Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Ticket #115, comment 4

May 16, 2019, 11:06:25 AM (5 years ago)
D Gowers


  • Ticket #115, comment 4

    initial v1  
    11To re-summarize:
    2  * Case 1: ./bin/grafx-sdl  : Works
    3  * Case 2: grafx2-sdl or /usr/local/bin/grafx2-sdl : Crashes
     2 * Case 1: ./bin/grafx-sdl, invoked from the root of the git clone : Works
     3 * Case 2: grafx2-sdl or /usr/local/bin/grafx2-sdl : Crashes (SIGSEGV)
    44 * Case 3: /tmp/g/grafx2-sdl, after setting up as described above : Works
    6 Invoking with the -v option does not give any debug output in case 2. Presumably this is because the crash occurs before any output is given. In fact, your own log shows this fact: the error about the missing PNG is the first message, but as I stated above, this error does not show for case 2; the crash occurs before this check for the PNG is made.
     6Invoking with the -v option does not give any debug output in case 2. Presumably this is because the crash occurs before any output is given. In fact, your own log shows evidence of this fact: the error about the missing PNG is the first message. As I stated above, this PNG error does not show for case 2, implying that the crash occurs before this check for the PNG is made.
    88The other two cases give pretty normal looking debug output when run with -v.