blob: bdc733ecb6bdf86b936100e53c4ad511fc1649b3 [file] [log] [blame]
//; sysdef.asm: This file contains definitions to simplify assembler programming
//; and for accessing the various hardware registers via MMIO
//* Assembler macros which make life much easier:
// Some register short names:
//* IO-page addresses: Default: 8 registers per block
#define IO_AREA_START 0xFF00
// Switch-register:
#define IO_SWITCH_REG 0xFF00 // 16 binary keys
// Registers for TIL-display:
#define IO_TIL_DISPLAY 0xFF01 // Address of TIL-display
#define IO_TIL_MASK 0xFF02 // Mask register of TIL display
// USB-keyboard-registers:
#define IO_KBD_STATE 0xFF04 // Status register of USB keyboard
// Bit 0 (read only): New ASCII character avaiable for reading
// (bits 7 downto 0 of Read register)
// Bit 1 (read only): New special key available for reading
// (bits 15 downto 8 of Read register)
// Bits 2..4 (read/write): Locales: 000 = US English keyboard layout,
// 001 = German layout, others: reserved for more locales
// Bits 5..7 (read only): Modifiers: 5 = shift, 6 = alt, 7 = ctrl
// Only valid, when bits 0 and/or 1 are '1'
#define IO_KBD_DATA 0xFF05 // Data register of USB keyboard
// Contains the ASCII character in bits 7 downto 0 or the special key code
// in 15 downto 8. The "or" is meant exclusive, i.e. it cannot happen that
// one transmission contains an ASCII character PLUS a special character.
// CYCLE-COUNT-registers
#define IO_CYC_LO 0xFF08 // low word of 48-bit counter
#define IO_CYC_MID 0xFF09 // middle word of 48-bit counter
#define IO_CYC_HI 0xFF0A // high word of 48-bit counter
#define IO_CYC_STATE 0xFF0B // status register
// Bit 0 (write only): Reset counter to zero and start counting, i.e.
// bit 1 is automatically set to 1 when resetting
// Bit 1 (read/write): Start/stop counter
#define IO_INS_LO 0xFF0C // low word of 48-bit counter
#define IO_INS_MID 0xFF0D // middle word of 48-bit counter
#define IO_INS_HI 0xFF0E // high word of 48-bit counter
#define IO_INS_STATE 0xFF0F // status register
// Bit 0 (write only): Reset counter to zero and start counting, i.e.
// bit 1 is automatically set to 1 when resetting
// Bit 1 (read/write): Start/stop counter
// Block FF10: UART
// The other registers are mentioned for completeness to map real hardware (16550)
#define IO_UART_MR1A 0xFF10 // n/a
#define IO_UART_MR1B 0xFF10 // n/a
#define IO_UART_SRA 0xFF11 // Status register (relative to base address)
#define IO_UART_RHRA 0xFF12 // Receiving register (relative to base address)
#define IO_UART_THRA 0xFF13 // Transmitting register (relative to base address)
// Block FF18: EAE
// EAE (Extended Arithmetic Element) registers:
#define IO_EAE_OPERAND_0 0xFF18
#define IO_EAE_OPERAND_1 0xFF19
#define IO_EAE_CSR 0xFF1C // Command and Status Register
// EAE-Opcodes (CSR): 0x0000 MULU 32-bit result in LO HI
// 0x0001 MULS 32-bit result in LO HI
// 0x0002 DIVU result in LO, modulo in HI
// 0x0003 DIVS result in LO, modulo in HI
// Bit 15 of CSR is the busy bit. If it is set, the EAE is still busy crunching numbers.
// Block FF20: SD CARD
// SD CARD INTERFACE registers
#define IO_SD_ADDR_LO 0xFF20 // low word of 32bit linear SD card block address
#define IO_SD_ADDR_HI 0xFF21 // high word of 32bit linear SD card block address
#define IO_SD_DATA_POS 0xFF22 // "Cursor" to navigate the 512-byte data buffer
#define IO_SD_DATA 0xFF23 // read/write 1 byte from/to the 512-byte data buffer
#define IO_SD_ERROR 0xFF24 // error code of last operation (read only)
#define IO_SD_CSR 0xFF25 // Command and Status Register (write to execute command)
// SD-Opcodes (CSR): 0x0000 Reset SD card
// 0x0001 Read 512 bytes from the linear block address
// 0x0002 Write 512 bytes to the linear block address
// Bits 0 .. 2 are write-only (reading always returns 0)
// Bits 13 .. 12 return the card type: 00 = no card / unknown card
// 01 = SD V1
// 10 = SD V2
// 11 = SDHC
// Bit 14 of the CSR is the error bit: 1, if the last operation failed. In such
// a case, the error code is in IO_SD_ERROR and
// you need to reset the controller to go on
// Bit 15 of the CSR is the busy bit: 1, if current operation is still running
// Block FF28: TIMER 0 and 1
// Interrupt timer: There are two timers capable of generating interrupts.
