blob: a6d504afa9e79caa284cd83a05e77a1201221dbf [file] [log] [blame]
; Startup code for Contiki (Apple2 version)
; This must be the *first* file on the linker command line
.export _exit
.import zerobss, initlib, callmain, donelib
.ifdef __APPLE2ENH__
.import _uip_buf, callirq
.import __STARTUP_RUN__ ; Linker generated
.import __BSS_RUN__, __BSS_SIZE__ ; Linker generated
.import __INIT_RUN__, __INIT_SIZE__ ; Linker generated
.import __CODE_RUN__, __CODE_SIZE__ ; Linker generated
.import __BOOT_SIZE__, __UIP_SIZE__ ; Linker generated
.importzp sp
.linecont +
; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
; The executable header
.segment "EXEHDR"
.word __STARTUP_RUN__ ; Start address
.word __BSS_RUN__ + __BOOT_SIZE__ + \
__INIT_SIZE__ + __CODE_SIZE__ + \
__UIP_SIZE__ - __STARTUP_RUN__ ; Size
; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Place the startup code in a special segment
.segment "STARTUP"
; Forward control to the code in the "BOOT" segment
jmp __BSS_RUN__
.ifdef __APPLE2ENH__
; ProDOS TechRefMan, chapter 6.2:
; "Each installed routine must begin with a CLD instruction."
irq: cld
; Switch in LC bank 2 for R/O
bit $C080
; Call interruptors
jsr callirq
; Switch in LC bank 1 for R/W
bit $C08B
bit $C08B
; Check for success
bcc :+
; ProDOS TechRefMan, chapter 6.2:
; "When the routine that can process the interrupt is called, it
; should ... return (via an RTS) with the carry flag clear."
; ProDOS TechRefMan, chapter 6.2:
; "When a routine that cannot process the interrupt is called,
; it should return (via an RTS) with the cary flag set ..."
: sec
; Avoid re-entrance of donelib. This is also the _exit entry
_exit: ldx #$02
: lda rvsave,x
sta $03F2,x
bpl :-
; Switch in LC bank 2 for R/O
bit $C080
; Call module destructors
jsr donelib
.ifdef __APPLE2ENH__
; Switch in $2000-$3FFF from aux memory
lda $C018 ; 80Store ?
sta save80
sta $C001 ; 80Store On
bit $C055 ; Page2
bit $C057 ; HiRes
; Call the cleanup code in the "UIP" segment
jsr cleanup
; Switch in $2000-$3FFF from main memory
bit $C056 ; LoRes
bit $C054 ; Page1
lda save80
bmi :+
sta $C000 ; 80Store Off
; Switch in ROM
: bit $C082
; Back to DOS
jmp $03D0
.ifdef __APPLE2ENH__
; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
; There's space left in the "UIP" segment so we move all cleanup code here
.segment "UIP"
.proc cleanup
; Deallocate interrupt vector table entry
dec intrpt ; Adjust parameter count
jsr $BF00
.byte $41 ; Dealloc interrupt
.addr intrpt
; Save last used device number
lda $BF30 ; DEVNUM
sta devnum
; Read ProDOS dispatcher from /RAM
jsr $BF00
.byte $C8 ; Open file
.addr open
lda o_ref
sta r_ref
sta c_ref
jsr $BF00
.byte $CA ; Read file
.addr read
jsr $BF00
.byte $CC ; Close file
.addr close
; Destroy /RAM files
jsr $BF00
.byte $C1 ; Destroy file
.addr destr
dec n_ext ; CONTIKI.2 -> CONTIKI.1
jsr $BF00
.byte $C1 ; Destroy file
.addr destr
; Restore last used device number
lda devnum
sta $BF30 ; DEVNUM
; Switch in LC bank 2 for W/O
bit $C081
bit $C081
; Set source start
lda #<__BSS_RUN__
ldx #>__BSS_RUN__
sta $3C
stx $3D
; Set source end
lda #<(__BSS_RUN__ + $0300)
ldx #>(__BSS_RUN__ + $0300)
sta $3E
stx $3F
; Set destination
lda #<$D100
ldx #>$D100
sta $42
stx $43
; Reset index and call MOVE to copy ProDOS dispatcher into LC
ldy #$00
jmp $FE2C
open: .byte $03 ; Parameter count
.addr name ; Pathname
.addr _uip_buf ; IO buffer
o_ref: .byte $00 ; Reference number
read: .byte $04 ; Parameter count
r_ref: .byte $00 ; Reference number
.addr __BSS_RUN__ ; Data buffer
.word $0300 ; Requested count
.word $0000 ; Transfered count
close: .byte $01 ; Parameter count
c_ref: .byte $00 ; Reference number
destr: .byte $01 ; Parameter count
.addr name ; Pathname
name: .byte .strlen("/RAM/CONTIKI.2")
.byte "/RAM/CONTIKI."
