);
+    }
+  }
+  if(p->right&&f!=PCEXPR&&f!=FIRSTELEMENT&&f!=DSTRUCT&&f!=ADDRESSS&&p->right->ntyp&&(ISARRAY(p->right->ntyp->flags)||ISFUNC(p->right->ntyp->flags))){
+    np new=new_node();
+    if(ISARRAY(p->right->ntyp->flags)) new->flags=ADDRESSA;
+    else new->flags=ADDRESS;
+    new->ntyp=0;
+    new->left=p->right;
+    new->right=0;new->lvalue=0;new->sidefx=0; /* sind sidefx immer 0? */
+    p->right=new;
+    ok&=type_expression2(p->right,0);
+  }
+    int ff;Var *v;
+#ifdef HAVE_ECPP
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+    if(!ecpp){
+      if(p->identifier==empty)
+	/* variable sizeof-expression */
+	v=p->dsize;
+      else{
+	char buf[20];
+	v=find_var(p->identifier,0);
+	if(v&&v->storage_class==EXTERN){
+	  if(!strcmp(p->identifier,"strtod")){sprintf(buf,"vfscanf.%ld",1|USEFLOAT);needs(buf);}
+	  if(!strcmp(p->identifier,"strtof")){sprintf(buf,"vscanf.%ld",1|USEFLOAT);needs(buf);}
+	  if(!strcmp(p->identifier,"atof")){sprintf(buf,"vscanf.%ld",1|USEFLOAT);needs(buf);}
+	  if(!strcmp(p->identifier,"tmpnam")){sprintf(buf,"vfprintf.%ld",1|USEDEC);needs(buf);}
+	  if(!strcmp(p->identifier,"fopen")){
+	    needs("__read.2");
+	    needs("__write.2");
+	    needs("stdin.2");
+	    needs("stdout.2");
+	    needs("stderr.2");
+	  }
+	}
+      }
+    }
+    if(v==0){error(82,p->identifier);return(0);}
+    if(disallow_statics&&v->storage_class==STATIC&&v->nesting==0&&*v->identifier){
+      error(302,v->identifier);
+      return 0;
+    }
+    ff=v->vtyp->flags&NQ;
+    if(ISARITH(ff)||ISPOINTER(ff)||ISSTRUCT(ff)||ISUNION(ff)||ISVECTOR(ff)) p->lvalue=1;
+    p->ntyp=clone_typ(v->vtyp);
+    /*  arithmetischen const Typ als Konstante behandeln, das muss noch
+	deutlich anders werden, bevor man es wirklich so machen kann
+        if((p->ntyp->flags&CONST)&&ISARITH(p->ntyp->flags)&&v->clist&&!(f&CONSTADDR)){
+	p->flags=CEXPR;
+	p->val=v->clist->val;
+	v->flags|=USEDASSOURCE;
+        }*/
+    p->flags&=~CONSTADDR;
+    if((p->ntyp->flags&NQ)==ENUM){
+      /*  enumerations auch als Konstante (int) behandeln */
+      p->flags=CEXPR;
+      if(!v->clist) ierror(0);
+      p->val=v->clist->val;
+      p->ntyp->flags=CONST|INT;
+    }
+    p->o.v=v;
+    if (p->ntyp->flags&VOLATILE) p->sidefx=1; /* Touching a volatile may have side effects */
+    return 1;
+  }
+  if(f==CEXPR||f==PCEXPR||f==STRING) return 1;
+  if(f==REINTERPRET){
+    /* todo: add checks */
+    return 1;
+  }
+  if(f==BITFIELD) return 1;
+  if(f==LITERAL){
+    p->lvalue=1;
+    return 1;
+  }
+  if(f==KOMMA){
+    if(const_expr){error(46);return 0;}
+    p->ntyp=clone_typ(p->right->ntyp);
+    if(f==CEXPR) p->val=p->right->val;
+    return ok;
+  }
+  if(f==ASSIGN||f==ASSIGNOP){
+    if(!p) ierror(0);
+    if(!p->left) ierror(0);
+    if(p->left->lvalue==0) {error(86);/*prd(p->left->ntyp);*/return 0;}
+    if(const_typ(p->left->ntyp)) {error(87);return 0;}
+    if(type_uncomplete(p->left->ntyp)) {error(88);return 0;}
+    if(type_uncomplete(p->right->ntyp)) {error(88);return 0;}
+    p->ntyp=clone_typ(p->left->ntyp);
+    p->sidefx=1;
+    return(test_assignment(p->left->ntyp,p->right));
+  }
+  if(f==LOR||f==LAND){
+    int a1=-1,a2=-1,m;
+    if(ISVECTOR(p->left->ntyp->flags)){
+      if(ISVECTOR(p->right->ntyp->flags)){
+	if((p->left->ntyp->flags&NU)!=(p->right->ntyp->flags&NU)){error(89);return 0;}
+      }else{
+	if(!ISINT(p->right->ntyp->flags)){error(89);return 0;}
+      }
+      p->ntyp=new_typ();
+      p->ntyp->flags=p->left->ntyp->flags&NQ;
+      return ok;
+    }
+    if(ISVECTOR(p->right->ntyp->flags)){
+      if(!ISINT(p->left->ntyp->flags)){error(89);return 0;}
+      p->ntyp->flags=p->right->ntyp->flags&NQ;
+      return ok;
+    }
+    if(f==LAND) m=1; else m=0;
+#ifdef HAVE_MISRA
+/* removed */
+    p->ntyp=new_typ();
+    p->ntyp->flags=INT;
+    if(!ISARITH(p->left->ntyp->flags)&&!ISPOINTER(p->left->ntyp->flags))
+      {error(89);ok=0;}
+    if(!ISARITH(p->right->ntyp->flags)&&!ISPOINTER(p->right->ntyp->flags))
+      {error(89);ok=0;}
+    if(p->left->flags==CEXPR){
+      eval_constn(p->left);
+      if(!zldeqto(vldouble,d2zld(0.0))||!zumeqto(vumax,ul2zum(0UL))||!zmeqto(vmax,l2zm(0L))) a1=1; else a1=0;
+    }
+    if(p->right->flags==CEXPR){
+      eval_constn(p->right);
+      if(!zldeqto(vldouble,d2zld(0.0))||!zumeqto(vumax,ul2zum(0UL))||!zmeqto(vmax,l2zm(0L))) a2=1; else a2=0;
+    }
+    if(a1==1-m||a2==1-m||(a1==m&&a2==m)){
+      p->flags=CEXPR;p->sidefx=0;
+      if(!p->left->sidefx) {free_expression(p->left);p->left=0;} else p->sidefx=1;
+      if(!p->right->sidefx||a1==1-m) {free_expression(p->right);p->right=0;} else p->sidefx=0;
+      if(a1==1-m||a2==1-m) {p->val.vint=zm2zi(l2zm((long)(1-m)));}
+      else {p->val.vint=zm2zi(l2zm((long)m));}
+    }
+    return ok;
+  }
+  if(f==OR||f==AND||f==XOR){
+    if(ISVECTOR(p->left->ntyp->flags)){
+      if(!ISINT(VECTYPE(p->left->ntyp->flags))){error(90);return 0;}
+      if(ISVECTOR(p->right->ntyp->flags)){
+	if((p->left->ntyp->flags&NU)!=(p->right->ntyp->flags&NU)){error(98);return 0;}
+      }else{
+	if(!ISINT(p->right->ntyp->flags)){error(90);return 0;}
+      }
+      p->ntyp=clone_typ(p->left->ntyp);
+      return ok;
+    }
+    if(ISVECTOR(p->right->ntyp->flags)){
+      if(!ISINT(VECTYPE(p->right->ntyp->flags))){error(90);return 0;}
+      if(!ISINT(p->left->ntyp->flags)){error(90);return 0;}
+      p->ntyp=clone_typ(p->right->ntyp);
+      return ok;
+    }
+    if(!ISINT(p->left->ntyp->flags)){error(90);return 0;}
+    if(!ISINT(p->right->ntyp->flags)){error(90);return 0;}
+#ifdef HAVE_MISRA
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+    if(ttyp&&decide_shortcut(p,ttyp))
+      p->ntyp=clone_typ(ttyp);
+    else
+      p->ntyp=arith_typ(p->left->ntyp,p->right->ntyp);
+    if(!mopt){
+      if(!alg_opt(p,ttyp)) ierror(0);
+    }
+    return ok;
+  }
+    /*  hier noch einige Abfragen fuer sichere Entscheidungen einbauen  */
+    /*  z.B. unigned/signed-Vergleiche etc.                             */
+    /*  die val.vint=0/1-Zuweisungen muessen noch an zint angepasst     */
+    /*  werden                                                          */
+    zmax s1,s2;zumax u1,u2;zldouble d1,d2;int c=0;
+    type *t;
+    if(ISVECTOR(p->left->ntyp->flags)){
+      if(ISVECTOR(p->right->ntyp->flags)){
+	if((p->left->ntyp->flags&NU)!=(p->right->ntyp->flags&NU)){error(89);return 0;}
+      }
+      p->ntyp=new_typ();
+      if(ISFLOAT(VECTYPE(p->left->ntyp->flags)))
+	p->ntyp->flags=mkvec(INT,VECDIM(p->left->ntyp->flags));
+      else
+	p->ntyp->flags=p->left->ntyp->flags&NQ;
+      return ok;
+    }
+    if(ISVECTOR(p->right->ntyp->flags)){
+      p->ntyp=new_typ();
+      if(ISFLOAT(VECTYPE(p->right->ntyp->flags)))
