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The Motorola 6809

The 6809 is a binary-incompatible evolution of the previous 68xx series CPU. Often designed the “best 8-bit CPU of all times”, it prefigures some of the features that will make the 68000 a success.

Technical description

Registers: * A and B: two 8-bit accumulators, useable as the 16-bit D * X and Y: two index registers, used as memory pointers * U and S: user and system stacks * CC: condition flags register * DP: direct-page pointer

Instruction set and addressing modes

This is already covered elsewhere on the internet. Do I need to repeat everything?

Addressing modes

This is already covered elsewhere on the internet.


* Reset: at system reset. * NMI: non-maskable. * IRQ * FIQ: registers are not automatically saved (faster than IRQ, but needs manual save of used registers) * SWI1, 2, and 3: software interrupts triggered by the SWI instruction.


Datasheet, programming manual

documentations/devices/6809.1395582402.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/02/28 17:08 (external edit)
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