n_ext: .byte '2'
devnum: .res 1
; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
; The linker doesn't understand that the "BOOT" segment overlays the "BSS"
; segment so the automatic fixup of references to the "BOOT" segment does
; not work. Therefore references to this segment have to be expressed as
; offsets to __BSS_RUN__.
.segment "BOOT"
.ifdef __APPLE2ENH__
; Save potential command line arguments from being overwritten by
; a slot-based realtime clock being called by ProDOS on file I/O
ldx #$7F
: lda $0200,x
sta $0100,x
bpl :-
; ProDOS TechRefMan, chapter
; "... you may protect those areas of auxiliary memory. If you save a
; dummy 8K file as the first entry in /RAM, it will always be saved
; at $2000 to $3FFF."
; Read /RAM directory
jsr $BF00
.byte $C8 ; Open file
.addr open
lda o_ref
sta r_ref
sta c_ref
jsr $BF00
.byte $CA ; Read file
.addr read
jsr $BF00
.byte $CC ; Close file
.addr close
; ProDOS TechRefMan, chapter B.2.5:
; "FileCount := ThisBlock[$25] + (256 * ThisBlock[$26]);"
; Make sure /RAM is empty
lda END + $25
ora END + $26
beq :++
ldx #.strlen("Fatal error: /RAM not empty !")
: lda error,x
jsr $FDED ; COUT
bpl :-
jsr $FD0C ; RDKEY
jmp $03D0 ; DOSWARM
; Switch to 80 column mode here to show some progress
: lda #$0D
jsr $C300
; Relocate the "UIP" segment by writing it to /RAM as the first file
lda #.strlen("/RAM/CONTIKI.1")
sta name
jsr ramfile
; Switch in LC bank 2 for R/O
bit $C080
; Copy ProDOS dispatcher out of LC
ldx #$00
l_mod = __BSS_RUN__ + *
: lda $D100,x
s_mod = __BSS_RUN__ + *
sta UIP,x
bne :-
inc l_mod+2
inc s_mod+2
lda l_mod+2
cmp #>$D400
bne :-
; Write ProDOS dispatcher to /RAM
lda #>$0300
sta w_cnt+1
inc n_ext ; CONTIKI.1 -> CONTIKI.2
jsr ramfile
; Restore potential command line arguments
ldx #$7F
: lda $0100,x
sta $0200,x
bpl :-
; Allocate interrupt vector table entry
jsr $BF00
.byte $40 ; Alloc interrupt
.addr intrpt
; Setup the stack at HIMEM
lda $73
ldx $73+1
sta sp
stx sp+1
; Save the original RESET vector
ldx #$02
: lda $03F2,x
sta rvsave,x
bpl :-
; ProDOS TechRefMan, chapter 5.3.5:
; "Your system program should place in the RESET vector the address of a
; routine that ... closes the files."
