
Feb 17, 2020:

11:02 PM Changeset in gitlab [684862d] by Thomas BERNARD <miniupnp@…>
more test message
12:53 AM Changeset in gitlab [05c25bd] by Thomas Bernard <miniupnp@…>
improve test-report.xml output
12:38 AM Changeset in gitlab [0a3c608] by Thomas Bernard <miniupnp@…>
Test_* functions return error message for report.xml

Feb 16, 2020:

11:07 PM Changeset in gitlab [4eee279] by Thomas Bernard <miniupnp@…>
generate a test report in junit format should improve gitlab-ci output

Feb 15, 2020:

7:02 PM Changeset in gitlab [1664c84] by Thomas Bernard <miniupnp@…>
fix Test_Packbits() (64 characters is too low for the Win32 %TEMP% …
12:53 PM Changeset in gitlab [b5fa4cf] by Thomas BERNARD <miniupnp@…>
fix build for OSX with OSX_STATIC=0 API=sdl
12:53 PM Changeset in gitlab [c2a1eb0] by Thomas BERNARD <miniupnp@…>
Makefile: custom "which" function to work around OS X 10.4 which …
12:45 PM Changeset in gitlab [8590654] by Thomas BERNARD <miniupnp@…>
realpath() don't accept NULL 2nd arg with OS X < 10.6
12:45 PM Changeset in gitlab [6550e70] by Thomas BERNARD <miniupnp@…>
SetPalette() => GFX2_SetPalette()
11:58 AM Changeset in gitlab [3d53a91] by Thomas Bernard <miniupnp@…>
add Test_File_exists() Tests the following functions : * …
11:46 AM Changeset in gitlab [1b28ed0] by Thomas Bernard <miniupnp@…>
add Test_Realpath()
11:46 AM Changeset in gitlab [11459d3] by Thomas Bernard <miniupnp@…>
reduce verbosity of Test_C64() and Save_CA1()
11:46 AM Changeset in gitlab [3864aa3] by Thomas Bernard <miniupnp@…>
use proper temporary path for win32 instead of /tmp
11:46 AM Changeset in gitlab [62422ed] by Thomas Bernard <miniupnp@…>
11:46 AM Changeset in gitlab [eb0effa] by Thomas Bernard <miniupnp@…>
move some functions from filesel.c to fileseltools.c
11:46 AM Changeset in gitlab [47e1ee4] by Thomas Bernard <miniupnp@…>
tests: build for win32
11:46 AM Changeset in gitlab [a4869ba] by Thomas Bernard <miniupnp@…>
appveyor tests
11:46 AM Changeset in gitlab [f4ec35d8] by Thomas Bernard <miniupnp@…>
testio.c: Read_*/Write_* functions
11:46 AM Changeset in gitlab [3947a2f] by Thomas Bernard <miniupnp@…>
shows which tests failed
9:55 AM Changeset in gitlab [d2d409b] by Thomas Bernard <miniupnp@…>
specific job for checkversions
9:55 AM Changeset in gitlab [cc82578] by Thomas Bernard <miniupnp@…>
rename job_test => tests

Feb 10, 2020:

8:36 PM Changeset in gitlab [08effac] by Ryo ONODERA <ryo@…>
NetBSD: Use statvfs instead of statfs NetBSD removes statfs long ago …

Feb 7, 2020:

1:06 PM Ticket #156 (link to https://grafx2.gitlab.io/grafX2/) closed by PulkoMandy
fixed: The main website is http://grafx2.tk and it links to the other ones …
12:57 PM Ticket #156 (link to https://grafx2.gitlab.io/grafX2/) created by HoraK-FDF@…
Hi, i always have the problem that i could not find the link to …

Feb 6, 2020:

9:46 PM Changeset in gitlab [ef703e3] by Thomas Bernard <miniupnp@…>
Get_program_directory(): return "./" when not found
9:46 PM Changeset in gitlab [0e538b9] by Thomas Bernard <miniupnp@…>
FreeBSD: fix Get_program_directory() when launched from the path

Feb 5, 2020:

2:12 PM Ticket #155 (Basic digitizer support (stylus 'eraser' support)) updated by wyattfward@…
Doing [mouse button] && [joystick button] might be even better, if …
2:05 PM Ticket #155 (Basic digitizer support (stylus 'eraser' support)) created by wyattfward@…
I have an older thinkpad tablet convertible (X201 Tablet) with a wacom …

Feb 2, 2020:

