blob: 049ea5ac4d6b441d0587cb103c5704f4f6394f8c [file] [log] [blame]
<h1><a href="">Contiki</a> / <a
href="">uIP</a> on MSP430</h1>
The web pages you are watching are served by a <a
server</a> running under the <a
href="">Contiki operating system</a>
on a small <a
board</a> developed by <a
href="">the CST group</a> at
<a href="">FU Berlin</a>. The sensor board is
equipped with a TI MSP430 micrcontroller with 2048 bytes of RAM and 60
kilobytes of flash ROM, as well as a number of sensors. The sensors
can measure vibration, temperature, IR-light, sound, tilt and motion.
<h2>Internet connectivity</h2>
The sensor board is directly connected to the Internet through the
RS232 interface on the board, and is running the <a
href="">uIP TCP/IP stack</a> on which
Contiki is based.
<h2>Memory usage</h2>
The entire Contiki MSP430 system uses only about 1800 bytes RAM, of
which 280 bytes is used for the virtual screen and 300 bytes for
network buffers. All code and web pages are stored in the
microcontroller's on-chip flash ROM.
<p align="right">
/<a href="">Adam Dunkels</a>