bastok: tool to convert a BASIC tokenized file to ASCII.

git-svn-id: svn://localhost/thomson@63 85ae3b6b-dc8f-4344-a89d-598714f2e4e5
diff --git a/tools/bastok/bastok.cpp b/tools/bastok/bastok.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..166efbd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/bastok/bastok.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
+#include <map>
+#include <vector>
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include <arpa/inet.h>
+struct __attribute__((packed)) BAS_Data {
+	uint8_t type;
+	uint16_t length;
+	std::vector<uint8_t> data;
+bool BAS_ReadChunk(FILE* in, BAS_Data& out) {
+	// Read the chunk header
+	int value = fread(&out, 3, 1, in);
+	if (value == 0)
+		return false;
+	// 6809 is little endian, take that into account...
+	out.length = ntohs(out.length);
+	// Resize the data member to the proper size and read the data to it.
+	fread(&[0], out.length, 1, in);
+	return true;
+struct __attribute__((packed)) BAS_Line {
+	uint16_t offset;
+	uint16_t number;
+	uint8_t data[];
+void BAStoASCII(BAS_Data& data)
+	std::map<uint8_t, const char*> Opcodes;
+	std::map<uint8_t, const char*> Functions;
+	Opcodes[0x80] = "END";
+	Opcodes[0x81] = "FOR";
+	Opcodes[0x82] = "NEXT";
+	Opcodes[0x83] = "DATA";
+	Opcodes[0x84] = "DIM";
+	Opcodes[0x85] = "READ";
+	//
+	Opcodes[0x87] = "GO";
+	//
+	Opcodes[0x89] = "IF";
+	Opcodes[0x8A] = "RESTORE";
+	Opcodes[0x8B] = "RETURN";
+	//
+	Opcodes[0x93] = "DEFINT";
+	Opcodes[0x9C] = "LOCATE";
+	Opcodes[0x9D] = "CLS";
+	Opcodes[0xA2] = "EXEC";
+	Opcodes[0xA4] = "COLOR";
+	Opcodes[0xA5] = "LINE";
+	Opcodes[0xA6] = "BOX";
+	//
+	Opcodes[0xA8] = "ATTRB";
+	Opcodes[0xA9] = "DEF"; // FIXME DEFGR$
+	Opcodes[0xAA] = "POKE";
+	Opcodes[0xAB] = "PRINT";
+	//
+	Opcodes[0xAE] = "CLEAR";
+	// SOUND
+	Opcodes[0xB9] = "PLAY";
+	Opcodes[0xBB] = "TO";
+	Opcodes[0xBC] = "SUB";
+	//
+	Opcodes[0xBF] = "USING";
+	//
+	Opcodes[0xC4] = "THEN";
+	//
+	Opcodes[0xC6] = "STEP";
+	Opcodes[0xC7] = "+";
+	Opcodes[0xC8] = "-";
+	Opcodes[0xC9] = "*";
+	Opcodes[0xCA] = "/";
+	//
+	Opcodes[0xCC] = "AND";
+	Opcodes[0xCD] = "OR";
+	//
+	Opcodes[0xD3] = ">";
+	Opcodes[0xD4] = "=";
+	Opcodes[0xD5] = "<";
+	Functions[0x81] = "INT";
+	Functions[0x82] = "ABS";
+	Functions[0x8B] = "LEN";
+	Functions[0x8E] = "ASC";
+	Functions[0x8F] = "CHR$";
+	Functions[0x99] = "GR$";
+	Functions[0x9A] = "LEFT$";
+	Functions[0x9C] = "MID$";
+	Functions[0x9F] = "RND";
+	Functions[0xA0] = "INKEY$";
+	Functions[0xA1] = "INPUT$";
+	Functions[0xA4] = "SCREEN";
+	/* ################################ */
+	BAS_Line* currentLine;
+	currentLine = (BAS_Line*)&[0];
+	bool func = false;
+	while(currentLine->offset) {
+		// Endianness fixup
+		currentLine->offset = ntohs(currentLine->offset);
+		currentLine->number = ntohs(currentLine->number);
+		printf("%d ", currentLine->number);
+		for (int i = 0; currentLine->data[i]; i++) {
+			uint8_t c = currentLine->data[i];
+			if (c < 128 && isprint(c))
+				putchar(c);
+			else if (c == 0xFF) {
+				func = true;
+				continue;
+			} else if ((!func) && (Opcodes.find(c) != Opcodes.end()))
+				printf("\x1B[31m%s\x1B[0m", Opcodes[c]);
+			else if (func && (Functions.find(c) != Functions.end()))
+				printf("\x1B[32m%s\x1B[0m", Functions[c]);
+			else {
+				printf("\n*** UNKNOWN %s %x ***\n", func?"FUNCTION":"OPCODE", c);
+				for (int k = 0; currentLine->data[k]; k++)
+					printf("%02X ", currentLine->data[k]);
+				puts("");
+				exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
+			}
+			func = false;
+		}
+		currentLine = (BAS_Line*)&[currentLine->offset - 0x25A4];
+		puts("");
+	}
+int main(int argc, char* argv[])
+	if (argc < 2)
+	{
+		fprintf(stderr, "%s file.bas\n", argv[0]);
+		return 1;
+	}
+	FILE* in;
+	BAS_Data h;
+	in = fopen(argv[1], "rb");
+	while(BAS_ReadChunk(in, h))
+	{
+		BAStoASCII(h);
+	};