+	p->ntyp->flags=mkvec(INT,VECDIM(p->left->ntyp->flags));
+      else
+	p->ntyp->flags=p->right->ntyp->flags&NQ;
+      return ok;
+    }
+#ifdef HAVE_MISRA
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+    if(!ISARITH(p->left->ntyp->flags)||!ISARITH(p->right->ntyp->flags)){
+      if(!ISPOINTER(p->left->ntyp->flags)||!ISPOINTER(p->right->ntyp->flags)){
+	if(f!=EQUAL&&f!=INEQUAL){
+	  error(92);return 0;
+	}else{
+	  if((!ISPOINTER(p->left->ntyp->flags)||p->right->flags!=CEXPR)&&
+	     (!ISPOINTER(p->right->ntyp->flags)||p->left->flags!=CEXPR)){
+	    error(93);return 0;
+	  }else{
+	    if(p->left->flags==CEXPR) eval_constn(p->left);
+	    else                     eval_constn(p->right);
+	    if(!zldeqto(vldouble,d2zld(0.0))||!zmeqto(vmax,l2zm(0L))||!zumeqto(vumax,ul2zum(0UL)))
+	      {error(40);return 0;}
+	  }
+	}
+      }else{
+	if(compatible_types(p->left->ntyp->next,p->right->ntyp->next,NQ)){
+	}else{
+	  if(f!=EQUAL&&f!=INEQUAL) error(41);
+	  if((p->left->ntyp->next->flags&NQ)!=VOID&&(p->right->ntyp->next->flags&NQ)!=VOID)
+	    {error(41);}
+	}
+      }
+    }
+    if(p->left->flags==CEXPR){
+      eval_constn(p->left);
+      d1=vldouble;u1=vumax;s1=vmax;c|=1;
+      if((p->right->ntyp->flags&UNSIGNED)&&!(p->left->ntyp->flags&UNSIGNED)){
+	if(zldleq(d1,d2zld(0.0))&&zmleq(s1,l2zm(0L))){
+	  if(!zldeqto(d1,d2zld(0.0))||!zmeqto(s1,l2zm(0L))){
+	    if(zumleq(tu_max[p->right->ntyp->flags&NQ],t_max[p->left->ntyp->flags&NQ]))
+	      error(165);
+	  }else{
+	    if(f==GREATER||f==LESSEQ) error(165);
+	  }
+	}
+      }
+    }
+    if(p->right->flags==CEXPR){
+      eval_constn(p->right);
+      d2=vldouble;u2=vumax;s2=vmax;c|=2;
+      if((p->left->ntyp->flags&UNSIGNED)&&!(p->right->ntyp->flags&UNSIGNED)){
+	if(zldleq(d2,d2zld(0.0))&&zmleq(s2,l2zm(0L))){
+	  if(!zldeqto(d2,d2zld(0.0))||!zmeqto(s2,l2zm(0L))){
+	    if(zumleq(tu_max[p->left->ntyp->flags&NQ],t_max[p->right->ntyp->flags&NQ]))
+	      error(165);
+	  }else{
+	    if(f==LESS||f==GREATEREQ) error(165);
+	  }
+	}
+      }
+    }
+    p->ntyp=new_typ();
+    p->ntyp->flags=INT;
+    if(c==3){
+      p->flags=CEXPR;
+      t=arith_typ(p->left->ntyp,p->right->ntyp);
+      if(!p->left->sidefx) {free_expression(p->left);p->left=0;}
+      if(!p->right->sidefx) {free_expression(p->right);p->right=0;}
+      if(ISFLOAT(t->flags)){
+	if(f==EQUAL) p->val.vint=zm2zi(l2zm((long)zldeqto(d1,d2)));
+	if(f==INEQUAL) p->val.vint=zm2zi(l2zm((long)!zldeqto(d1,d2)));
+	if(f==LESSEQ) p->val.vint=zm2zi(l2zm((long)zldleq(d1,d2)));
+	if(f==GREATER) p->val.vint=zm2zi(l2zm((long)!zldleq(d1,d2)));
+	if(f==LESS){
+	  if(zldleq(d1,d2)&&!zldeqto(d1,d2))
+	    p->val.vint=zm2zi(l2zm(1L));
+	  else
+	    p->val.vint=zm2zi(l2zm(0L));
+	}
+	if(f==GREATEREQ){
+	  if(!zldleq(d1,d2)||zldeqto(d1,d2))
+	    p->val.vint=zm2zi(l2zm(1L));
+	  else
+	    p->val.vint=zm2zi(l2zm(0L));
+	}
+      }else{
+	if(t->flags&UNSIGNED){
+	  if(f==EQUAL) p->val.vint=zm2zi(l2zm((long)zumeqto(u1,u2)));
+	  if(f==INEQUAL) p->val.vint=zm2zi(l2zm((long)!zumeqto(u1,u2)));
+	  if(f==LESSEQ) p->val.vint=zm2zi(l2zm((long)zumleq(u1,u2)));
+	  if(f==GREATER) p->val.vint=zm2zi(l2zm((long)!zumleq(u1,u2)));
+	  if(f==LESS){
+	    if(zumleq(u1,u2)&&!zumeqto(u1,u2))
+	      p->val.vint=zm2zi(l2zm(1L));
+	    else
+	      p->val.vint=zm2zi(l2zm(0L));
+	  }
+	  if(f==GREATEREQ){
+	    if(!zumleq(u1,u2)||zumeqto(u1,u2))
+	      p->val.vint=zm2zi(l2zm(1L));
+	    else 
+	      p->val.vint=zm2zi(l2zm(0L));
+	  }
+	}else{
+	  if(f==EQUAL) p->val.vint=zm2zi(l2zm((long)zmeqto(s1,s2)));
+	  if(f==INEQUAL) p->val.vint=zm2zi(l2zm((long)!zmeqto(s1,s2)));
+	  if(f==LESSEQ) p->val.vint=zm2zi(l2zm((long)zmleq(s1,s2)));
+	  if(f==GREATER) p->val.vint=zm2zi(l2zm((long)!zmleq(s1,s2)));
+	  if(f==LESS){
+	    if(zmleq(s1,s2)&&!zmeqto(s1,s2))
+	      p->val.vint=zm2zi(l2zm(1L));
+	    else 
+	      p->val.vint=zm2zi(l2zm(0L));
+	  }
+	  if(f==GREATEREQ){
+	    if(!zmleq(s1,s2)||zmeqto(s1,s2))
+	      p->val.vint=zm2zi(l2zm(1L));
+	    else 
+	      p->val.vint=zm2zi(l2zm(0L));
+	  }
+	}
+      }
+      freetyp(t);
+    }
+    return ok;
+  }
+  if(f==ADD||f==SUB||f==MULT||f==DIV||f==MOD||f==LSHIFT||f==RSHIFT||f==PMULT){
+    if(ISVECTOR(p->left->ntyp->flags)){
+      if((f==MOD||f==LSHIFT||f==RSHIFT)&&ISFLOAT(VECTYPE(p->left->ntyp->flags))){
+	error(98);
+	return 0;
+      }
+      if(ISARITH(p->right->ntyp->flags)){
+	p->ntyp=clone_typ(p->left->ntyp);
+	return ok;
+      }
+      if((p->left->ntyp->flags&NU)==(p->right->ntyp->flags&NU)){
+	p->ntyp=clone_typ(p->left->ntyp);
+	return ok;
+      }
+      error(98);
+      return 0;
+    }
+    if(ISVECTOR(p->right->ntyp->flags)){
+      if((f==MOD||f==LSHIFT||f==RSHIFT)&&ISFLOAT(VECTYPE(p->right->ntyp->flags))){
+	error(98);
+	return 0;
+      }
+      if(ISARITH(p->left->ntyp->flags)){
+	p->ntyp=clone_typ(p->right->ntyp);
+	return ok;
+      }
+      error(98);
+      return 0;
+    }
+    if(!ISARITH(p->left->ntyp->flags)||!ISARITH(p->right->ntyp->flags)){
+      np new;zmax sz; int typf=0;
+#ifdef MAXADDI2P
+      static type pmt={MAXADDI2P};
+      if(f!=ADD&&f!=SUB){error(94);return 0;}
+#ifdef HAVE_MISRA
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+      if(ISPOINTER(p->left->ntyp->flags)){
+	if((p->left->ntyp->next->flags&NQ)==VOID)
+	  {error(95);return 0;}
+	if(ISPOINTER(p->right->ntyp->flags)){
+	  if((p->right->ntyp->next->flags&NQ)==VOID)
+	    {error(95);return 0;}
+	  if(!compatible_types(p->left->ntyp->next,p->right->ntyp->next,NQ))
+	    {error(41);}
+	  if(f!=SUB){
+	    error(96);
+	    return 0;
+	  }else{
+	    typf=3;
+	  }
+	}else{
+	  if(!ISINT(p->right->ntyp->flags))
+	    {error(97,ename[f]);return 0;}
+	  if(p->right->flags!=PMULT&&p->right->flags!=PCEXPR){
+	    new=new_node();
+	    new->flags=PMULT;
+	    new->ntyp=0;
+	    new->left=p->right;
+	    new->right=new_node();
+	    if(is_vlength(p->left->ntyp->next)){
+	      new->right->flags=IDENTIFIER;
+	      new->right->identifier=empty;
+	      new->right->dsize=vlength_szof(p->left->ntyp->next);
+	      new->right->val.vmax=l2zm(0L);
+	      new->right->sidefx=0;
+	    }else{
+	      new->right->flags=PCEXPR;
+	      sz=szof(p->left->ntyp->next);
+	      if(zmeqto(l2zm(0L),sz)) error(78);
+	      new->right->val.vint=zm2zi(sz);
+	      new->right->val.vlong=zm2zl(sz);
+	    }
+	    new->right->left=new->right->right=0;
+	    new->right->ntyp=new_typ();
+	    new->right->ntyp->flags=INT;
+	    new->right->ntyp->flags=LONG;
+	    p->right=new;
+#ifdef MAXADDI2P
+	    ok&=type_expression2(new,(shorttyp&&(shorttyp->flags&NQ)<MAXADDI2P)?shorttyp:&pmt);
+	    ok&=type_expression2(new,shorttyp);
+	  }
+	  typf=1;
+	}
+      }else{
+	np merk;
+	if(!ISPOINTER(p->right->ntyp->flags))
+	  {error(98);return 0;}