// Each timer is controlled by three 16 bit registers:
// IO_TIMER_x_PRE: The 100 kHz timer clock is divided by the value stored in
// this device register. 100 (which corresponds to 0x0064 in
// the prescaler register) yields a 1 millisecond pulse which
// in turn is fed to the actual counter.
// IO_TIMER_x_CNT: When the number of output pulses from the prescaler circuit
// equals the number stored in this register, an interrupt will
// be generated (if the interrupt address is 0x0000, the
// interrupt will be suppressed).
// IO_TIMER_x_INT: This register contains the address of the desired interrupt
// service routine.
#define IO_TIMER_0_PRE 0xFF28
#define IO_TIMER_0_CNT 0xFF29
#define IO_TIMER_0_INT 0xFF2A
#define IO_TIMER_1_PRE 0xFF2B
#define IO_TIMER_1_CNT 0xFF2C
#define IO_TIMER_1_INT 0xFF2D
// Block FF30: VGA (double block, 16 registers)
#define VGA_STATE 0xFF30 // VGA status register
// Bits 11-10: Hardware scrolling / offset enable: Bit #10 enables the use
// of the offset register #4 (display offset) and bit #11
// enables the use of register #5 (read/write offset).
// Bit 9: Busy: VGA is currently busy, e.g. clearing the screen,
// printing, etc. While busy, commands will be ignored, but
// they can still be written into the registers, though
// Bit 8: Set bit to clear screen. Read bit to find out, if clear
// screen is still active
// Bit 7: VGA enable (1 = on; 0: no VGA signal is generated)
// Bit 6: Hardware cursor enable
// Bit 5: Hardware cursor blink enable
// Bit 4: Hardware cursor mode: 1 - small
// 0 - large
// Bits 2-0: Output color for the whole screen, bits (2, 1, 0) = RGB
#define VGA_CR_X 0xFF31 // VGA cursor X position
#define VGA_CR_Y 0xFF32 // VGA cursor Y position
#define VGA_CHAR 0xFF33 // write: VGA character to be displayed
// read: character "under" the cursor
#define VGA_OFFS_DISPLAY 0xFF34 // Offset in bytes that is used when displaying
// the video RAM. Scrolling forward one line
// means adding 0x50 to this register.
// Only works, if bit #10 in VGA_STATE is set.
#define VGA_OFFS_RW 0xFF35 // Offset in bytes that is used, when you read
// or write to the video RAM using VGA_CHAR.
// Works independently from VGA_OFFS_DISPLAY.
// Active, when bit #11 in VGA_STATE is set.
#define VGA_HDMI_H_MIN 0xFF36 // HDMI Data Enable: X: minimum valid column
#define VGA_HDMI_H_MAX 0xFF37 // HDMI Data Enable: X: maximum valid column
#define VGA_HDMI_V_MAX 0xFF38 // HDMI Data Enable: Y: maximum row (line)
// Block FFF0: MEGA65 (double block, 16 registers)
// HyperRAM
#define IO_M65HRAM_LO 0xFFF0 // Low word of address (15 downto 0)
#define IO_M65HRAM_HI 0xFFF1 // High word of address (26 downto 16)
#define IO_M65HRAM_DATA8 0xFFF2 // HyperRAM native 8-bit data in/out
#define IO_M65HRAM_DATA16 0xFFF3 // HyperRAM 16-bit data in/out
//* Constant definitions
// ========== VGA ==========
#define VGA_MAX_X 79 // Max. X-coordinate in decimal!
#define VGA_MAX_Y 39 // Max. Y-coordinate in decimal!
