
Oct 25, 2017:

7:48 PM Ticket #66 (Modernize the UI) updated by PulkoMandy
The UI toolkit cannot do menus. It does windows and a single toolbar …
7:04 PM Ticket #66 (Modernize the UI) updated by John Smith
Oh, I'm not talking about changing UI lib, I'm happy with how it look. …

Oct 24, 2017:

9:07 PM Ticket #66 (Modernize the UI) updated by PulkoMandy
Actually this is mostly a technical limitation. Remember that this …
8:54 PM Ticket #66 (Modernize the UI) created by John Smith
The problem I have with Grafx2 is that it tries to be D-paint to the …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.