
Version 1 (modified by pulkomandy, 8 years ago) ( diff )


How Grafx2 load and saves files

Adding a new file format to Grafx2 is quite easy. Let's see how to do it.

The first step is to declare your format. Open *const.h*, this is the file where all our constants are defined. Increment NB_KNOWN_FORMATS, NB_FORMATS_LOAD and NB_FORMATS_SAVE. Beware, they are defined twice because we have an optional dependancy on libpng. In this file you must also add your format to the *FILE_FORMATS* enum, in the form FORMAT_EXT (replacing ext with the extension, of course). Don't add them after PNG, don't add them before PKM.

The second step is to declare the format so the program makes use of it. This is done in loadsave.c. Declare your format handler functions. They have no parameters and return no value. Everything is done with global vars. You should provide three functions:

  • Test_EXT tells if you can load the file,
  • Load_EXT loads a picture,
  • Save_EXT saves a picture.

You have to register your format in the File_formats table. The fields are:

  • extension (lowercase, wildcards * and ? allowed)
  • Test function
  • Load function
  • Save function
  • Save all picture (should be 1 most of the time, set it to 0 for formats not saving all the data, for example .PAL saves only the palette). You should put a 0 if your format use a lossy compression, like jpeg.
  • Comment allowed. Put an 1 if your format can save a comment in the file. 0 else.

The last step is to code the three functions. Here are the global vars you will probably need to use.

Test function

Use Get_full_filename to get the filename we are asking you to test. Load your file, do some reading on it to check it is coherent (checking the header is enough). Set the global var File_error to 0 if you think you can load the file, or 1 else. Don't forget to close your file and free things you allocated (if you did. is your format so difficult to identify ?)

void Test_EXT(void)
        FILE* file;
        char filename[MAX_PATH_CHARACTERS];
        long file_size;


        file = fopen(filename,"rb");

                // Do some more tests to see if everything is ok
                        File_error = 0;
                        File_error = 1;
                File_error = 1;

Load function

This one is a bit more tricky. You have to handle some things for our preview window. You can still set File_error while loading the file if something goes wrong, that's why you don't have to go too far in the Test function. Get the filename the same way with Get_full_filename, read the data. You have to set some variables and call some functions, of course.

void Load_EXT(void)
        FILE* file;
        char filename[MAX_PATH_CHARACTERS];
        long file_size;


        file = fopen(filename,"rb");

                int file_size = File_length_file(file);
                T_Palette pal;
                word width, height;
                word x, y;
                byte* buffer

                // read the header

                Init_preview(width, height, filesize, FORMAT_EXT); // Do this as soon as you can

                Main_image_width = width ;
                Main_image_height = height;

                buffer = malloc(width);

                // Read one line at a time to avoid useless i/o.
                // But you can do otherwise if your format isn't friendly enough.
                for(y=0; y<height; y++)
                        for(x=0; x<width; x++)


                memcpy(Main_palette,pal); // this set the software palette for grafx2
                Set_palette(Main_palette); // this set the hardware palette for SDL
                Remap_fileselector(); // Always call it if you change the palette
                File_error = 0;
                File_error = 1;

So, to sum up :

  • Set Main_image_width and Main_image_height to the appropriate value (the maximum image size is 10 000x10 000 pixels),
  • Call Init_preview(width, height, filesize, FORMAT_EXT),
  • Load your palette as {byte R, byte G, byte B}[256] in Main_palette then call Set_palette(Main_palette),
  • Load the image data calling Pixel_load_function(x,y,color) for each pixel, in any order you want.

Save function

It's simpler than the load, as you don't have to handle a preview. As usual, get the filename, open the file, write everything, then close the file. Set File_error if something went bad (permission denied on fopen for example). Don't forget to close file and free any buffer.

Helper function and endianness

As you've seen in the examples, we dont use fread and fwrite directly. There is a good reason: these functions don't care about endianness. We provide functions that do it properly. They all return 1 if everything went fine and 0 if they fail.

int Read_bytes(FILE *file, void *dest, size_t size);
int Write_bytes(FILE *file, void *dest, size_t size);

int Read_byte(FILE *file, byte *dest);
int Write_byte(FILE *file, byte b);

int Read_word_le(FILE *file, word *dest);
int Write_word_le(FILE *file, word w);
int Read_dword_le(FILE *file, dword *dest);
int Write_dword_le(FILE *file, dword dw);

int Read_word_be(FILE *file, word *dest);
int Write_word_be(FILE *file, word w);
int Read_dword_be(FILE *file, dword *dest);
int Write_dword_be(FILE *file, dword dw);

Read_bytes read a number of bytes without any endianness processing. Use that to process the main pixel data of your image if applicable, to avoid many io requests to the OS.

Read_byte reads one single byte. No endianness problem.

The *_le functions read and write little-endian as used on x86, while *_be read and write big endian as on 68000. Check your format info to see what you need to use. Note some functions in our current loadsave.c loads and save a lot of things (for example a whole header with read/write_bytes() and then parse it. Please don't do that. It's not clean, it's error prone, and you will encounter struct-packing headaches. Dont use __attribute(__packed__), the linux/sparc version will crash if you do.

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