blob: 618dbb58808c9048c4560b82ff65bf1ff38023e8 [file] [log] [blame]
** Copyright 2009-2015 Adrien Destugues,
** Distributed under the terms of the MIT License.
#include "AmigaCatalog.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <memory>
#include <new>
#include <Application.h>
#include <Directory.h>
#include <File.h>
#include <FindDirectory.h>
#include <fs_attr.h>
#include <Mime.h>
#include <Path.h>
#include <Resources.h>
#include <Roster.h>
#include <StackOrHeapArray.h>
#include <String.h>
#include <LocaleRoster.h>
#include <Catalog.h>
class BMessage;
using BPrivate::HashMapCatalog;
using BPrivate::AmigaCatalog;
/* This add-on implements reading of Amiga catalog files. These are IFF files
* of type CTLG and used to localize Amiga applications. In most cases you
* should use the Haiku standard catalogs instead, unless:
* - You are porting an application from Amiga and want to use the same locale
* files
* - You want to use ID-based string lookup instead of string-to-string, for
* performance reasons.
static const char *kCatFolder = "Catalogs/";
static const char *kCatExtension = ".catalog";
const char *AmigaCatalog::kCatMimeType
= "locale/x-vnd.Be.locale-catalog.amiga";
static int16 kCatArchiveVersion = 1;
// version of the catalog archive structure, bump this if you change it!
* constructs a AmigaCatalog with given signature and language and reads
* the catalog from disk.
* InitCheck() will be B_OK if catalog could be loaded successfully, it will
* give an appropriate error-code otherwise.
AmigaCatalog::AmigaCatalog(const char *signature, const char *language,
uint32 fingerprint)
HashMapCatalog(signature, language, fingerprint)
// give highest priority to catalog living in sub-folder of app's folder:
app_info appInfo;
node_ref nref;
nref.device = appInfo.ref.device;
nref.node =;
BDirectory appDir(&nref);
BString catalogName(kCatFolder);
catalogName << fLanguageName
<< "/" << fSignature
<< kCatExtension;
BPath catalogPath(&appDir, catalogName.String());
status_t status = ReadFromFile(catalogPath.Path());
if (status != B_OK) {
// look in common-etc folder (/boot/home/config/etc):
BPath commonEtcPath;
find_directory(B_USER_ETC_DIRECTORY, &commonEtcPath);
if (commonEtcPath.InitCheck() == B_OK) {
catalogName = BString(commonEtcPath.Path())
<< kCatFolder << fLanguageName
<< "/" << fSignature
<< kCatExtension;
status = ReadFromFile(catalogName.String());
if (status != B_OK) {
// look in system-etc folder (/boot/beos/etc):
BPath systemEtcPath;
find_directory(B_SYSTEM_ETC_DIRECTORY, &systemEtcPath);
if (systemEtcPath.InitCheck() == B_OK) {
catalogName = BString(systemEtcPath.Path())
<< kCatFolder << fLanguageName
<< "/" << fSignature
<< kCatExtension;
status = ReadFromFile(catalogName.String());
fInitCheck = status;
* constructs an empty AmigaCatalog with given sig and language.
* This is used for editing/testing purposes.
* InitCheck() will always be B_OK.
AmigaCatalog::AmigaCatalog(const char *path, const char *signature,
const char *language)
HashMapCatalog(signature, language, 0),
fInitCheck = B_OK;
AmigaCatalog::ReadFromFile(const char *path)
if (!path)
path = fPath.String();
BFile source(path, B_READ_ONLY);
if (source.InitCheck() != B_OK)
return source.InitCheck();
// Now read all the data from the file
int32 tmp;
source.Read(&tmp, sizeof(tmp)); // IFF header
if (ntohl(tmp) != 'FORM')
return B_BAD_DATA;
int32 dataSize;
source.Read(&dataSize, sizeof(dataSize)); // File size
dataSize = ntohl(dataSize);
source.Read(&tmp, sizeof(tmp)); // File type
if (ntohl(tmp) != 'CTLG')
return B_BAD_DATA;
dataSize -= 4; // Type is included in data size.
