
Oct 27, 2021:

5:57 PM Changeset in avrstuff [fb852a1]main by Adrien Destugues <pulkomandy@…>
Add some info on buying GrIP2HID boards
5:31 PM Changeset in avrstuff [a0da9c8]main by Adrien Destugues <pulkomandy@…>
GrIP2HID: Add .hex file for ease of manufacturing.
5:31 PM Changeset in avrstuff [d604513]main by Adrien Destugues <pulkomandy@…>
Adjust software to the production PCB - Use the right MCU, port, etc. …

Oct 21, 2021:

7:42 PM Changeset in avrstuff [62f4d54]main by PulkoMandy <pulkomandy@…>
Add latest version of the schematics
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.