#define VGA_MAX_CHARS 3200 // 80 * 40 chars
#define VGA_EN_HW_CURSOR 0x0040 // Show hardware cursor
#define VGA_EN_HW_SCRL 0x0C00 // Hardware scrolling enable
#define VGA_CLR_SCRN 0x0100 // Clear screen
#define VGA_BUSY 0x0200 // VGA is currently performing a task
#define VGA_COLOR_RED 0x0004
#define VGA_COLOR_GREEN 0x0002
#define VGA_COLOR_BLUE 0x0001
#define VGA_COLOR_WHITE 0x0007
// ========== CYCLE COUNTER ==========
#define CYC_RESET 0x0001 // Reset cycle counter
#define CYC_RUN 0x0002 // Start/stop counter
// ========== CYCLE COUNTER ==========
#define INS_RESET 0x0001 // Reset instruction counter
#define INS_RUN 0x0002 // Start/stop counter
// ========== EAE ==========
#define EAE_MULU 0x0000 // Unsigned 16 bit multiplication
#define EAE_MULS 0x0001 // Signed 16 bit multiplication
#define EAE_DIVU 0x0002 // Unsigned 16 bit division with remainder
#define EAE_DIVS 0x0003 // Signed 16 bit division with remainder
#define EAE_BUSY 0x8000 // Busy flag (1 = operation still running)
// ========== SD CARD ==========
#define SD_CMD_RESET 0x0000 // Reset SD card
#define SD_CMD_READ 0x0001 // Read 512 bytes from SD to internal buffer
#define SD_CMD_WRITE 0x0002 // Write 512 bytes from int. buf. to SD
#define SD_BIT_ERROR 0x4000 // Error flag: 1, if last operation failed
#define SD_BIT_BUSY 0x8000 // Busy flag: 1, if current op. is still running
#define SD_TIMEOUT_MID 0x0479 // equals ~75.000.000 cycles, i.e. 1.5sec @ 50 MHz
#define SD_ERR_MASK 0x00FF // AND mask for errors: HI byte = state machine info, so mask it for error checks
#define SD_ERR_R1_ERROR 0x0001 // SD Card R1 error (R1 bit 6-0)
#define SD_ERR_CRC_OR_TIMEOUT 0x0002 // Read CRC error or Write Timeout error
#define SD_ERR_RESPONSE_TOKEN 0x0003 // Data Response Token error (Token bit 3)
#define SD_ERR_ERROR_TOKEN 0x0004 // Data Error Token error (Token bit 3-0)
#define SD_ERR_WRITE_PROTECT 0x0005 // SD Card Write Protect switch
#define SD_ERR_CARD_UNUSABLE 0x0006 // Unusable SD card
#define SD_ERR_NO_CARD 0x0007 // No SD card (no response from CMD0)
#define SD_ERR_READ_TIMEOUT 0x0008 // Timeout while trying to receive the read start token "FE"
#define SD_ERR_TIMEOUT 0xEEFF // General timeout
#define SD_CT_SD_V1 0x0001 // Card type: SD Version 1
#define SD_CT_SD_V2 0x0002 // Card type: SD Version 2
#define SD_CT_SDHC 0x0003 // Card type: SDHC (or SDXC)
// ========== FAT32 =============
#define FAT32_ERR_MBR 0xEE10 // no or illegal Master Boot Record (MBR) found
#define FAT32_ERR_PARTITION_NO 0xEE11 // the partition number needs to be in the range 1 .. 4
#define FAT32_ERR_PARTTBL 0xEE12 // no or illegal partition table entry found (e.g. no FAT32 partition)
#define FAT32_ERR_NOTIMPL 0xEE13 // functionality is not implemented
#define FAT32_ERR_SIZE 0xEE14 // partition size or volume size too large (see doc/constraints.txt)
#define FAT32_ERR_NOFAT32 0xEE15 // illegal volume id (either not 512 bytes per sector, or not 2 FATs or wrong magic)
#define FAT32_ERR_ILLEGAL_SIC 0xEE16 // trying to read/write a sector within a cluster that is out of range
#define FAT32_ERR_ILLEGAL_CLUS 0xEE17 // trying to access an illegal cluster number
#define FAT32_ERR_CORRUPT_DH 0xEE18 // corrupt directory handle (e.g. because current to-be-read offs > sector size)
#define FAT32_ERR_DIRNOTFOUND 0xEE19 // directory not found (illegal path name passed to change directory command)