+	if((p->right->ntyp->next->flags&NQ)==VOID)
+	  {error(95);return 0;}
+	if(!ISINT(p->left->ntyp->flags))
+	  {error(98);return 0;}
+	if(p->flags==SUB){error(99);return 0;}
+	if(p->left->flags!=PMULT&&p->left->flags!=PCEXPR){
+	  new=new_node();
+	  new->flags=PMULT;
+	  new->ntyp=0;
+	  new->left=p->left;
+	  new->right=new_node();
+	  if(is_vlength(p->right->ntyp->next)){
+	    new->right->flags=IDENTIFIER;
+	    new->right->identifier=empty;
+	    new->right->dsize=vlength_szof(p->right->ntyp->next);
+	    new->right->val.vmax=l2zm(0L);
+	    new->right->sidefx=0;
+	  }else{
+	    new->right->flags=PCEXPR;
+	    sz=szof(p->right->ntyp->next);
+	    if(zmeqto(l2zm(0L),sz)) error(78);
+	    new->right->val.vint=zm2zi(sz);
+	    new->right->val.vlong=zm2zl(sz);
+	  }
+	  new->right->left=new->right->right=0;
+	  new->right->ntyp=new_typ();
+	  new->right->ntyp->flags=INT;
+	  new->right->ntyp->flags=LONG;
+	  p->left=new;
+#ifdef MAXADDI2P
+	  ok&=type_expression2(new,&pmt);
+	  ok&=type_expression2(new,0);
+	}
+	typf=2;
+	merk=p->left;p->left=p->right;p->right=merk;
+      }
+      if(typf==0){ierror(0);return(0);}
+      else{
+	if(typf==3){
+	  p->ntyp=new_typ();
+	  p->ntyp->flags=PTRDIFF_T(p->left->ntyp->flags);
+	}else{
+	  /*if(typf==1)*/ p->ntyp=clone_typ(p->left->ntyp);
+	  /* else       p->ntyp=clone_typ(p->right->ntyp);*/
+	  /*  Abfrage wegen Vertauschen der Knoten unnoetig   */
+	}
+      }
+    }else{
+      if(f==LSHIFT||f==RSHIFT){
+	if(ttyp&&f==LSHIFT&&(ttf<=INT||ttf<(p->left->ntyp->flags&NQ))&&shortcut(f,ttyp->flags&NU)){
+	  p->ntyp=clone_typ(ttyp);
+	}else if(ttyp&&f==RSHIFT&&ttf<=INT&&ttf<=(p->left->ntyp->flags&NQ)&&shortcut(f,p->left->ntyp->flags&NU)){
+	  p->ntyp=clone_typ(p->left->ntyp);
+	}else{
+	  p->ntyp=arith_typ(p->left->ntyp,p->left->ntyp);
+	  p->ntyp->flags&=~NQ;
+	  p->ntyp->flags|=int_erw(p->left->ntyp->flags);
+	}
+	if(p->right->flags==CEXPR){
+	  eval_constn(p->right);
+	  if(!zmleq(l2zm(0L),vmax)) error(366);
+	  if(zmleq(zmmult(sizetab[p->ntyp->flags&NQ],char_bit),vmax)&&zmleq(zmmult(sizetab[p->left->ntyp->flags&NQ],char_bit),vmax)) error(367);
+	}
+#ifdef HAVE_MISRA
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+      }else{
+	/* ggfs. in kleinerem Zieltyp auswerten - bei float keinen shortcut (wäre evtl. double=>float unkritisch?) */
+	if(ttyp&&decide_shortcut(p,ttyp))
+	  p->ntyp=clone_typ(ttyp);
+	else
+	  p->ntyp=arith_typ(p->left->ntyp,p->right->ntyp);
+	if(!ISINT(p->ntyp->flags)&&(f==MOD||f==LSHIFT||f==RSHIFT))
+	  {error(101);ok=0;}
+      }
+    }
+    /*  fuegt &a+x zusammen, noch sub und left<->right machen   */
+    /*  Bei CEXPR statt PCEXPR auch machen?                     */
+    if((p->flags==ADD||p->flags==SUB)){
+      np m,c=0,a=0;
+      if(p->left->flags==PCEXPR&&p->flags==ADD) c=p->left;
+      if(p->right->flags==PCEXPR) c=p->right;
+      if(p->left->flags==ADDRESS||p->left->flags==ADDRESSA||p->left->flags==ADDRESSS) a=p->left;
+      if(p->right->flags==ADDRESS||p->right->flags==ADDRESSA||p->right->flags==ADDRESSS) a=p->right;
+      if(c&&a){
+	m=a->left;
+	/*  kann man das hier so machen oder muss man da mehr testen ?  */
+	while(m->flags==FIRSTELEMENT||m->flags==ADDRESS||m->flags==ADDRESSA||m->flags==ADDRESSS) m=m->left;
+	if((m->flags==IDENTIFIER||m->flags==STRING)&&!is_vlength(m->ntyp)){
+	  if(DEBUG&1) printf("&a+x with %s combined\n",ename[p->left->flags]);
+	  eval_const(&c->val,c->ntyp->flags);
+	  if(p->flags==ADD)
+	    m->val.vmax=zumadd(m->val.vmax,vmax);
+	  else 
+	    m->val.vmax=zmsub(m->val.vmax,vmax);
+	  vmax=szof(m->ntyp);
+	  if(!zmeqto(vmax,l2zm(0L))&&zumleq(vmax,m->val.vmax)){
+	    if(zumeqto(vmax,m->val.vmax))
+	      error(79);
+	    else
+	      error(80);
+	  }
+	  vmax=l2zm(0L);
+	  if(!zmeqto(m->val.vmax,l2zm(0L))&&zumleq(m->val.vmax,vmax)) error(80);
+	  free_expression(c);
+	  if(p->ntyp) freetyp(p->ntyp);
+	  *p=*a;
+	  free(a);
+	  return type_expression2(p,0);
+	}
+      }
+    }
+    if(!mopt){
+      if(!alg_opt(p,ttyp)) ierror(0);
+    }
+    return ok;
+  }
+  if(f==CAST){
+    int from=(p->left->ntyp->flags),to=(p->ntyp->flags);
+#ifdef HAVE_MISRA
+/* removed */
+    from&=NQ;to&=NQ;
+    if(to==VOID) return ok;
+    if(from==VOID)
+      {error(102);return 0;}
+    if((!ISARITH(to)||!ISARITH(from))&&
+       (!ISPOINTER(to)||!ISPOINTER(from))){
+      if(ISPOINTER(to)){
+	if(ISINT(from)){
+#ifdef HAVE_MISRA
+/* removed */
+	  if(!zmleq(sizetab[from],sizetab[to])){
+	    error(103);
+	  }
+	}else{
+	  error(104);return 0;
+	}
+      }else{
+	if(!ISPOINTER(from))
+	  {error(105);return 0;}
+	if(ISINT(to)){
+#ifdef HAVE_MISRA
+/* removed */
+	  if(!zmleq(sizetab[from],sizetab[to])){
+	    error(106);
+	  }
+	}else{
+	  error(104);return 0;
+	}
+      }
+    }
+    if(ISINT(from)&&ISINT(to)&&!zmleq(sizetab[from],sizetab[to])&&p->left->flags!=CEXPR) error(166);
+    if(ISPOINTER(to)&&ISPOINTER(from)&&!zmleq(falign(p->ntyp->next),falign(p->left->ntyp->next)))
+      error(167);
+    if(p->left->flags==CEXPR){
+      eval_constn(p->left);
+      if(ISPOINTER(p->ntyp->flags))
+	if(!zumeqto(vumax,ul2zum(0UL))||!zmeqto(vmax,l2zm(0L))||!zldeqto(vldouble,d2zld(0.0)))
+	  error(81);
+      insert_constn(p);
+      p->flags=CEXPR;
+      if(!p->left->sidefx){
+	if(!no_cast_free) 
+	  free_expression(p->left);
+	p->left=0;
+      }
+    }
+#ifdef HAVE_ECPP
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+    return ok;
+  }
+    if(ISVECTOR(p->left->ntyp->flags)){
+      if(f==NEGATION){
+	if(ISFLOAT(VECTYPE(p->left->ntyp->flags))){error(98);return 0;}
+	p->ntyp=new_typ();
+	p->ntyp->flags=p->left->ntyp->flags&NQ;
+	return ok;
+      }
+      if(f==KOMPLEMENT&&ISFLOAT(VECTYPE(p->left->ntyp->flags))){error(109);return 0;}
+      p->ntyp=clone_typ(p->left->ntyp);
+      return ok;
+    }
+    if(!ISARITH(p->left->ntyp->flags)){
+      if(f!=NEGATION){
+	error(107);return 0;
+      }else{
+	if(!ISPOINTER(p->left->ntyp->flags))
+	  {error(108);return 0;}
+      }
+    }
+#ifdef HAVE_MISRA
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+    if(f==KOMPLEMENT&&!ISINT(p->left->ntyp->flags))
+      {error(109);return 0;}
+    if(f==NEGATION){
+      p->ntyp=new_typ();
+      p->ntyp->flags=INT;
+    }else{
+      if(!p->left->ntyp) ierror(0);
+      p->ntyp=clone_typ(p->left->ntyp);
+      if(ISINT(p->ntyp->flags)){
+	if(!ttyp||!shortcut(f,ttyp->flags&NU)){
+	  p->ntyp->flags=int_erw(p->ntyp->flags);
+	}else{ 
+	  if((f==MINUS&&!zmleq(sizetab[ttyp->flags&NQ],sizetab[p->ntyp->flags&NQ]))||
+	     (f==KOMPLEMENT&&!zmleq(sizetab[ttyp->flags&NQ],sizetab[p->ntyp->flags&NQ])&&(p->ntyp->flags&UNSIGNED)))
+	    p->ntyp->flags=int_erw(p->ntyp->flags);
+	}
+      }
+    }
+    if(p->left->flags==CEXPR){
