
Sep 13, 2021:

3:26 PM Ticket #167 (Recent releases for macOS do not have version information) updated by Carl Frank
Technically, even those old versions are wrong. CFBundleVersion should …
3:26 PM Info.plist attached to Ticket #167 by Carl Frank
12:17 PM Ticket #167 (Recent releases for macOS do not have version information) updated by Thomas Bernard
I can see […] in the Info.plist file, and […] in …

Sep 12, 2021:

2:02 PM Ticket #167 (Recent releases for macOS do not have version information) created by Carl Frank
macOS apps need the CFBundleVersion and CFBundleShortVersionString …

Aug 25, 2021:

10:52 PM Ticket #166 (Display colour correction with lookup table (or ICC profile)) created by wyattfward@…
This is just a wishlist item as much as anything, but I'd like it if …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.