#define FAT32_ERR_FILENOTFOUND 0xEE20 // file not found
#define FAT23_ERR_SEEKTOOLARGE 0xEE21 // seek position > file size
#define FAT32_EOF 0xEEEE // end of file reached
#define FAT32_DEV_RESET 0x0000 // pointer to device reset function
#define FAT32_DEV_BLOCK_READ 0x0001 // pointer to 512-byte block read function
#define FAT32_DEV_BLOCK_WRITE 0x0002 // pointer to 512-byte block write function
#define FAT32_DEV_BYTE_READ 0x0003 // pointer to 1-byte read function (within block buffer)
#define FAT32_DEV_BYTE_WRITE 0x0004 // pointer to 1-byte write function (within block buffer)
#define FAT32_DEV_PARTITION 0x0005 // number of partition to be mounted
#define FAT32_DEV_FS_LO 0x0006 // file system start address (LBA): low word
#define FAT32_DEV_FS_HI 0x0007 // file system start address (LBA): high word
#define FAT32_DEV_FAT_LO 0x0008 // fat start address (LBA): low word
#define FAT32_DEV_FAT_HI 0x0009 // fat start address (LBA): high word
#define FAT32_DEV_CLUSTER_LO 0x000A // cluster start address (LBA): low word
#define FAT32_DEV_CLUSTER_HI 0x000B // cluster start address (LBA): high word
#define FAT32_DEV_SECT_PER_CLUS 0x000C // sectors per cluster
#define FAT32_DEV_RD_1STCLUS_LO 0x000D // root directory first cluster: low word
#define FAT32_DEV_RD_1STCLUS_HI 0x000E // root directory first cluster: high word
#define FAT32_DEV_AD_1STCLUS_LO 0x000F // currently active directory first cluster: low word
#define FAT32_DEV_AD_1STCLUS_HI 0x0010 // currently active directory first cluster: high word
#define FAT32_DEV_BUFFERED_FDH 0x0011 // FDH which is responsible for the current 512 byte hardware buffer filling
#define FAT32_DEV_STRUCT_SIZE 0x0012 // size (words) of the mount data structure (device handle)
#define FAT32_FDH_DEVICE 0x0000 // pointer to the device handle
#define FAT32_FDH_CLUSTER_LO 0x0001 // current cluster (low word)
#define FAT32_FDH_CLUSTER_HI 0x0002 // current cluster (high word)
#define FAT32_FDH_SECTOR 0x0003 // current sector
#define FAT32_FDH_INDEX 0x0004 // current byte index within current sector
#define FAT32_FDH_SIZE_LO 0x0005 // only in case FDH is a file: low word of file size, otherwise undefined
#define FAT32_FDH_SIZE_HI 0x0006 // only in case FDH is a file: high word of file size, otherwise undefined
#define FAT32_FDH_READ_LO 0x0007 // only in case FDH is a file: low word of already read amount of bytes
#define FAT32_FDH_READ_HI 0x0008 // only in case FDH is a file: high word of already read amount of bytes
#define FAT32_FDH_STRUCT_SIZE 0x0009 // size of the directory handle structure
#define FAT32_FA_READ_ONLY 0x0001 // read only file
#define FAT32_FA_HIDDEN 0x0002 // hidden file
#define FAT32_FA_SYSTEM 0x0004 // system file
#define FAT32_FA_VOLUME_ID 0x0008 // volume id (name of the volume)
#define FAT32_FA_DIR 0x0010 // directory
#define FAT32_FA_ARCHIVE 0x0020 // archive flag
#define FAT32_FA_DEFAULT 0x0035 // browse for non hidden files and directories but not for the volume id
#define FAT32_FA_ALL 0x0037 // browse for all files, but not for the volume id
#define FAT32_DE_NAME 0x0000 // volume, file or directory name, zero terminated (max 256 characters)
#define FAT32_DE_ATTRIB 0x0101 // file attributes (read-only, hidden, system, volume id, directory, archive)
#define FAT32_DE_SIZE_LO 0x0102 // file size: low word
#define FAT32_DE_SIZE_HI 0x0103 // file size: high word
