====== Keyword list ====== ^Keyword^Description^ |''?''|Alias to ''PRINT''| |'''''|Alias to ''REM''| |''ATTRB''|Character attributes| |''BOX (x1,y1)-(x2,y2)''|Draws a rectangle (the top left pixel is (0,0)| |''BOXF (x1,y1)-(x2,y2),color''|Fills a rectangle with the given color (optional, if not given use the current pen color). Negative colors lead to filling with the requested color as the background one.| |''CLS''|Clear screen| |''COLOR foreground,background''|Change pen colors (parameters are optional)| |''CONSOLE''| |''DELETE''| |''END''|Ends program execution| |''FOR v=s TO e STEP n''|FOR loop, incrementing v by n each time until it reaches e. The STEP is optional (default is 1) and can be negative.| |''GOTO line''|Jump to program line| |''IF a THEN statement ELSE statement''|Conditions (the statement can be just a line number)| |''INPUT "message";variable1,variable2''|Set variables to user-entered values (comma separated). A ''?'' is printed after the message and before reading the values from the user.| |''LINE (x1,y1)-(x2,y2)''|Draws a line (first point is optional, current cursor position is used: ''LINE -(x2,y2)'')| |''LIST line''|List the program in memory (parameter is optional, if missing the whole program is listed)| |''LOCATE x,y''|Move the cursor| |''NEW''|New program, remove current one from memory| |''NEXT v''|Closes FOR loop.| |''PLAY s$''|Plays music. The string is made of notes DO,RE,MI,FA,SO,LA,SI (with # and b modifiers), octave changes (O1-O5), note duration changes (L1-L96), silences (P), tempo changes (T1-T256), attack settings (A0-A255). Spaces are ignored and can be used for readability| |''PRINT value''|Prints a value (if the value is suffixed with a ; insert a tabulation after it. else goes to next line)| |''PRINT USING''| |''PSET(x,y)''|Set a pixel| |''REM''|Comments (REMark). Anything following this on the line is ignored.| |''RUN''|run the program| |''SCREEN foreground,background,border''|Changecolors for whole screen| ^Function^Description^ |''COS(v)''|Cosine| |''INT(v)''|Integer part of value| |''INSTR''| |''LEFT$(s$,n)''|Get a substring of the N first chars of S| |''LEN(s$)''|Get length of string| |''MID$''| |''RIGHT$(s$,n)''|Get a substring of the N last chars of S| |''RND''|Random value between 0 and 1| |''SIN(v)''|Sine| |''STR$''| |''VAL''| ^Operator^Description^ |''+''|Addition, string concatenation| |''-''|Substraction| |''*''|Multiplication| |''/''|Division| |''MOD''|Modulo| |''@''|Integer division| |''=''|Assignment| |''^''|Exponent| ^Condition^Description^ |''=''|Equality| ====== Tips and tricks ====== The PLAY command can be used for accurate delays.