+      eval_constn(p->left);
+      if(f==KOMPLEMENT){
+	if(p->ntyp->flags&UNSIGNED){
+	  gval.vumax=zumkompl(vumax);
+	  eval_const(&gval,(UNSIGNED|MAXINT));
+	}else{
+	  gval.vmax=zmkompl(vmax);
+	  eval_const(&gval,MAXINT);
+	}
+      }
+      if(f==MINUS){
+	if(ISFLOAT(p->ntyp->flags)){
+	  gval.vldouble=zldsub(d2zld(0.0),vldouble);
+	  eval_const(&gval,LDOUBLE);
+	}else{
+	  if(p->ntyp->flags&UNSIGNED){
+	    gval.vumax=zumsub(ul2zum(0UL),vumax);
+	    eval_const(&gval,(UNSIGNED|MAXINT));
+	  }else{
+	    gval.vmax=zmsub(l2zm(0L),vmax);
+	    eval_const(&gval,MAXINT);
+	  }
+	}
+      }
+      if(f==NEGATION){
+	if(zldeqto(vldouble,d2zld(0.0))&&zumeqto(vumax,ul2zum(0UL))&&zmeqto(vmax,l2zm(0L)))
+	  gval.vmax=l2zm(1L); 
+	else 
+	  gval.vmax=l2zm(0L);
+	eval_const(&gval,MAXINT);
+      }
+      insert_constn(p);
+      p->flags=CEXPR;
+      if(!p->left->sidefx&&p->left) {free_expression(p->left);p->left=0;}
+    }
+    return ok;
+  }
+  if(f==CONTENT){
+    if(!ISPOINTER(p->left->ntyp->flags))
+      {error(111);return 0;}
+    if(!ISARRAY(p->left->ntyp->next->flags)&&type_uncomplete(p->left->ntyp->next))
+      {error(112);return 0;}
+    p->ntyp=clone_typ(p->left->ntyp->next);
+    if(!ISARRAY(p->ntyp->flags)) p->lvalue=1;
+    if(p->left->flags==ADDRESS&&zumeqto(p->left->val.vumax,ul2zum(0UL))){
+      /*  *&x durch x ersetzen                                */
+      np merk;
+      merk=p->left;
+      if(p->ntyp) freetyp(p->ntyp);
+      if(p->left->ntyp) freetyp(p->left->ntyp);
+      *p=*p->left->left;
+      free(merk->left);
+      free(merk);
+      return ok;
+    }
+    /*  *&ax durch firstelement-of(x) ersetzen  */
+    if(p->left->flags==ADDRESSA||p->left->flags==ADDRESSS){
+      if(!is_vlength(p->left->left->ntyp)){
+	np merk;
+	if(DEBUG&1) printf("substitutet * and %s with FIRSTELEMENT\n",ename[p->left->flags]);
+	p->flags=FIRSTELEMENT;
+	p->lvalue=1;    /*  evtl. hier erst Abfrage ?   */
+	merk=p->left;
+	p->left=merk->left;
+	p->right=merk->right;
+	if(merk->ntyp) freetyp(merk->ntyp);
+	free(merk);
+      }
+    }
+    if (p->ntyp->flags&VOLATILE) p->sidefx=1;
+    return ok;
+  }
+    if(ISARRAY(p->left->ntyp->flags)){
+      p->ntyp=clone_typ(p->left->ntyp->next);
+    }else{
+      int i,n=-1;
+      for(i=0;i<p->left->ntyp->exact->count;i++)
+	if(!strcmp((*p->left->ntyp->exact->sl)[i].identifier,p->right->identifier)) n=i;
+      if(n<0) ierror(0);
+      p->ntyp=clone_typ((*p->left->ntyp->exact->sl)[n].styp);
+    }
+    p->lvalue=1;    /*  hier noch genauer testen ?  */
+    return ok;
+  }
+  if(f==ADDRESS){
+    if(!ISFUNC(p->left->ntyp->flags)&&!ISARRAY(p->left->ntyp->flags)){
+      if(!p->left->lvalue){error(115);return 0;}
+      if(p->left->flags==IDENTIFIER){
+	Var *v;
+	v=find_var(p->left->identifier,0);
+	if(!v){error(116,p->left->identifier);return 0;}
+	if(v->storage_class==REGISTER)
+	  {error(117);return 0;}
+      }
+    }
+    p->ntyp=new_typ();
+    p->ntyp->flags=ptype(p->left);
+    p->ntyp->next=clone_typ(p->left->ntyp);
+    fix_addr_ptype(p);
+    return ok;
+  }
+  if(f==ADDRESSA){
+    p->ntyp=clone_typ(p->left->ntyp);
+    p->ntyp->flags=ptype(p->left);
+    fix_addr_ptype(p);
+    return ok;
+  }
+  if(f==ADDRESSS){
+    int i,n=-1;
+    struct_list *sl=0;
+    if(!ecpp){
+      for(i=0;i<p->left->ntyp->exact->count;i++)
+	if(!strcmp((*p->left->ntyp->exact->sl)[i].identifier,p->right->identifier)) n=i;
+      if(n<0)
+        return 0;
+      else
+        sl=&(*p->left->ntyp->exact->sl)[n];
+    }
+#ifdef HAVE_ECPP
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+    p->ntyp=new_typ();
+    if(!p->left->ntyp) ierror(0);
+    if(!p->left->ntyp->exact) ierror(0);
+    if(!sl->styp) ierror(0);
+    p->ntyp->next=clone_typ(sl->styp);
+    p->ntyp->flags=ptype(p->left);
+    fix_addr_ptype(p);
+    return ok;
+  }
+  if(f==DSTRUCT){
+    struct_declaration *sd=p->left->ntyp->exact;
+    char *identifier=p->right->identifier;
+    int i=0,f,bfs=-1,bfo=-1;type *t;np new;zmax offset=l2zm(0L);
+    if(!ISSTRUCT(p->left->ntyp->flags)&&!ISUNION(p->left->ntyp->flags))
+      {error(8);return 0;}
+    if(type_uncomplete(p->left->ntyp)){error(11);return 0;}
+    if(p->right->flags!=MEMBER) ierror(0);
+    if(i>=p->left->ntyp->exact->count) {error(23,p->right->identifier);return 0;}
+    if(!ecpp){
+      offset=struct_offset(sd,identifier);
+    }
+#ifdef HAVE_ECPP
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+    if(ISUNION(p->left->ntyp->flags)) offset=l2zm(0L);
+    p->flags=CONTENT;
+    if(p->ntyp) {freetyp(p->ntyp);p->ntyp=0;}
+    new=new_node();
+    new->flags=ADD;
+    new->ntyp=0;
+    new->right=new_node();
+    new->right->left=new->right->right=0;
+    new->right->flags=PCEXPR;
+    new->right->ntyp=new_typ();
+    if(/*MINADDI2P<=INT&&*/zumleq(zm2zum(offset),t_max(INT))){
+      new->right->ntyp->flags=INT;
+      new->right->val.vint=zm2zi(offset);
+    }else{
+      new->right->ntyp->flags=LONG;
+      new->right->ntyp->next=0;
+      new->right->val.vlong=zm2zl(offset);
+    }
+    new->left=new_node();
+    new->left->flags=ADDRESSS;
+    new->left->left=p->left;
+    new->left->right=p->right;
+    new->left->ntyp=0;
+    p->left=new;p->right=0;
+    /* Check for bitfields */
+    i=0;
+    while(i<sd->count&&strcmp((*sd->sl)[i].identifier,identifier)){
+      i++;
+    }
+    if(i<sd->count){
+      bfo=(*sd->sl)[i].bfoffset;
+      bfs=(*sd->sl)[i].bfsize;
+    }else
+      bfs=-1;
+    if(bfs!=-1){
+      /* create a special node for bitfields */
+      ok|=type_expression2(p,0);
+      new=new_node();
+      *new=*p;
+      p->flags=BITFIELD;
+      p->left=new;
+      p->right=0;
+      p->sidefx=0;
+      p->bfs=bfs;
+      p->bfo=bfo;
+      p->ntyp=clone_typ(new->ntyp);
+      return ok;
+    }
+    return type_expression2(p,0);
+  }
+  if(f==PREINC||f==POSTINC||f==PREDEC||f==POSTDEC){
+    if(!p->left->lvalue){error(86);return 0;}
+    if(p->left->ntyp->flags&CONST){error(87);return 0;}
+    if(!ISARITH(p->left->ntyp->flags)){
+      if(!ISPOINTER(p->left->ntyp->flags)){
+	error(24);
+	return 0;
+      }else{
+#ifdef HAVE_MISRA
+/* removed */
+	if((p->left->ntyp->next->flags&NQ)==VOID)
+	  {error(95);return 0;}
+      }
+    }
+    p->ntyp=clone_typ(p->left->ntyp);
+    p->sidefx=1;
+    return ok;
+  }
+  if(f==CALL){
+    argument_list *al;int i,flags=0;char *s=0;
+    struct_declaration *sd;
+#ifdef HAVE_ECPP
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+    al=p->alist;
+    if(!ISPOINTER(p->left->ntyp->flags)||!ISFUNC(p->left->ntyp->next->flags))
+      {error(26);return 0;}
+    if(ok&&p->left->left&&p->left->left->flags==IDENTIFIER&&p->left->left->o.v->storage_class==EXTERN){
+      s=p->left->left->o.v->identifier;
