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The THMFC1 is a custom floppy controller developped by Thomson and used in the TO8, TO9+, and TO8D, as well as the floppy controller expansion for the MO6 (which also works on older machines). It's a very flexible floppy controller, as it leaves a big part of the work to the CPU. One interesting fact is the ability to use QDD drives as well as regular floppies.

Register map

AddressName Description
E7D0 STAT0/CMD0 status/command
E7D1 STAT1/CMD1 status/command
E7D2 CMD2 command
E7D3 WDATA/RDATAdata read/write
E7D4 WCLK clock (MFM bits)
E7D5 WSECT sector
E7D6 WTRCK track
E7D7 WCELL cell size adjust
documentations/devices/thmfc1.1395780053.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2015/02/28 17:08 (external edit)
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