#define FAT32_DE_YEAR 0x0104 // last file write: year (valid range 1980 .. 2107)
#define FAT32_DE_MONTH 0x0105 // last file write: month
#define FAT32_DE_DAY 0x0106 // last file write: day
#define FAT32_DE_HOUR 0x0107 // last file write: hour
#define FAT32_DE_MINUTE 0x0108 // last file write: minute
#define FAT32_DE_SECOND 0x0109 // last file write: second (in 2 second steps, valid range 0 .. 58)
#define FAT32_DE_CLUS_LO 0x010A // start cluster: low word
#define FAT32_DE_CLUS_HI 0x010B // start cluster: high word
#define FAT32_DE_STRUCT_SIZE 0x010C // size (words) of the directory entry data structure of the
#define FAT32_PRINT_SHOW_DIR 0x0001 // show "<DIR>" indicator
#define FAT32_PRINT_SHOW_ATTRIB 0x0002 // show attributes as "HRSA"
#define FAT32_PRINT_SHOW_SIZE 0x0004 // show file size
#define FAT32_PRINT_SHOW_DATE 0x0008 // show file date as YYYY-MM-DD
#define FAT32_PRINT_SHOW_TIME 0x0010 // show file time as HH:MM
#define FAT32_PRINT_DEFAULT 0x001D // print <DIR> indicator, size, date and time (no attributes)
#define FAT32_PRINT_ALL 0x001F // print all details
// ========== KEYBOARD ==========
#define KBD_NEW_ASCII 0x0001 // new ascii character available
#define KBD_NEW_SPECIAL 0x0002 // new special key available
#define KBD_NEW_ANY 0x0003 // any new key available
#define KBD_ASCII 0x00FF // mask the special keys
#define KBD_SPECIAL 0xFF00 // mask the ascii keys
#define KBD_LOCALE 0x001C // bit mask for checking locales
#define KBD_LOCALE_US 0x0000 // default: US keyboard layout
#define KBD_LOCALE_DE 0x0004 // DE: German keyboard layout
#define KBD_MODIFIERS 0x00E0 // bit mask for checking modifiers
#define KBD_SHIFT 0x0020 // modifier "SHIFT" pressed
#define KBD_ALT 0x0040 // modifier "ALT" pressed
#define KBD_CTRL 0x0080 // modifier "CTRL" pressed
#define KBD_SPACE 0x0020
#define KBD_ENTER 0x000D
#define KBD_ESC 0x001B
#define KBD_TAB 0x0009
#define KBD_BACKSPACE 0x0008
#define KBD_F1 0x0100
#define KBD_F2 0x0200
#define KBD_F3 0x0300
#define KBD_F4 0x0400
#define KBD_F5 0x0500
#define KBD_F6 0x0600
#define KBD_F7 0x0700
#define KBD_F8 0x0800
#define KBD_F9 0x0900
#define KBD_F10 0x0A00
#define KBD_F11 0x0B00
#define KBD_F12 0x0C00
#define KBD_CUR_UP 0x1000
#define KBD_CUR_DOWN 0x1100
#define KBD_CUR_LEFT 0x1200
#define KBD_CUR_RIGHT 0x1300
#define KBD_PG_UP 0x1400
#define KBD_PG_DOWN 0x1500
#define KBD_HOME 0x1600
#define KBD_END 0x1700
#define KBD_INS 0x1800
#define KBD_DEL 0x1900
// READ REGISTER: CTRL + character is also mapped to an ASCII code
#define KBD_CTRL_A 0x0001
#define KBD_CTRL_B 0x0002
#define KBD_CTRL_C 0x0003
#define KBD_CTRL_D 0x0004
#define KBD_CTRL_E 0x0005
#define KBD_CTRL_F 0x0006
#define KBD_CTRL_G 0x0007
#define KBD_CTRL_H 0x0008
#define KBD_CTRL_I 0x0009
#define KBD_CTRL_J 0x000A
#define KBD_CTRL_K 0x000B
#define KBD_CTRL_L 0x000C
#define KBD_CTRL_M 0x000D
#define KBD_CTRL_N 0x000E
#define KBD_CTRL_O 0x000F
#define KBD_CTRL_P 0x0010
#define KBD_CTRL_Q 0x0011
#define KBD_CTRL_R 0x0012
#define KBD_CTRL_S 0x0013
#define KBD_CTRL_T 0x0014
#define KBD_CTRL_U 0x0015
#define KBD_CTRL_V 0x0016
#define KBD_CTRL_W 0x0017
#define KBD_CTRL_X 0x0018
#define KBD_CTRL_Y 0x0019
#define KBD_CTRL_Z 0x001A
// Useful ASCII constants:
#define CHR_BELL 0x0007 // ASCII-BELL character
#define CHR_TAB 0x0009 // ASCII-TAB character
#define CHR_SPACE 0x0020 // ASCII-Space
#define CHR_CR 0x000d // Carriage return
#define CHR_LF 0x000a // Line feed