
May 25, 2020:

10:05 PM Changeset in gitlab [8ee549d] by Thomas Bernard <miniupnp@…>
tests: add dummy Get_palette_RGB_scale() returns 256 as it is the …
10:00 PM Changeset in gitlab [8159517] by Thomas Bernard <miniupnp@…>
ST formats : only save ST palette when RGB scale is 8

May 21, 2020:

1:03 PM Changeset in gitlab [f9b6e40] by Adrien Destugues <pulkomandy@…>
Fix doxygen warnings.

May 16, 2020:

7:48 PM Changeset in gitlab [341e961] by Thomas Bernard <miniupnp@…>
freetype 2.10.1 => 2.10.2, recoil 5.0.0 => 5.0.1

May 14, 2020:

12:21 AM Changeset in gitlab [428bb33] by Thomas Bernard <miniupnp@…>
update MSVC project files
12:20 AM Changeset in gitlab [6934277] by Thomas Bernard <miniupnp@…>
MSVC : _strdup
12:19 AM Changeset in gitlab [d24c3e2] by Thomas Bernard <miniupnp@…>
Warning() => GFX2_Log()
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.