blob: 49163f0579d915668446800d53d824d322641ed4 [file] [log] [blame]
CONIO.H - Console I/O library for the Amsrad CPC
To use with the Small Devices C Compiler
CONIO.H is a implementation of the Contiki CONIO.H (Derived from the borland CONIO.H)
2003 H. Hansen
#ifndef __conio_h__
#define __conio_h__
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "arch.h"
#define CH_ULCORNER 0x096
#define CH_URCORNER 0x09c
#define CH_LLCORNER 0x093
#define CH_LRCORNER 0x099
void clrscr (void);
unsigned char kbhit (void);
void gotox (unsigned char x) __z88dk_fastcall;
void gotoy (unsigned char y) __z88dk_fastcall;
void gotoyx (unsigned char y, unsigned char x) __z88dk_callee;
#define gotoxy(x,y) gotoyx(y,x)
unsigned char wherex (void);
unsigned char wherey (void);
void cputc (char c) __z88dk_fastcall;
void cputcyx (unsigned char y, unsigned char x, char c) __z88dk_callee;
#define cputcxy(x,y,c) cputcyx(y,x,c)
void cputs (const char* s) __z88dk_fastcall;
void cputsn(const char *str, unsigned char len) __z88dk_callee;
char cgetc (void);
void revers (char) __z88dk_fastcall;
void textcolor (unsigned char color) __z88dk_fastcall;
void bgcolor (unsigned char color) __z88dk_fastcall;
void bordercolor (unsigned char color) __z88dk_fastcall;
void chline (unsigned char length) __z88dk_fastcall;
void chlineyx (unsigned char y, unsigned char x, unsigned char length) __z88dk_callee;
#define chlinexy(x,y,l) chlineyx(y,x,l)
void cvline (unsigned char length) __z88dk_fastcall;
void cvlineyx (unsigned char y, unsigned char x, unsigned char length) __z88dk_callee;
#define cvlinexy(x,y,l) cvlineyx(y,x,l)
void cclear (unsigned char length) __z88dk_fastcall;
void screensize (unsigned char* x, unsigned char* y);
#endif /* __conio_h__ */