lda #<_exit
sta $03F2
lda #>_exit
sta $03F3
eor #$A5
sta $03F4
; Switch in LC bank 2 for W/O
bit $C081
bit $C081
; Set source start
lda #<(__BSS_RUN__ + __BOOT_SIZE__ + __INIT_SIZE__)
ldx #>(__BSS_RUN__ + __BOOT_SIZE__ + __INIT_SIZE__)
sta $3C
stx $3D
; Set source end
lda #<(__BSS_RUN__ + __BOOT_SIZE__ + __INIT_SIZE__ + __CODE_SIZE__)
ldx #>(__BSS_RUN__ + __BOOT_SIZE__ + __INIT_SIZE__ + __CODE_SIZE__)
sta $3E
stx $3F
; Set destination
lda #<__CODE_RUN__
ldx #>__CODE_RUN__
sta $42
stx $43
; Reset index and call MOVE to relocate the "CODE" segment
ldy #$00
jsr $FE2C
; Set source start
lda #<(__BSS_RUN__ + __BOOT_SIZE__)
ldx #>(__BSS_RUN__ + __BOOT_SIZE__)
sta $3C
stx $3D
; Set source end
lda #<(__BSS_RUN__ + __BOOT_SIZE__ + __INIT_SIZE__)
ldx #>(__BSS_RUN__ + __BOOT_SIZE__ + __INIT_SIZE__)
sta $3E
stx $3F
; Set destination
lda #<__INIT_RUN__
ldx #>__INIT_RUN__
sta $42
stx $43
; Reset index and call MOVE to relocate the "INIT" segment
ldy #$00
jsr $FE2C
; Switch in LC bank 2 for R/O
bit $C080
; Forward control to code in the "INIT" segment
jmp init
.ifdef __APPLE2ENH__
; Create a temporary file in /RAM
ramfile = __BSS_RUN__ + *
jsr $BF00
.byte $C0 ; Create file
.addr create
jsr $BF00
.byte $C8 ; Open file
.addr open
lda o_ref
sta w_ref
sta c_ref
jsr $BF00
.byte $CB ; Write file
.addr write
jsr $BF00
.byte $CC ; Close file
.addr close
END = __BSS_RUN__ + __BOOT_SIZE__ + __INIT_SIZE__ + __CODE_SIZE__ + __UIP_SIZE__
create = __BSS_RUN__ + *
.byte $07 ; Parameter count
.addr name ; Pathname
.byte %11000011 ; Access: Standard full access
.byte $00 ; File type: Typeless file
.word $0000 ; Aux type: N/A
.byte $01 ; Storage type: Standard seedling file
.word $0000 ; Create date: Current date
.word $0000 ; Create time: Current time
open = __BSS_RUN__ + *
.byte $03 ; Parameter count
.addr name ; Pathname
.addr _uip_buf ; IO buffer
o_ref = __BSS_RUN__ + *
.byte $00 ; Reference number
read = __BSS_RUN__ + *
.byte $04 ; Parameter count
r_ref = __BSS_RUN__ + *
.byte $00 ; Reference number
.addr END ; Data buffer
.word $0200 ; Requested count
.word $0000 ; Transfered count
write = __BSS_RUN__ + *
.byte $04 ; Parameter count
w_ref = __BSS_RUN__ + *
.byte $00 ; Reference number
.addr UIP ; Data buffer
w_cnt = __BSS_RUN__ + *
.word $2000 ; Requested count
.word $0000 ; Transfered count
close = __BSS_RUN__ + *
.byte $01 ; Parameter count
c_ref = __BSS_RUN__ + *
.byte $00 ; Reference number
name = __BSS_RUN__ + *
.byte .strlen("/RAM")
.byte "/RAM/CONTIKI."
n_ext = __BSS_RUN__ + *
.byte '1'
error = __BSS_RUN__ + *
.byte $8D, '!'|$80, ' '|$80, 'y'|$80, 't'|$80, 'p'|$80
.byte 'm'|$80, 'e'|$80, ' '|$80, 't'|$80, 'o'|$80, 'n'|$80
.byte ' '|$80, 'M'|$80, 'A'|$80, 'R'|$80, '\'|$80, ' '|$80
.byte ':'|$80, 'r'|$80, 'o'|$80, 'r'|$80, 'r'|$80, 'e'|$80
.byte ' '|$80, 'l'|$80, 'a'|$80, 't'|$80, 'a'|$80, 'F'|$80
; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
; The "INIT" segment will be overwritten by the heap
.segment "INIT"
; Clear the BSS data (and thus overwrite the "BOOT" segment)
init: jsr zerobss
; Call module constructors
jsr initlib
; Push arguments and call main()
jmp callmain
; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Data
rvsave: .res 3
.ifdef __APPLE2ENH__
save80: .res 1
intrpt: .byte $02 ; Parameter count
.byte $00 ; Interrupt number
.addr irq ; Interrupt handler