while(dataSize > 0) {
int32 chunkID, chunkSize;
source.Read(&chunkID, sizeof(chunkID));
source.Read(&chunkSize, sizeof(chunkSize));
chunkSize = ntohl(chunkSize);
// Round to word
if (chunkSize & 1) chunkSize++;
BStackOrHeapArray<char, 256> chunkData(chunkSize);
source.Read(chunkData, chunkSize);
chunkID = ntohl(chunkID);
switch(chunkID) {
case 'FVER': // Version
fSignature = chunkData;
case 'LANG': // Language
fLanguageName = chunkData;
case 'STRS': // Catalog strings
BMemoryIO strings(chunkData, chunkSize);
int32 strID, strLen;
while (strings.Position() < chunkSize) {
strings.Read(&strID, sizeof(strID));
strings.Read(&strLen, sizeof(strLen));
strID = ntohl(strID);
strLen = ntohl(strLen);
if (strLen & 3) {
strLen &= ~3;
strLen += 4;
char strVal[strLen];
strings.Read(strVal, strLen);
SetString(strID, strVal);
case 'CSET': // Unknown/unused
dataSize -= chunkSize + 8;
fPath = path;
fFingerprint = ComputeFingerprint();
return B_OK;
AmigaCatalog::WriteToFile(const char *path)
* writes mimetype, language-name and signature of catalog into the
* catalog-file.
AmigaCatalog::UpdateAttributes(BFile& catalogFile)
static const int bufSize = 256;
char buf[bufSize];
uint32 temp;
if (catalogFile.ReadAttr("BEOS:TYPE", B_MIME_STRING_TYPE, 0, &buf, bufSize)
<= 0
|| strcmp(kCatMimeType, buf) != 0) {
catalogFile.WriteAttr("BEOS:TYPE", B_MIME_STRING_TYPE, 0,
kCatMimeType, strlen(kCatMimeType)+1);
if (catalogFile.ReadAttr(BLocaleRoster::kCatLangAttr, B_STRING_TYPE, 0,
&buf, bufSize) <= 0
|| fLanguageName != buf) {
catalogFile.WriteAttr(BLocaleRoster::kCatLangAttr, B_STRING_TYPE, 0,
fLanguageName.String(), fLanguageName.Length()+1);
if (catalogFile.ReadAttr(BLocaleRoster::kCatSigAttr, B_STRING_TYPE, 0,
&buf, bufSize) <= 0
|| fSignature != buf) {
catalogFile.WriteAttr(BLocaleRoster::kCatSigAttr, B_STRING_TYPE, 0,
fSignature.String(), fSignature.Length()+1);
if (catalogFile.ReadAttr(BLocaleRoster::kCatFingerprintAttr, B_UINT32_TYPE,
0, &temp, sizeof(uint32)) <= 0) {
catalogFile.WriteAttr(BLocaleRoster::kCatFingerprintAttr, B_UINT32_TYPE,
0, &fFingerprint, sizeof(uint32));
AmigaCatalog::UpdateAttributes(const char* path)
BEntry entry(path);
BFile node(&entry, B_READ_WRITE);
BCatalogData *
AmigaCatalog::Instantiate(const char *signature, const char *language,
uint32 fingerprint)
AmigaCatalog *catalog
= new(std::nothrow) AmigaCatalog(signature, language, fingerprint);
if (catalog && catalog->InitCheck() != B_OK) {
delete catalog;
return NULL;
return catalog;
extern "C" BCatalogData *
instantiate_catalog(const char *signature, const char *language,
uint32 fingerprint)
AmigaCatalog *catalog
= new(std::nothrow) AmigaCatalog(signature, language, fingerprint);
if (catalog && catalog->InitCheck() != B_OK) {
delete catalog;
return NULL;
return catalog;
extern "C" BCatalogData *
create_catalog(const char *signature, const char *language)
AmigaCatalog *catalog
= new(std::nothrow) AmigaCatalog("emptycat", signature, language);
return catalog;
extern "C" status_t
get_available_languages(BMessage* availableLanguages,
const char* sigPattern = NULL, const char* langPattern = NULL,
int32 fingerprint = 0)
return B_ERROR;
uint8 gCatalogAddOnPriority = 80;