
Feb 1, 2022:

10:06 AM Changeset in gitlab [aab99d4] by Thomas Bernard <miniupnp@…>
Generate doc with new skins introduced in 2ece8cd0

Jan 22, 2022:

4:57 PM Changeset in gitlab [2fbe9ba] by Nic Soudée <nsoudee@…>
Bump year to 2022 where appropriate

Jan 21, 2022:

10:47 PM Changeset in gitlab [e5609cc] by zoner <nsoudee@…>
Use Unicode_char_strlcat for unicode padding
10:47 PM Changeset in gitlab [25b55ef] by zoner <nsoudee@…>
Tweak left/right/backspace in text boxes
10:47 PM Changeset in gitlab [fa0352a] by zoner <nsoudee@…>
enter text button at tail when using keystroke
10:47 PM Changeset in gitlab [30509cf] by zoner <nsoudee@…>
Pad text to erase trailing garbage (unicode)
10:47 PM Changeset in gitlab [a806a33] by zoner <nsoudee@…>
Discard hotkey keystroke for text buttons
10:47 PM Changeset in gitlab [2f066b1] by zoner <nsoudee@…>
Pad text input button to erase trailing garbage
9:47 PM Changeset in gitlab [075af84] by Thomas Bernard <miniupnp@…>
.gitlab-ci.yml: install jq tool (to parse json)
9:39 PM Changeset in gitlab [1c87dda3] by Thomas Bernard <miniupnp@…>
use github api to get SDL ttf latest version
8:51 AM Changeset in gitlab [147324a] by Adrien Destugues <pulkomandy@…>
SDL2.0.18 => 2.0.20
8:51 AM Changeset in gitlab [b6918d3] by Adrien Destugues <pulkomandy@…>
jpeg 9d -> 9e

Jan 20, 2022:

5:45 PM Changeset in gitlab [2ece8cd] by Adrien Destugues <pulkomandy@…>
Actually add new skins

Jan 17, 2022:

8:47 PM Changeset in gitlab [1bbc6a1] by Adrien Destugues <pulkomandy@…>
Add two new skins by Ilkke: black and klin.

Jan 5, 2022:

11:29 AM Ticket #168 (Does not run in Fedora 35: X Error of failed request: BadWindow) updated by PulkoMandy
Hi, Which configuration of GrafX2 is built by Fedora packagers? Does …

Jan 3, 2022:

2:21 PM Ticket #168 (Does not run in Fedora 35: X Error of failed request: BadWindow) created by vortex01@…
Hello, GrafX2 will not run in Fedora 35, it appears for a split …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.