Delete useless filesDelete useless files..
diff --git a/contiki-cpc/README b/contiki-cpc/README
deleted file mode 100644
index 854e27f..0000000
--- a/contiki-cpc/README
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-This is the Amstrad CPC port of Contiki, maintained by Kevin Thacker
diff --git a/contiki-cpc/lib/mtarch-asm.S b/contiki-cpc/lib/mtarch-asm.S
deleted file mode 100644
index 22ab609..0000000
--- a/contiki-cpc/lib/mtarch-asm.S
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,245 +0,0 @@
-	.importzp       ptr1
-	.importzp	sp
-	.import		__ZP_START__
-	.import		_mtarch_asm_threadstack
-	.import		_mtarch_asm_threadsp
-	.import		_mtarch_asm_threadspreg
-	.import		_mtarch_asm_threadzp	
-	.export		_mtarch_asm_exec
-	.export		_mtarch_yield
-	.export		_mtarch_asm_start
-	.export		_mtarch_pstart, _mtarch_pstop
-kernelsp:	.res 2
-kernelspreg:	.res 1		
-oldirq:		.res 2
-	zpsize = 32
-	;; Switch to thread defined by threadsp, threadstack and threadspreg.
-	;; The kernel stack is swapped onto the threadstack, and the
-	;; sp and spreg are saved to the local variables "kernelsp" and
-	;; "kernelspreg". Also, the zeropage variables are saved.
-	sei
-	;; Save current stack pointer
-	lda sp
-	sta kernelsp
-	lda sp+1
-	sta kernelsp+1
-	tsx
-	stx kernelspreg
-	lda _mtarch_asm_threadzp
-	sta ptr1
-	lda _mtarch_asm_threadzp+1
-	sta ptr1+1
-	ldy #0
-	lda <__ZP_START__,y
-	tax
-	lda (ptr1),y
-	sta <__ZP_START__,y
-	txa
-	sta (ptr1),y	
-	iny
-	cpy #zpsize
-	bne :-
-	lda _mtarch_asm_threadstack
-	sta ptr1
-	lda _mtarch_asm_threadstack+1
-	sta ptr1+1
-	ldy kernelspreg                  ; determine the smallest of the two stack pointers,
-        cpy _mtarch_asm_threadspreg              ; as we only need to swap the used part of the stack
-        bcc :+
-        ldy _mtarch_asm_threadspreg
-	lda $0100,y
-	tax	
-	lda (ptr1),y
-	sta $0100,y
-	txa
-	sta (ptr1),y
-	iny
-	bne :-
-	lda _mtarch_asm_threadsp
-	sta sp
-	lda _mtarch_asm_threadsp+1
-	sta sp+1
-	ldx _mtarch_asm_threadspreg
-	txs
-; 	jsr _mtarch_pstart	
-	lda $0314
-	sta oldirq
-	lda $0315
-	sta oldirq+1
-	lda #<irq
- 	sta $0314
-	lda #>irq
-	sta $0315
-	pla
-	tay
-	pla
-	tax
-	pla
-	rti
-	;; Switch from thread defined by threadsp, threadstack and threadspreg.
-	;; The kernel stack is swapped back from the threadstack, and the
-	;; sp and spreg are restored from the local variables "kernelsp" and
-	;; "kernelspreg".
-	sei
-	lda sp
-	sta _mtarch_asm_threadsp
-	lda sp+1
-	sta _mtarch_asm_threadsp+1
-	tsx
-	stx _mtarch_asm_threadspreg
-	lda _mtarch_asm_threadzp
-	sta ptr1
-	lda _mtarch_asm_threadzp+1
-	sta ptr1+1
-	ldy kernelspreg                  ; determine the smallest of the two stack pointers,
-        cpy _mtarch_asm_threadspreg              ; as we only need to swap the used part of the stack
-        bcc :+
-        ldy _mtarch_asm_threadspreg
-	lda <__ZP_START__,y
-	tax
-	lda (ptr1),y
-	sta <__ZP_START__,y
-	txa
-	sta (ptr1),y	
-	iny
-	cpy #zpsize
-	bne :-
-	lda _mtarch_asm_threadstack
-	sta ptr1
-	lda _mtarch_asm_threadstack+1
-	sta ptr1+1
-	ldy #0
-	lda $0100,y
-	tax	
-	lda (ptr1),y
-	sta $0100,y
-	txa
-	sta (ptr1),y
-	iny
-	bne :-
-	lda kernelsp
-	sta sp
-	lda kernelsp+1
-	sta sp+1
-	ldx kernelspreg
-	txs
-	cli
-	rts
-	;; Simulate an IRQ by pushing CPU status and CPu registers
-	;; onto the stack. Then call the yield function to yield the
-	;; process.		
-	php
-	pha
-	txa
-	pha
-	tya
-	pha
-        tsx
-                                ; the rts adds 1 to the PC
-                                ; saved on the stack. We want
-        lda $0105,x             ; the stack to look like is would
-        clc                     ; do inside of an interrupt.
-        adc #1                  ; (this is what the 'rts' does,
-        sta $0105,x             ;  but not the 'rti')
-        lda $0106,x
-        adc #0
-        sta $0106,x
-	jmp yield		
-	lda _mtarch_asm_threadzp
-	sta ptr1
-	lda _mtarch_asm_threadzp+1
-	sta ptr1+1
-	ldy #0
-	lda <__ZP_START__,y
-	sta (ptr1),y	
-	iny
-	cpy #zpsize
-	bne :-
-	rts
-	lda oldirq
-	sta $0314
-	lda oldirq+1
-	sta $0315
-	jmp yield
-	;; Setup preemption IRQ
-	sei
-	lda $0314
-	sta oldirq
-	lda $0315
-	sta oldirq+1
-	lda #<irq
- 	sta $0314
-	lda #>irq
-	sta $0315		
-	cli
-	rts
-	sei
-	lda oldirq
-	sta $0314
-	lda oldirq+1
-	sta $0315
-	cli
-	rts	