blob: e5589ac62bab74c62247314856197b8766fcc95c [file] [log] [blame]
/* Low level disk I/O module skeleton for Petit FatFs (C)ChaN, 2009 */
/* Driver for MO5/TO8 HxC floppy emulator direct access
* Copyright 2011, Adrien Destugues <>
#include "diskio.h"
#include "../macros.h"
extern unsigned char* secbuf;
extern unsigned char mark[];
/* Initialize Disk Drive */
DSTATUS disk_initialize (void)
// Enter host mode
// Read header to check everything is ok
read(255, 0, secbuf);
// Check for HxCFEDA marker
if (*(long*)(mark) != *(long*)(secbuf))
return STA_NOINIT;
if (*(long*)(mark+4) != *(long*)(secbuf+4))
return STA_NOINIT;
return 0;
/* Read Partial Sector */
DRESULT disk_readp (
BYTE* dest, /* Pointer to the destination object */
DWORD sector, /* Sector number (LBA) */
WORD sofs, /* Offset in the sector */
WORD count /* Byte count (bit15:destination) */
static DWORD prevsec = -1;
// TODO implement caching system
// * If sector is reachable with current LBA, don't change it
mon_putc(' ');
if (prevsec != sector)
// Set LBA address
int j = 8;
mark[j++] = 1;
mark[j++] = sector;
mark[j++] = (sector>>8);
mark[j++] = (sector>>16);
mark[j++] = (sector>>24);
mark[j++] = 0; // Write disabled
mark[j++] = 6; // Sector count
for(; j <512; j++) mark[j] = 0;
prevsec = sector;
// Read sector
// Copy useful bytes to dest.
sofs += (int)(secbuf);
for(int j = 0; j <count;++j)
*(char*)(dest+j) = *(char*)(j+sofs);
return RES_OK;
/* Write Partial Sector */
DRESULT disk_writep (
const BYTE* buff,/* Pointer to the data to be written, NULL:Initiate/Finalize write operation */
DWORD sc /* Sector number (LBA) or Number of bytes to send */
// TODO write it
// Beware of using the sector buffer, read is doing caching there...
if (!buff) {
if (sc) {
// Initiate write process
} else {
// Finalize write process
} else {
// Send data to the disk
return res;