11:20 PM Changeset in gitlab [ea7f66de] by Thomas BERNARD <miniupnp@…>
keep grafx2.rdef up to date and include it in source tgz
12:54 PM Changeset in gitlab [d427112] by Thomas BERNARD <miniupnp@…>
update .gitignore
12:50 PM Changeset in gitlab [c0d04a7] by Thomas BERNARD <miniupnp@…>
fix double generation of unicode_0390-03C9.png & unicode_3040-309F.png …

Feb 1, 2020:

6:19 PM New download Grafx2.app-powerpc-sdl-2.7.2945.zip created by Thomas Bernard
(2.6 MB) OS X 10.4+ Application for powerPC
6:03 PM Changeset in gitlab [3cf1454] by Thomas BERNARD <miniupnp@…>
macos: always copy gfx2.png in Resources dir
5:09 PM New download grafx2-2.7.2944-src.tgz created by Thomas Bernard
(1.1 MB) GrafX2.7 source code
2:42 PM Changeset in gitlab [89554b5] by Thomas Bernard <miniupnp@…>
Fix build of prepackaged sources if 3rdparty directory is not there, …
1:21 PM New download grafx2-sdl2-2.7.2943.win32.exe created by Thomas Bernard
(2.6 MB) GrafX2.7 installer for windows (SDL 2.0 API)
1:20 PM New download grafx2-sdl-2.7.2943.win32.exe created by Thomas Bernard
(2.4 MB) GrafX2.7 installer for windows (SDL 1.2 API)
1:20 PM New download grafx2-win32-2.7.2943.win32.exe created by Thomas Bernard
(2.0 MB) GrafX2.7 installer for windows (win32 GDI API)
1:19 PM Ticket #142 (Please add a way to center the canvas in the window) updated by PulkoMandy
Milestone changed
1:19 PM Tickets #99,​110,​127,​136,​128,​130,​138,​144,​145,​152,​153,​137 batch updated by PulkoMandy
Milestone changed
1:17 PM Tickets #1,​3,​5,​6,​7,​13,​15,​18,​23,​44,​98,​126,​150,​4,​9,​27,​40,​51,​72,​86,​105,​112,​113,​114,​120,​124,​139,​33,​85 batch updated by PulkoMandy
Milestone changed
12:46 PM New download grafx2-2.7.2943-v2.7-src.tgz created by Thomas Bernard
(1.1 MB) GrafX 2.7 source code

Jan 31, 2020:

1:07 PM Milestone 2.7 completed

Jan 30, 2020:

11:58 PM Changeset in gitlab [c6460cf]v2.7 by Thomas Bernard <miniupnp@…>
prepare version 2.7 release

Jan 19, 2020:

3:34 PM Changeset in gitlab [011c1a1] by Thomas Bernard <miniupnp@…>
minor fix
3:15 PM Changeset in gitlab [c93f028] by Thomas Bernard <miniupnp@…>
doxygen fix
3:14 PM Changeset in gitlab [be15cdf] by Thomas Bernard <miniupnp@…>
stformats.c: doxygen comments
2:43 PM Changeset in gitlab [e956a07] by Thomas Bernard <miniupnp@…>
Save_PC1: PC1_compress_packbits => PackBits_pack_buffer
2:33 PM Changeset in gitlab [bd723a9] by Thomas Bernard <miniupnp@…>
Load_PC1: PC1_uncompress_packbits_file => PackBits_unpack_from_file
2:32 PM Changeset in gitlab [06a0e70] by Thomas Bernard <miniupnp@…>
Atari ST formats comments
2:31 PM Changeset in gitlab [1f601d0] by Thomas Bernard <miniupnp@…>
support Atari ST CA1 format (Crack Art)

Jan 18, 2020:

12:43 PM Changeset in gitlab [893f453] by Thomas Bernard <miniupnp@…>
checkversion error message
12:32 PM Changeset in gitlab [11f8cf8] by Thomas Bernard <miniupnp@…>
tiff 4.0.10 => 4.1.0
12:32 PM Changeset in gitlab [eeb431c] by Thomas Bernard <miniupnp@…>
jpeg 9c => 9d
10:13 AM Changeset in gitlab [cad8658] by Thomas Bernard <miniupnp@…>
add PIXEL_MODE_TMS9918G2 (MSX, ColecoVision, etc.)
2:32 AM Changeset in gitlab [6feb086] by Thomas Bernard <miniupnp@…>
fix warning
2:32 AM Changeset in gitlab [aa15469] by Thomas Bernard <miniupnp@…>
simplify GIF_empty_buffer()
12:42 AM Changeset in gitlab [550da69] by Thomas Bernard <miniupnp@…>
move GIF to giformat.c
12:11 AM Changeset in gitlab [7f91480] by Thomas Bernard <miniupnp@…>
Pre_load() sets context->Width & context->Height
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.