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BASIC file format

BASIC sources aren't stored in plain ASCII. To allow faster loading and parsing, they are stored in bytecode format. The file is in standard DECB format, with a single block of type 0xFF. Since internal structures use absolute addresses, it is important to keep that header to know the loading address of the BASIC program.

0File type = 0xFF
1File size
3Load address


A BASIC program is a packed linked list of program lines.

0Address of next line
2Line number in hex
4NULL-terminated line data

The end of the listing is marked with a NULL next line pointer.

The line data is a mix of tokens and ASCII characters. The tokens are used to encode all the keywords and functions, but everything else (numbers, strings, comments) is stored in ASCII.

Keyword and token list

?Alias to PRINT
'Alias to REM
ATTRBCharacter attributes
BOX (x1,y1)-(x2,y2)Draws a rectangle (the top left pixel is (0,0)
BOXF (x1,y1)-(x2,y2),colorFills a rectangle with the given color (optional, if not given use the current pen color). Negative colors lead to filling with the requested color as the background one.
CLSClear screen
COLOR foreground,backgroundChange pen colors (parameters are optional)
ENDEnds program execution
FOR v=s TO e STEP nFOR loop, incrementing v by n each time until it reaches e. The STEP is optional (default is 1) and can be negative.
GOTO lineJump to program line
IF a THEN statement ELSE statementConditions (the statement can be just a line number)
INPUT “message”;variable1,variable2Set variables to user-entered values (comma separated). A ? is printed after the message and before reading the values from the user.
LINE (x1,y1)-(x2,y2)Draws a line (first point is optional, current cursor position is used: LINE -(x2,y2))
LIST lineList the program in memory (parameter is optional, if missing the whole program is listed)
LOCATE x,yMove the cursor
NEWNew program, remove current one from memory
NEXT vCloses FOR loop.
PLAY s$Plays music. The string is made of notes DO,RE,MI,FA,SO,LA,SI (with # and b modifiers), octave changes (O1-O5), note duration changes (L1-L96), silences (P), tempo changes (T1-T256), attack settings (A0-A255). Spaces are ignored and can be used for readability
PRINT valuePrints a value (if the value is suffixed with a ; insert a tabulation after it. else goes to next line)
PSET(x,y)Set a pixel
REMComments (REMark). Anything following this on the line is ignored.
RUNrun the program
SCREEN foreground,background,borderChangecolors for whole screen
INT(v)Integer part of value
LEFT$(s$,n)Get a substring of the N first chars of S
LEN(s$)Get length of string
RIGHT$(s$,n)Get a substring of the N last chars of S
RNDRandom value between 0 and 1
+Addition, string concatenation
@Integer division

Tips and tricks

The PLAY command can be used for accurate delays.

documentations/basic_keywords.1426320283.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/03/14 08:04 by pulkomandy
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