
Jun 20, 2020:

3:41 PM Changeset in gitlab [e2ff6fd] by Thomas Bernard <miniupnp@…>
improve gfx2.ini is corrupt message
3:41 PM Changeset in gitlab [080f9ba] by Thomas Bernard <miniupnp@…>
tests: optimize buffer sizes
3:41 PM Changeset in gitlab [eafa5b9] by Thomas Bernard <miniupnp@…>
improvements in Load_INI()

Jun 10, 2020:

2:04 PM Changeset in gitlab [002512c] by Balló György <ballogyor@…>
Fix AppStream metadata file Fix license entries to meet the specification.

May 25, 2020:

10:05 PM Changeset in gitlab [8ee549d] by Thomas Bernard <miniupnp@…>
tests: add dummy Get_palette_RGB_scale() returns 256 as it is the …
10:00 PM Changeset in gitlab [8159517] by Thomas Bernard <miniupnp@…>
ST formats : only save ST palette when RGB scale is 8
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.