+      flags=p->left->left->o.v->flags;
+    }
+    sd=p->left->ntyp->next->exact;
+    if(!sd) ierror(0);
+    if(sd->count==0){
+#ifdef HAVE_MISRA
+/* removed */
+      error(162);
+      if(s){
+	if(!strcmp(s,"printf")||!strcmp(s,"fprintf")||!strcmp(s,"sprintf")||
+	   !strcmp(s,"scanf")|| !strcmp(s,"fscanf")|| !strcmp(s,"sscanf"))
+	  error(213);
+      }
+    }
+    if(!(ecpp&&al&&al->arg->ntyp)){
+      i=0;
+      while(al){
+	if(!al->arg) ierror(0);
+	if(!type_expression2(al->arg,(short_push&&i<sd->count)?(*sd->sl)[i].styp:0)) return 0;
+	al->arg=makepointer(al->arg);
+	if(type_uncomplete(al->arg->ntyp)) error(39);
+	al=al->next;
+	i++;
+      }
+    }
+    p->sidefx=1;
+    p->ntyp=clone_typ(p->left->ntyp->next->next);
+    i=0;al=p->alist;
+    while(al){
+      if(i>=sd->count) return ok;
+      if(!(*sd->sl)[i].styp) return ok; /* nur Bezeichner, aber kein Typ im Prototype */
+      if(!test_assignment((*sd->sl)[i].styp,al->arg)) return 0;
+#ifdef HAVE_MISRA
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+      if(i==sd->count-1&&(flags&(PRINTFLIKE|SCANFLIKE))){
+	if(al->arg->left&&al->arg->left->flags==STRING){
+	  /*  Argumente anhand des Formatstrings ueberpruefen */
+	  const_list *cl=al->arg->left->cl;
+	  int fused=0;long mask=1;
+	  al=al->next;
+	  while(cl&&cl->other){
+	    int c,fflags=' ',at,lflag;
+	    type *t;
+	    enum{LL=1,HH};
+	    c=(int)zm2l(zc2zm(cl->other->val.vchar));
+ 	    cl=cl->next;
+	    if(c==0){
+	      if(cl) error(215);
+	      break;
+	    }
+	    c=CHARBACK(c);
+	    if(c!='%') continue;
+	    if(!cl){error(214);return ok;}
+	    lflag=0;
+	    c=(int)zm2l(zc2zm(cl->other->val.vchar));
+	    c=CHARBACK(c);
+	    cl=cl->next;
+	    while(isdigit((unsigned char)c)||
+		  c=='-'||c=='+'||c==' '||c=='#'||c=='.'||
+		  c=='h'||c=='l'||c=='L'||c=='z'||c=='j'||c=='t'||c=='*'){
+	      if(c=='-') mask|=USELALGN;
+	      if(c=='+') mask|=USESIGN;
+	      if(c=='#') mask|=USEALT;
+	      if(c=='.') mask|=USEPREC;
+	      if(c==' ') mask|=USEBLANK;
+	      if(c=='0'&&!(mask&USEPREC)&&!(mask&USEWIDTH)) mask|=USEZPAD;
+	      if(isdigit((unsigned char)c)&&!(mask&USEPREC)) mask|=USEWIDTH;
+	      fused|=3;
+	      if(c=='*'&&(flags&PRINTFLIKE)){
+		mask|=USEAST;
+		if(!al) {error(214);return ok;}
+		at=al->arg->ntyp->flags&NQ;
+		al=al->next;
+		if(at>INT) {error(214);return ok;}
+	      }
+	      if((fflags!='*'||(flags&PRINTFLIKE))&&(c=='h'||c=='l'||c=='L'||c=='*'||c=='t'||c=='z'||c=='j')){
+		if(c=='l'&&fflags=='l')
+		  fflags=LL;
+		else if(c=='h'&&fflags=='h')
+		  fflags=HH;
+		else
+		  fflags=c;
+	      }
+	      c=(int)zm2l(zc2zm(cl->other->val.vchar));
+	      c=CHARBACK(c);
+	      cl=cl->next;
+	      if(!cl){error(214);return ok;}
+	    }
+	    /*FIXME: assumes intmax_t==long long */
+	    if(fflags=='j') {mask|=USESPEC;fflags=LL;}
+#if HAVE_INT_SIZET	    
+	    if(fflags=='z') {mask|=USESPEC;fflags=' ';}
+	    if(fflags=='z') {mask|=USESPEC;fflags='l';}
+	    if(fflags=='t'){
+	      mask|=USESPEC;
+	      if(PTRDIFF_T(CHAR)==LLONG)
+		fflags=LL;
+	      else if(PTRDIFF_T(CHAR)==LONG)
+		fflags='l';
+	      else
+		fflags=' ';
+	    }
+	    if(fflags==HH) lflag|=USESPEC;
+	    if(fflags=='h') lflag|=USEHALF;
+	    if(fflags=='l') lflag|=USELONG;
+	    if(fflags==LL) lflag|=USELLONG;
+	    if(DEBUG&1) printf("format=%c%c\n",fflags,c);
+	    if(fflags=='*'&&(flags&SCANFLIKE)) continue;
+	    if(c!='%'){
+	      if(!al){error(214);return ok;}
+	      t=al->arg->ntyp;
+	      if(DEBUG&1){ prd(stdout,t);printf("\n");}
+	      if((flags&SCANFLIKE)){
+		if(!ISPOINTER(t->flags)){error(214);return ok;}
+		t=t->next;
+	      }
+	      at=t->flags&NU;
+	    }
+	    if(flags&PRINTFLIKE){
+	      switch(c){
+	      case '%':
+		mask|=USEPERC;
+		fused|=1;
+		break;
+	      case 'o':
+	      case 'x':
+	      case 'X':
+	      case 'c':
+		at&=NQ;     /*  fall through    */
+	      case 'i':
+	      case 'd':
+		fused|=1;
+		if(at==LLONG&&fflags!=LL){error(214);return ok;}
+		if(at==LONG&&fflags!='l'){error(214);return ok;}
+		if(fflags=='l'&&at!=LONG){error(214);return ok;}
+		if(at<CHAR||at>LLONG){error(214);return ok;}
+		if(c=='o') mask|=USEOCT;
+		if(c=='x') mask|=USEHEXL;
+		if(c=='X') mask|=USEHEXU;
+		if(c=='i') mask|=USEINT;
+		if(c=='d') mask|=USEDEC;
+		if(c=='c') mask|=USECHAR;
+		mask|=lflag;
+		break;
+	      case 'u':
+		mask|=USEUNS;
+		fused|=1;
+		if(al->arg->flags==CEXPR) at|=UNSIGNED;
+		if(at==(UNSIGNED|LLONG)&&fflags!=LL){error(214);return ok;}
+		if(at==(UNSIGNED|LONG)&&fflags!='l'){error(214);return ok;}
+		if(fflags=='l'&&at!=(UNSIGNED|LONG)){error(214);return ok;}
+		if(at<(UNSIGNED|CHAR)||at>(UNSIGNED|LLONG)){error(214);return ok;}
+		mask|=lflag;
+		break;
+	      case 's':
+		mask|=USESTR;
+		fused|=1;
+		if(!ISPOINTER(at)||(t->next->flags&NQ)!=CHAR){error(214);return ok;}
+		break;
+	      case 'f':
+	      case 'e':
+	      case 'E':
+	      case 'g':
+	      case 'G':
+		mask|=USEFLOAT;
+		fused|=7;
+		if(fflags=='L'){
+		  if(at!=LDOUBLE){error(214); return ok;}
+		}else{
+		  if(at!=FLOAT&&at!=DOUBLE){error(214);return ok;}
+		}
+		break;
+	      case 'p':
+		mask|=USESPEC;
+		fused|=3;
+		if(!ISPOINTER(at)||(t->next->flags)!=VOID){error(214);return ok;}
+		break;
+	      case 'n':
+		mask|=USECNT;
+		fused|=3;
+		if(!ISPOINTER(at)){error(214);return ok;}
+		at=t->next->flags&NU;
+		if(fflags==HH&&at!=CHAR){error(214);return ok;}
+		if(fflags=='h'&&at!=SHORT){error(214);return ok;}
+		if(fflags==' '&&at!=INT){error(214);return ok;}
+		if(fflags=='l'&&at!=LONG){error(214);return ok;}
+		if(fflags==LL&&at!=LLONG){error(214);return ok;}
+		break;
+	      default:
+		error(214);return ok;
+	      }
+	    }else{
+	      if(c=='s') mask|=USESTR;
+	      if(c=='c') mask|=USECHAR;
+	      if(c=='n') mask|=USECNT;
+	      if(c=='d') mask|=USEDEC;
+	      if(c=='i') mask|=USEINT;
+	      if(c=='o') mask|=USEOCT;
+	      if(c=='x') mask|=USEHEXL;
+	      if(c=='u') mask|=USEUNS;
+	      switch(c){
+	      case '%':
+		mask|=USEPERC;
+		fused|=1;
+		break;
+	      case '[':
+		mask|=USEREXP;
+		fused|=3;
+		do{
+		  c=(int)zm2l(zc2zm(cl->other->val.vchar));
+		  c=CHARBACK(c);
+		  cl=cl->next;
+		  if(!cl){error(214);return ok;}
+		}while(c!=']');     /*  fall through    */
+	      case 's':
+	      case 'c':
+		fused|=1;
+		if((at&NQ)!=CHAR){error(214);return(ok);}
+		break;
+	      case 'n':
+		fused|=3;       /*  fall through    */
+	      case 'd':
+	      case 'i':
+	      case 'o':
+		fused|=1;
+		if(fflags==HH&&at!=CHAR){error(214);return ok;}
+		if(fflags=='h'&&at!=SHORT){error(214);return ok;}
+		if(fflags==' '&&at!=INT){error(214);return ok;}
+		if(fflags=='l'&&at!=LONG){error(214);return ok;}
+		if(fflags==LL&&at!=LLONG){error(214);return ok;}
