blob: 64bc24f230a0719ff3606aa94bae220ec97dd993 [file] [log] [blame]
/* GFX2mo5 - libraw2mo5.c
* CloudStrife - 20080921
* PulkoMandy - 20101221, 20130213
* Diffusé sous licence libre CeCILL v2
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
unsigned char *raw2mo5(unsigned char *input, int height, int fixup)
unsigned char *tmpBuffer;
int x,y;
int previous = 0;
tmpBuffer = (unsigned char*)calloc(0x4000,1);
if (tmpBuffer == NULL)
printf("Allocation tmpBuffer raté\n");
#define width 320
bool lfo = false;
for (y = 0; y < height; y++)
for (x = 0; x < 320; x+=8) {
int fore = 255;
int back = 255;
int pix;
bool oldlfo = lfo;
for(pix = 0; pix < 8; pix++) {
int nc = input[y*width+x+pix];
if (nc > 15) printf("Color over limit!\n");
if (back == nc) {
// Pixel is in backcolor, set FORME to 0
lfo = false;
} else if (fore == nc) {
// Pixel is in forecolor, set FORME to 1
tmpBuffer[(y*320+x)/8] |= 0x80>>pix;
lfo = true;
} else if (back==255) {
// Pixel is in unknown color, back is free : allocate backcolor
back = nc;
lfo = false;
} else if (fore == 255) {
// Pixel is unknown color, back is allocated : allocate front and set FORME
fore = nc;
tmpBuffer[(y*320+x)/8] |= 0x80>>pix;
lfo = true;
} else {
printf("Color clash at %d %d : %d %d %d\n",x+pix,y,fore, back,
if (fore == 255) fore = fixup;
if (fore != 255) {
previous &= 0xF;
previous |= fore << 4;
if (back != 255) {
previous &= 0xF0;
previous |= back;
// Make sure the last pixel of this GPL and the first of the next GPL
// are both FORME or both FOND, else we get an ugly glitch on the
// EFGJ033 Gate Array MO5!
if(fixup > 0 && oldlfo == !(tmpBuffer[(y*320+x)/8] & 0x80))
previous = (previous >> 4) | (previous << 4);
tmpBuffer[(y*320+x)/8] ^= 0xFF;
lfo = !lfo;
tmpBuffer[0x2000+(y*320+x)/8] = previous;
return tmpBuffer;