
Jul 30, 2022:

2:35 PM Changeset in gitlab [c2ca597] by Adrien Destugues <pulkomandy@…>
reduce number of curl calls
2:35 PM Changeset in gitlab [f7c79aa] by Adrien Destugues <pulkomandy@…>
SDL_ttf moved to github
2:35 PM Changeset in gitlab [68cc629] by Adrien Destugues <pulkomandy@…>
3rdparty: fix checkversions, SDL_image moved to github

Jul 18, 2022:

1:28 AM Changeset in gitlab [11b7828] by Thomas Bernard <miniupnp@…>
recoil 6.2.0
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.