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The 6821 PIA

This is a generic I/O chip designed by Motorola and manufactured by Thomson as a second source. It is present in every Thomson machine.

Programming and architecture


MO "System" PIA

data port A

  • bit 0: /FORME - Switch the screen RAM mapping between pixel and attribute RAMs
  • bits 1-4: border color (R,G,B,P)
  • bit 5: light pen button
  • bit 6: tape drive data output
  • bit 7: tape drive data input

Bit 7 is low when no tape drive is plugged, and high when there is one. The monitor loading and saving code checks for this to detect the ape drive.

data port B

  • bit 0: sound output
  • bits 1-3: keyboard column to scan
  • bits 4-6: keyboard line to scan
  • bit 7: state of key selected by the column and line

Control ports

"Sound and Games" PIA

documentations/devices/6821.1395574675.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2015/02/28 17:08 (external edit)
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