
Oct 15, 2023:

9:21 PM Changeset in gitlab [0306428] by Thomas Bernard <miniupnp@…>
SDL 2.28.3 => 2.28.4

Sep 30, 2023:

8:45 PM Changeset in gitlab [03fa088] by PulkoMandy <pulkomandy@…>
Add Dawnbringer's toolbox v1.4 Also add font_Dawn and updated version …
8:45 PM Changeset in gitlab [e180635] by PulkoMandy <pulkomandy@…>
New XCode project for building on modern MacOS

Sep 28, 2023:

8:16 AM Changeset in gitlab [9743d00] by Thomas Bernard <miniupnp@…>
SDL 2.28.2 => 2.28.3

Sep 24, 2023:

10:19 AM Changeset in gitlab [5176249] by Adrien Destugues <pulkomandy@…>
Fix problems when using -size from command line

Sep 22, 2023:

4:06 PM Changeset in gitlab [2a1edfe] by Adrien Destugues <pulkomandy@…>
Use existing Remap_image_highlevel() to merge colors from all layers/frames
4:06 PM Changeset in gitlab [f94e7b9] by Adrien Destugues <pulkomandy@…>
Palette: merge should actually modify pixels
10:15 AM Ticket #174 (Rebase and merge the old SDL2 branch (accelerated scaling)) created by PulkoMandy
Currently GrafX2 uses software scaling to implement the "double", …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.