
Oct 20, 2019:

6:12 PM Changeset in gitlab [90e5a61] by Thomas Bernard <miniupnp@…>
C64: one more format

Oct 9, 2019:

9:32 PM Changeset in gitlab [4143d12] by Thomas Bernard <miniupnp@…>
3rdparty: more robust checkversion

Oct 8, 2019:

11:14 PM Changeset in gitlab [bce6cc7] by Jaume Delclòs Coll <cosarara97@…>
call strlen one less time
8:52 PM Changeset in gitlab [3fc8c92] by Jaume Delclòs Coll <cosarara97@…>
fix segfault

Oct 1, 2019:

8:40 PM Ticket #152 (Strange behavior when actual size is different from requested size) updated by Philip Linde
By button above I mean keyboard, of course
8:38 PM Ticket #152 (Strange behavior when actual size is different from requested size) updated by Philip Linde
As far as I'm concerned, it's not a problem that the window is fixed …
3:28 PM Ticket #152 (Strange behavior when actual size is different from requested size) updated by yrizoud@…
Actually I continued the old sdl2 branch with SDL_Surfaces for these, …
2:08 PM Ticket #152 (Strange behavior when actual size is different from requested size) updated by PulkoMandy
Ah, right, the grafx2 window is not resizable while one of the …
11:04 AM Ticket #152 (Strange behavior when actual size is different from requested size) updated by Philip Linde
I have built binaries with each of the backends from the latest master …

Sep 30, 2019:

11:56 PM Ticket #150 (Support for a sprite layer) updated by sdsnatcheralpha@…
Indeed, raster effects would be too complicated to implement. I was …
10:38 PM Ticket #152 (Strange behavior when actual size is different from requested size) updated by Thomas Bernard
can you test with the latest sources ? And alse report which Window …
8:06 PM Ticket #153 (Strange behavior when clearing text boxes by right clicking) updated by PulkoMandy
They should be cleared on right click and preserved on left click
7:20 PM Ticket #152 (Strange behavior when actual size is different from requested size) updated by Philip Linde
This may be a bug either in SDL or the window manager I use. There is …
7:12 PM Ticket #153 (Strange behavior when clearing text boxes by right clicking) created by Philip Linde
Problem: When you click text boxes, it seems that the data inside is …
7:08 PM Ticket #152 (Strange behavior when actual size is different from requested size) created by Philip Linde
Problem: It seems that GrafX2 will request a specific window size on …
7:07 PM Ticket #150 (Support for a sprite layer) updated by PulkoMandy
I'm not sure it's reasonable to do this isn realtime. I thought about …
4:16 PM Ticket #66 (Modernize the UI) updated by Philip Linde
As a non-Windows user I see no advantage of making it look more like a …
4:01 PM Ticket #150 (Support for a sprite layer) updated by Philip Linde
Sprite restrictions seem a bit harder to define than e.g. the …

Sep 26, 2019:

9:40 PM Changeset in gitlab [1b0060c] by Thomas Bernard <miniupnp@…>
Fix mouse emulation with X11 and Win32 see …

Sep 23, 2019:

3:53 AM Ticket #147 (Drawing Pixels with Keyboard) updated by littledeviantart32@…
Oh yes, the SDL2 nightly build works well. Thanks for that advice. I …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.