+		break;
+	      case 'x':
+	      case 'u':
+		fused|=1;
+		if(fflags==HH&&at!=CHAR){error(214);return ok;}
+		if(fflags=='h'&&at!=(UNSIGNED|SHORT)){error(214);return ok;}
+		if(fflags==' '&&at!=(UNSIGNED|INT)){error(214);return ok;}
+		if(fflags=='l'&&at!=(UNSIGNED|LONG)){error(214);return ok;}
+		if(fflags==LL&&at!=(UNSIGNED|LLONG)){error(214);return ok;}
+		break;
+	      case 'e':
+	      case 'f':
+	      case 'g':
+		mask|=USEFLOAT;
+		fused|=7;
+		if(fflags==' '&&at!=FLOAT){error(214);return ok;}
+		if(fflags=='l'&&at!=DOUBLE){error(214);return ok;}
+		if(fflags=='L'&&at!=LDOUBLE){error(214);return ok;}
+		break;
+	      case 'p':
+		mask|=USESPEC;
+		fused|=3;
+		if(!ISPOINTER(at)||(t->next->flags&NQ)!=VOID){error(214);return ok;}
+		break;
+	      default:
+		error(214);return ok;
+	      }
+	    }
+	    if(c!='%') al=al->next;
+	  }
+	  if(al){ error(214);return ok;} /* zu viele */
+	  if(DEBUG&1) printf("fused=%d\n",fused);
+	  if(mask_opt){
+	    Var *v;char repl[MAXI+16];
+	    if(mask){
+	      sprintf(repl,"%s.%lu",s,1L);
+	      v=find_var(repl,0);
+	      if(!v){
+		type *t;
+		v=find_var(s,0);
+		if(!v) ierror(0);
+		v=add_var(repl,clone_typ(v->vtyp),EXTERN,0);
+	      }
+	    }
+	    if(mask)
+	      sprintf(repl,"%s.%lu",(flags&PRINTFLIKE)?"vfprintf":"vfscanf",mask);
+	    else
+	      sprintf(repl,"%s",(flags&PRINTFLIKE)?"vfprintf":"vfscanf");
+	    needs(repl);
+	    p->left->left->o.v=v;
+	    if(DEBUG&1) printf("repl=%s\n",repl);
+	  }else if(fused!=7&&s){
+	    /*  Wenn kein Format benutzt wird, kann man printf, */
+	    /*  scanf etc. durch aehnliches ersetzen.           */
+	    Var *v;char repl[MAXI+6]="__v";
+	    if(fused==3) fused=2;
+	    repl[3]=fused+'0';repl[4]=0;
+	    strcat(repl,s);
+	    if(DEBUG&1) printf("repl=%s\n",repl);
+	    while(fused<=2){
+	      v=find_var(repl,0);
+	      if(v&&v->storage_class==EXTERN){
+		p->left->left->o.v=v;
+		break;
+	      }
+	      fused++;repl[3]++;
+	    }
+	  }
+	  return ok;
+	}
+      }
+      i++;al=al->next;
+    }
+    if(i>=sd->count) return ok;
+    if((*sd->sl)[i].styp&&((*sd->sl)[i].styp->flags&NQ)!=VOID){error(83);/*printf("sd->count=%d\n",sd->count);*/}
+    return ok;
+  }
+  if(f==COND){
+    if(!ISARITH(p->left->ntyp->flags)&&!ISPOINTER(p->left->ntyp->flags)){
+      error(29);
+      return 0;
+    }
+    if(p->left->flags==CEXPR&&!p->left->sidefx){
+      int null;np merk;
+      if(DEBUG&1) printf("constant conditional-expression simplified\n");
+      eval_constn(p->left);
+      if(zmeqto(vmax,l2zm(0L))&&zumeqto(vumax,ul2zum(0UL))&&zldeqto(vldouble,d2zld(0.0)))
+	null=1; 
+      else 
+	null=0;
+      free_expression(p->left);
+      merk=p->right;
+      if(null){
+	free_expression(p->right->left);
+	*p=*p->right->right;
+      }else{
+	free_expression(p->right->right);
+	*p=*p->right->left;
+      }
+      if(merk->ntyp) freetyp(merk->ntyp);
+      free(merk);
+      return 1;
+    }
+    if(const_expr){error(46);return 0;}
+    p->ntyp=clone_typ(p->right->ntyp);
+    return 1;
+  }
+  if(f==COLON){
+    /*  Hier fehlt noch korrekte Behandlung der Typattribute    */
+    if(ISARITH(p->left->ntyp->flags)&&ISARITH(p->right->ntyp->flags)){
+      p->ntyp=arith_typ(p->left->ntyp,p->right->ntyp);
+      return 1;
+    }
+    if(compatible_types(p->left->ntyp,p->right->ntyp,NQ)){
+      p->ntyp=clone_typ(p->left->ntyp);
+      return 1;
+    }
+    if(ISPOINTER(p->left->ntyp->flags)&&ISPOINTER(p->right->ntyp->flags)){
+      if((p->left->ntyp->next->flags&NQ)==VOID){
+	if(nullpointer(p->left))
+	  p->ntyp=clone_typ(p->right->ntyp);
+	else
+	  p->ntyp=clone_typ(p->left->ntyp);
+	return 1;
+      }
+      if((p->right->ntyp->next->flags&NQ)==VOID){
+	if(nullpointer(p->right))
+	  p->ntyp=clone_typ(p->left->ntyp);
+	else
+	  p->ntyp=clone_typ(p->right->ntyp);
+	return 1;
+      }
+    }
+    if(ISPOINTER(p->left->ntyp->flags)&&p->right->flags==CEXPR){
+      eval_constn(p->right);
+      if(zmeqto(vmax,l2zm(0L))&&zumeqto(ul2zum(0UL),vumax)&&zldeqto(d2zld(0.0),vldouble)){
+	p->ntyp=clone_typ(p->left->ntyp);
+	return 1;
+      }
+    }
+    if(ISPOINTER(p->right->ntyp->flags)&&p->left->flags==CEXPR){
+      eval_constn(p->left);
+      if(zmeqto(l2zm(0L),vmax)&&zumeqto(ul2zum(0UL),vumax)&&zldeqto(d2zld(0.0),vldouble)){
+	p->ntyp=clone_typ(p->right->ntyp);
+	return 1;
+      }
+    }
+    error(31);
+    return 0;
+  }
+  if(f) printf("type_testing fuer diesen Operator (%d) noch nicht implementiert\n",f);
+  return 0;
+np makepointer(np p)
+/*  Fuehrt automatische Zeigererzeugung fuer Baumwurzel durch   */
+/*  Durch mehrmaligen Aufruf von type_expression() ineffizient  */
+    struct_declaration *sd;
+    if(ISARRAY(p->ntyp->flags)||ISFUNC(p->ntyp->flags)){
+      np new=new_node();
+        if(ISARRAY(p->ntyp->flags)){
+            new->flags=ADDRESSA;
+            new->ntyp=clone_typ(p->ntyp);
+            new->ntyp->flags=POINTER_TYPE(new->ntyp->next);
+        }else{
+            new->flags=ADDRESS;
+            new->ntyp=new_typ();
+            new->ntyp->flags=POINTER_TYPE(p->ntyp);
+            new->ntyp->next=clone_typ(p->ntyp);
+        }
+        new->left=p;
+        new->right=0;
+        new->lvalue=0;  /* immer korrekt ?  */
+        new->sidefx=p->sidefx;
+/*        type_expression(new);*/
+        return new;
+    }else 
+      return p;
+void simple_alg_opt(np p)
+  int c=0,f,t=0;
+  zldouble d1,d2;
+  zumax u1,u2;zmax s1,s2;
+  Var *v;
+  if(!p) return;
+  f=p->flags;
+  if(f==IDENTIFIER&&(v=find_var(p->identifier,0))&&(v->vtyp->flags&NQ)==ENUM){
+    /*  enumerations auch als Konstante (int) behandeln */
+    p->flags=CEXPR;
+    if(!v->clist) ierror(0);
+    p->val=v->clist->val;
+    if(!p->ntyp) p->ntyp=new_typ();
+    p->ntyp->flags=CONST|INT;
+    return;
+  }
+  if(p->left)
+    simple_alg_opt(p->left);
+  else
+    return;
+  if(p->right)
+    simple_alg_opt(p->right);
+  if(p->left->flags==CEXPR||p->left->flags==PCEXPR){
+    eval_constn(p->left);
+    d1=vldouble;u1=vumax;s1=vmax;c|=1;
+  }
+  if(p->right&&(p->right->flags==CEXPR||p->right->flags==PCEXPR)){
+    eval_constn(p->right);
+    d2=vldouble;u2=vumax;s2=vmax;c|=2;
+  }
+  if(p->ntyp) t=p->ntyp->flags;
+  if(c==3&&((f>=OR&&f<=AND)||(f>=LSHIFT&&f<=MOD))){
+    if(DEBUG&1) printf("did simple_alg constant folding\n");
+    if(!t) t=arith_flag(p->left->ntyp->flags,p->right->ntyp->flags);
+    if(DEBUG&1) printf("did simple constant folding\n");
+    if(f==AND&&ISINT(t)){
+      vumax=zumand(u1,u2);
+      vmax=zmand(s1,s2);
+    }
+    if(f==OR&&ISINT(t)){
+      vumax=zumor(u1,u2);
+      vmax=zmor(s1,s2);
+    }
+    if(f==XOR&&ISINT(t)){
+      vumax=zumxor(u1,u2);
+      vmax=zmxor(s1,s2);
+    }
+    if(f==ADD){
