
Aug 25, 2016:

3:26 PM Ticket #35 (Mail notifications for trac tickets) closed by pulkomandy
fixed: Trac now sends mail notifications to all users in the CC field and …
3:23 PM Ticket #35 (Mail notifications for trac tickets) updated by pulkomandy
Cc changed
Test removing CC address.
3:15 PM Ticket #35 (Mail notifications for trac tickets) updated by pulkomandy
Cc changed
Test adding a CC address
3:12 PM Ticket #35 (Mail notifications for trac tickets) created by pulkomandy
This is a test for mail notifications of new tickets.
3:03 PM Ticket #30 (logo) closed by pulkomandy
3:03 PM Ticket #31 (Incomplete palette loaded) closed by pulkomandy

Aug 14, 2016:

7:48 PM Ticket #34 (Latency on mouse pointer when running Grafx2 in Windows 10) created by demofrost
I recently upgraded from Win7 to Win10 and since that there is some …

Jul 29, 2016:

5:15 AM Ticket #33 (360-color hue slider) created by ssaammp
The hue slider in grafx2 ranges from 0-255. It seems that most prefer …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.