blob: ce4bac66424727c402ef246f4eae7d5e66d84630 [file] [log] [blame]
.area _CODE
.globl _get_file_length
.globl _load_file
;; get length of file on disc. Assumption file has a AMSDOS header
;; int get_file_length(const char *filename);
;; Input: HL points to filename
;; Output: DE contains file length
;; IX is modified by CAS routines
push ix
;; HL = address of null terminated string
call count_string_length
ld de,#0x0c000 ;; points to unused 2k buffer
call 0x0bc77 ;; cas in open
push bc ;; BC = length of file
call 0x0bc7d ;; cas in abandon
pop de ;; Now DE = length of file
pop ix
push hl
ld b,#0
csl: ld a,(hl)
or a
jr z,csl2
inc hl
inc b
jr csl
pop hl
;; void load_file(const char *filename, void *addr)
;; INPUT: HL = filename, DE = addr
push ix
call count_string_length
push de ; Save load address
ld de,#0x0c000
call 0x0bc77 ;; cas in open
pop hl ;; load address now in HL
call 0x0bc83 ;; cas in direct
call 0x0bc7a ;; cas in close
pop ix
;; void relocate(void *addr,void *base)
;; INPUT: HL = addr, DE = base
;; IX = address of relocate data
push ix
; Transfer base address to BC
; Transfer addr to IX
add ix,bc ;; relocate IX to give absolute address of table.
push bc
pop hl
call relocate_16bit
push bc
pop hl
call relocate_8bitl ;; lower byte
push bc
pop hl
call relocate_8bith ;; upper byte
pop ix
;; Relocate 8-bit values (e.g. where low and high parts of an address
;; are loaded seperatly into registers)
;; IX = list of 16-bit addresses. Each address identifies an 8-bit
;; value
ld a,0(ix)
inc ix
or a
ret z
cp #0x0ff
jr nz,r8bh
ld e,0(ix)
inc ix
ld d,0(ix)
inc ix
add hl,de
jr relocate_8bith
;; add offset
add a,l
ld l,a
ld a,h
adc a,#0x0
ld h,a
;; get low byte of address
ld e,0(ix)
inc ix
;; get high byte to relocate
ld d,(hl)
ex de,hl
add hl,bc
ex de,hl
ld (hl),d
jr relocate_8bith
ld a,0(ix)
inc ix
or a
ret z
cp #0x0ff
jr nz,r8bl
ld e,0(ix)
inc ix
ld d,0(ix)
inc ix
add hl,de
jr relocate_8bitl
add a,l
ld l,a
ld a,h
adc a,#0x0
ld h,a
ld e,(hl)
ld d,#0x0
ex de,hl
add hl,bc
ex de,hl
ld (hl),e
jr relocate_8bitl
;; Relocate 16-bit values
;; Entry conditions:
;; IX = list of 16-bit addresses. Each address identifies a 16-bit
;; value to relocate.
;; BC = base address
;; NOTE:
;; - Relocatable 16-bit values come from CALL and JP instructions and
;; loading a 16-bit register.
ld a,0(ix) ;; number of items to relocate
inc ix
or a
ret z
cp #0x0ff
jr nz,r16
ld e,0(ix)
inc ix
ld d,0(ix)
inc ix
add hl,de
jr relocate_16bit
;; add offset
add a,l
ld l,a
ld a,h
adc a,#0x0
ld h,a
;; get the 16-bit value
ld e,(hl)
inc hl
ld d,(hl)
;; add base address; therefore relocating it.
ex de,hl
add hl,bc
ex de,hl
;; write relocated value
ld (hl),d
dec hl
ld (hl),e
jr relocate_16bit