+      vumax=zumadd(u1,u2);
+      vmax=zmadd(s1,s2);
+      vldouble=zldadd(d1,d2);
+    }
+    if(f==SUB){
+      vumax=zumsub(u1,u2);
+      vmax=zmsub(s1,s2);
+      vldouble=zldsub(d1,d2);
+    }
+    if(f==MULT||f==PMULT){
+      vumax=zummult(u1,u2);
+      vmax=zmmult(s1,s2);
+      vldouble=zldmult(d1,d2);
+      if(f==PMULT) p->flags=PCEXPR;
+    }
+    if(f==DIV){
+      if(zmeqto(l2zm(0L),s2)&&zumeqto(ul2zum(0UL),u2)&&zldeqto(d2zld(0.0),d2)){
+	error(84);
+	vmax=l2zm(0L);vumax=ul2zum(0UL);vldouble=d2zld(0.0);
+      }else{
+	if(!zumeqto(ul2zum(0UL),u2)) vumax=zumdiv(u1,u2);
+	if(!zmeqto(l2zm(0L),s2)) vmax=zmdiv(s1,s2);
+	if(!zldeqto(d2zld(0.0),d2)) vldouble=zlddiv(d1,d2);
+      }
+    }
+    if(f==MOD&&ISINT(t)){
+      if(zmeqto(l2zm(0L),s2)&&zumeqto(ul2zum(0UL),u2)){
+	error(84);
+	vmax=l2zm(0L);vumax=zm2zum(vmax);
+      }else{
+	if(!zumeqto(ul2zum(0UL),u2)) vumax=zummod(u1,u2);
+	if(!zmeqto(l2zm(0L),s2)) vmax=zmmod(s1,s2);
+      }
+    }
+    if(f==LSHIFT&&ISINT(t)){
+      vumax=zumlshift(u1,u2);
+      vmax=zmlshift(s1,s2);
+    }
+    if(f==RSHIFT&&ISINT(t)){
+      vumax=zumrshift(u1,u2);
+      vmax=zmrshift(s1,s2);
+    }
+  }else if(c==1&&f==MINUS){
+    if(!t) t=arith_flag(p->left->ntyp->flags,p->left->ntyp->flags);
+    vmax=zmsub(Z0,s1);
+    vumax=zumsub(ZU0,u1);
+    vldouble=zldsub(d2zld(0.0),d1);
+  }else if(c==1&&f==KOMPLEMENT){
+    if(!t) t=arith_flag(p->left->ntyp->flags,p->left->ntyp->flags);
+    if(!ISINT(t)) return;
+    vmax=zmkompl(s1);
+    vumax=zumkompl(u1);
+  }else if(c==1&&f==NEGATION){
+    if(!p->left->ntyp) return;
+    t=INT;
+    if(!ISINT(p->left->ntyp->flags)){
+      if(zldeqto(d1,d2zld(0.0))) vmax=Z1; else vmax=Z0;
+    }else if(p->left->ntyp->flags&UNSIGNED){
+      if(zumeqto(u1,ZU0)) vmax=Z1; else vmax=Z0;
+    }else
+      if(zmeqto(s1,Z0)) vmax=Z1; else vmax=Z0;
+  }else
+    return;
+  p->flags=CEXPR;
+  if(p->left&&!p->left->sidefx) {free_expression(p->left);p->left=0;}
+  if(p->right&&p->right->sidefx) {free_expression(p->right);p->right=0;}
+  if(ISFLOAT(t)){
+    gval.vldouble=vldouble;
+    eval_const(&gval,LDOUBLE);
+  }else{
+    if(t&UNSIGNED){
+      gval.vumax=vumax;
+      eval_const(&gval,(UNSIGNED|MAXINT));
+    }else{
+      gval.vmax=vmax;
+      eval_const(&gval,MAXINT);
+    }
+  }
+  insert_const(&p->val,t);
+  if(!p->ntyp){p->ntyp=new_typ();p->ntyp->flags=t;}
+int alg_opt(np p,type *ttyp)
+/*  fuehrt algebraische Vereinfachungen durch                   */
+/*  hier noch genau testen, was ANSI-gemaess erlaubt ist etc.   */
+/*  v.a. Floating-Point ist evtl. kritisch                      */
+    int c=0,f,komm,null1,null2,eins1,eins2;np merk;
+    zldouble d1,d2;zumax u1,u2;zmax s1,s2;
+    f=p->flags;
+    /* do not optimze pointer-pointer */
+    if(f==SUB&&ISPOINTER(p->left->ntyp->flags)&&ISPOINTER(p->right->ntyp->flags))
+      return 1;
+    /*  kommutativ? */
+    if(f==ADD||f==MULT||f==PMULT||(f>=OR&&f<=AND)) komm=1; else komm=0;
+    /*  Berechnet Wert, wenn beides Konstanten sind     */
+    if(p->left->flags==CEXPR||p->left->flags==PCEXPR){
+        eval_constn(p->left);
+        d1=vldouble;u1=vumax;s1=vmax;c|=1;
+    }
+    if(p->right->flags==CEXPR||p->right->flags==PCEXPR){
+        eval_constn(p->right);
+        d2=vldouble;u2=vumax;s2=vmax;c|=2;
+    }
+    if(c==3){
+        p->flags=CEXPR;
+        if(DEBUG&1) printf("did simple constant folding\n");
+        if(!p->left->sidefx) {free_expression(p->left);p->left=0;}
+        if(!p->right->sidefx) {free_expression(p->right);p->right=0;}
+        if(f==AND){
+	  vumax=zumand(u1,u2);
+	  vmax=zmand(s1,s2);
+        }
+        if(f==OR){
+	  vumax=zumor(u1,u2);
+	  vmax=zmor(s1,s2);
+        }
+        if(f==XOR){
+	  vumax=zumxor(u1,u2);
+	  vmax=zmxor(s1,s2);
+        }
+        if(f==ADD){
+	  vumax=zumadd(u1,u2);
+	  vmax=zmadd(s1,s2);
+	  vldouble=zldadd(d1,d2);
+        }
+        if(f==SUB){
+	  vumax=zumsub(u1,u2);
+	  vmax=zmsub(s1,s2);
+	  vldouble=zldsub(d1,d2);
+        }
+        if(f==MULT||f==PMULT){
+	  vumax=zummult(u1,u2);
+	  vmax=zmmult(s1,s2);
+	  vldouble=zldmult(d1,d2);
+	  if(f==PMULT) p->flags=PCEXPR;
+        }
+        if(f==DIV){
+	  if(zmeqto(l2zm(0L),s2)&&zumeqto(ul2zum(0UL),u2)&&zldeqto(d2zld(0.0),d2)){
+	    error(84);
+	    vmax=l2zm(0L);vumax=ul2zum(0UL);vldouble=d2zld(0.0);
+	  }else{
+	    if(!zumeqto(ul2zum(0UL),u2)) vumax=zumdiv(u1,u2);
+	    if(!zmeqto(l2zm(0L),s2)) vmax=zmdiv(s1,s2);
+	    if(!zldeqto(d2zld(0.0),d2)) vldouble=zlddiv(d1,d2);
+	  }
+        }
+        if(f==MOD){
+	  if(zmeqto(l2zm(0L),s2)&&zumeqto(ul2zum(0UL),u2)){
+	    error(84);
+	    vmax=l2zm(0L);vumax=zm2zum(vmax);
+	  }else{
+	    if(!zumeqto(ul2zum(0UL),u2)) vumax=zummod(u1,u2);
+	    if(!zmeqto(l2zm(0L),s2)) vmax=zmmod(s1,s2);
+	  }
+        }
+        if(f==LSHIFT){
+	  vumax=zumlshift(u1,u2);
+	  vmax=zmlshift(s1,s2);
+        }
+        if(f==RSHIFT){
+	  vumax=zumrshift(u1,u2);
+	  vmax=zmrshift(s1,s2);
+        }
+	if(ISFLOAT(p->ntyp->flags)){
+	  gval.vldouble=vldouble;
+	  eval_const(&gval,LDOUBLE);
+	}else{
+	  if(p->ntyp->flags&UNSIGNED){
+	    gval.vumax=vumax;
+	    eval_const(&gval,(UNSIGNED|MAXINT));
+	  }else{
+	    gval.vmax=vmax;
+	    eval_const(&gval,MAXINT);
+	  }
+	}
+	insert_constn(p);
+        return 1;
+    }
+    /*  Konstanten nach rechts, wenn moeglich       */
+    if(c==1&&komm){
+        if(DEBUG&1) printf("exchanged commutative constant operand\n");
+        merk=p->left;p->left=p->right;p->right=merk;
+        c=2;
+        d2=d1;u2=u1;s2=s1;
+    }
+    /*  Vertauscht die Knoten, um Konstanten                */
+    /*  besser zusammenzufassen (bei allen Type erlaubt?)   */
+    /*  Hier muss noch einiges kontrolliert werden          */
+    if(komm&&c==2&&p->flags==p->left->flags&&(ISINT(p->ntyp->flags)||c_flags[21]&USEDFLAG)){
+        if(p->left->right->flags==CEXPR||p->left->right->flags==PCEXPR){
+            np merk;
+            merk=p->right;p->right=p->left->left;p->left->left=merk;
+            if(DEBUG&1) printf("Vertausche Add-Nodes\n");
+	    dontopt=0;
+            return type_expression2(p,ttyp);
+        }
+    }
+    null1=null2=eins1=eins2=0;
+    if(c&1){
+      if(zldeqto(d1,d2zld(0.0))&&zumeqto(u1,ul2zum(0UL))&&zmeqto(s1,l2zm(0L))) null1=1;   
+      if(zldeqto(d1,d2zld(1.0))&&zumeqto(u1,ul2zum(1UL))&&zmeqto(s1,l2zm(1L))) eins1=1;
+      if(!(p->ntyp->flags&UNSIGNED)&&zldeqto(d1,d2zld(-1.0))&&zmeqto(s1,l2zm(-1L))) eins1=-1;
+    }
+    if(c&2){
+      if(zldeqto(d2,d2zld(0.0))&&zumeqto(u2,ul2zum(0UL))&&zmeqto(s2,l2zm(0L))) null2=1; 
+      if(zldeqto(d2,d2zld(1.0))&&zumeqto(u2,ul2zum(1UL))&&zmeqto(s2,l2zm(1L))) eins2=1; 
+      if(!(p->ntyp->flags&UNSIGNED)&&zldeqto(d2,d2zld(-1.0))&&zmeqto(s2,l2zm(-1L))) eins2=-1;
