= PulkoMandy's AVR stuff = This repository gathers my AVR projects. So everyone can use and improve them. == List of projects == There are two parts : libraries and project themselves. The idea is to separate the tools to quickly assemble them in a project. Each project provides a makefile, the libs are just sourcefiles. Everything is licenced under the MIT licence, unless stated otherwise in the sourcecode. Libs : * usart : access to the AVR serial port. Because printf is quite bulky and most of the time useless. (WIP) * ps2_keyboard : bit-bang reading from a ps/2 keyboard. Useful if you need a lot of keys. * amiga_keyboard : bit-bang reading from an amiga keyboard. Projects : * ps2toserial : read keycodes from a ps/2 keyboard and echo them to the serial port. * aktoserial : read keycodes from an amiga keyboard and echo them to the serial port.