+    }
+    if(c==2){
+        /*  a+0=a-0=a^0=a>>0=a<<0=a*1=a/1=a   */
+        if(((eins2==1&&(f==MULT||f==PMULT||f==DIV))||(null2&&(f==ADD||f==SUB||f==OR||f==XOR||f==LSHIFT||f==RSHIFT)))&&!p->right->sidefx){
+            if(DEBUG&1){if(f==MULT||f==PMULT||f==DIV) printf("a*/1->a\n"); else printf("a+-^0->a\n");}
+            free_expression(p->right);
+            merk=p->left;
+            *p=*p->left;
+/*            freetyp(merk->ntyp);  das war Fehler  */
+            free(merk);
+	    dontopt=0;
+            return type_expression2(p,ttyp);
+        }
+        /*  a*0=0   */
+        if(null2&&(f==MULT||f==PMULT||f==AND||f==DIV||f==MOD)){
+            if(DEBUG&1) printf("a*&/%%0->0\n");
+            if(null2&&(f==DIV||f==MOD)) error(84);
+            if(p->flags==PMULT) p->flags=PCEXPR; else p->flags=CEXPR;
+	    gval.vint=zm2zi(l2zm(0L));
+	    eval_const(&gval,INT);
+            /*  hier nur int,long,float,double moeglich, hoffe ich  */
+            insert_constn(p);
+            if(!p->left->sidefx){free_expression(p->left);p->left=0;} else make_cexpr(p->left);
+            if(!p->right->sidefx){free_expression(p->right);p->right=0;} else make_cexpr(p->right);
+/*            return(type_expression2(p,ttyp));   */
+            return 1;
+        }
+        if(eins2==-1&&(f==MULT||f==PMULT||f==DIV)&&!p->right->sidefx){
+            if(DEBUG&1) printf("a*/(-1)->-a\n");
+            free_expression(p->right);
+            p->right=0;
+            p->flags=MINUS;
+	    dontopt=0;
+            return type_expression2(p,ttyp);
+        }
+	/* check volatile */
+	if(0) /* TODO: make this efficient */
+	{
+	  type st={0};
+	  if(!zmeqto(sizetab[CHAR],sizetab[SHORT])){
+	    //if(f==AND&&(!ttyp||(ttyp->flags&NQ)>CHAR)&&shortcut(AND,CHAR)&&zumleq(u2,t_max[CHAR]))
+	    //st.flags=CHAR;
+	    if(f==AND&&(!ttyp||(ttyp->flags&NQ)>CHAR)/*&&(p->ntyp->flags&UNSIGNED)*/&&shortcut(AND,UNSIGNED|CHAR)&&zumleq(u2,tu_max[CHAR]))
+	      st.flags=UNSIGNED|CHAR;
+	  }
+	  if(!zmeqto(sizetab[SHORT],sizetab[INT])){
+	    //if(f==AND&&(!ttyp||(ttyp->flags&NQ)>SHORT)&&shortcut(AND,SHORT)&&zumleq(s2,t_max[SHORT]))
+	    //st.flags=SHORT;
+	    if(f==AND&&(!ttyp||(ttyp->flags&NQ)>SHORT)/*&&(p->ntyp->flags&UNSIGNED)*/&&shortcut(AND,UNSIGNED|SHORT)&&zumleq(u2,tu_max[SHORT]))
+	      st.flags=UNSIGNED|SHORT;
+	  }
+	  //if(!ttyp&&(p->left->ntyp->flags&NQ)>INT) st.flags=0;
+	  if(st.flags){
+	    int ret;type *otyp;np n;
+	    if(!p->ntyp) ierror(0);
+	    otyp=clone_typ(p->ntyp);
+	    n=new_node();
+	    n->left=p->left;
+	    n->right=0;
+	    n->flags=CAST;
+	    n->ntyp=clone_typ(&st);
+	    eval_const(&p->right->val,p->right->ntyp->flags);
+	    p->right->ntyp->flags=st.flags;
+	    insert_const(&p->right->val,st.flags);
+	    p->left=n;
+	    n=new_node();
+	    *n=*p;
+	    p->left=n;
+	    p->right=0;
+	    p->flags=CAST;
+	    p->ntyp=otyp;
+	    ret=type_expression2(p->left,&st);
+	    return ret;
+	  }
+	}
+    }
+    if(c==1){
+        /*  0-a=-a  */
+        if(f==SUB&&null1&&!p->left->sidefx){
+            if(DEBUG&1) printf("0-a->-a\n");
+            free_expression(p->left);
+            p->flags=MINUS;
+            p->left=p->right;
+            p->right=0;
+	    dontopt=0;
+            return type_expression2(p,ttyp);
+        }
+        /*  0/a=0   */
+        if(null1&&(f==DIV||f==MOD||f==LSHIFT||f==RSHIFT)){
+            if(DEBUG&1) printf("0/%%<<>>a->0\n");
+            p->flags=CEXPR;
+	    gval.vint=zm2zi(l2zm(0L));
+	    eval_const(&gval,INT);
+            insert_constn(p);
+            if(!p->left->sidefx){free_expression(p->left);p->left=0;}else make_cexpr(p->left);
+            if(!p->right->sidefx){free_expression(p->right);p->right=0;} else make_cexpr(p->right);
+	    dontopt=0;
+            return type_expression2(p,ttyp);
+        }
+    }
+    return 1;
+void make_cexpr(np p)
+/*  Macht aus einem Knoten, der durch constant-folding ueberfluessig    */
+/*  wurde, eine PCEXPR, sofern er keine Nebenwirkungen von sich aus     */
+/*  erzeugt. Hier noch ueberpruefen, ob CEXPR besser waere.             */
+/*  Fuehrt rekursiven Abstieg durch. Ist das so korrekt?                */
+    int f=p->flags;
+    if(f!=ASSIGN&&f!=ASSIGNOP&&f!=CALL&&f!=POSTINC&&f!=POSTDEC&&f!=PREINC&&f!=PREDEC&&f!=LAND&&f!=LOR){
+        p->flags=PCEXPR;
+        if(p->left) make_cexpr(p->left);
+        if(p->right) make_cexpr(p->right);
+    }
+int test_assignment(type *zt,np q)
+/*  testet, ob q an Typ z zugewiesen werden darf    */
+  type *qt=q->ntyp;
+  if(ISARITH(zt->flags)&&ISARITH(qt->flags)){
+    if(ISINT(zt->flags)&&ISINT(qt->flags)&&
+      !zmleq(sizetab[qt->flags&NQ],sizetab[zt->flags&NQ])&&q->flags!=CEXPR){
+#ifdef HAVE_MISRA
+/* removed */
+      error(166);
+    }
+    if(q->flags==CEXPR){
+      zmax ms,ns;zumax mu,nu;
+      eval_constn(q);
+      ms=vmax;mu=vumax;
+      insert_const(&gval,zt->flags&~UNSIGNED);
+      eval_const(&gval,zt->flags&~UNSIGNED);
+      ns=vmax;
+      eval_constn(q);
+      insert_const(&gval,zt->flags|UNSIGNED);
+      eval_const(&gval,zt->flags|UNSIGNED);
+      nu=vumax;
+      if(!zumeqto(nu,mu)&&!zmeqto(ns,ms)) 
+	error(363);
+      else{
+	if(zt->flags&UNSIGNED){
+	  if(!zumeqto(nu,mu))
+	    error(362);
+	}else{
+	  if(!zmeqto(ns,ms))
+	    error(362);
+	}
+      }
+    }
+    return 1;
+  }
+  if((ISSTRUCT(zt->flags)&&ISSTRUCT(qt->flags))||
+    (ISUNION(zt->flags)&&ISUNION(qt->flags))){
+      if(!compatible_types(zt,qt,NU)){
+        error(38);
+      return 0;
+    }else 
+  return 1;
+  }
+  if(ISVECTOR(zt->flags)&&(zt->flags&NU)==(qt->flags&NU)){
+      return 1;
+  }
+  if(ISPOINTER(zt->flags)&&ISPOINTER(qt->flags)){
+    if((zt->next->flags&NQ)==VOID&&!ISFUNC(qt->next->flags)) return 1;
+    if((qt->next->flags&NQ)==VOID&&!ISFUNC(qt->next->flags)) return 1;
+    if(!compatible_types(zt->next,qt->next,(c_flags[7]&USEDFLAG)?NU:NQ)){
+      if(!ecpp){
+        error(85);
+      }
+#ifdef HAVE_ECPP
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+    }else{
+      if((qt->next->flags&CONST)&&!(zt->next->flags&CONST))
+        error(91);
+      if((qt->next->flags&VOLATILE)&&!(zt->next->flags&VOLATILE))
+        error(100);
+      if((qt->next->flags&RESTRICT)&&!(zt->next->flags&RESTRICT))
+        error(298);
+      if(qt->next->next&&zt->next->next&&!compatible_types(zt->next->next,qt->next->next,NU))
+        error(110);
+      }
+    return 1;
+  }
+  if(ISPOINTER(zt->flags)&&q->flags==CEXPR){
+    eval_constn(q);
+    if(!(zldeqto(d2zld(0.0),vldouble)&&zmeqto(l2zm(0L),vmax)&&zumeqto(ul2zum(0UL),vumax)))
+      error(113);
+    return 1;
+  }
+  error(39);
+  return 0;
+#ifdef HAVE_ECPP
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */
+/* removed */