
Mar 28, 2020:

5:11 PM Ticket #55 (Check and update builtin server list) created by pulkomandy
Some of the servers may be gone, or out of date, or... Review the …
4:54 PM Ticket #54 (XEP-0045 Multi-User chat) updated by pulkomandy
Keywords changed
4:54 PM Ticket #54 (XEP-0045 Multi-User chat) updated by pulkomandy
Keywords changed
4:54 PM Ticket #54 (XEP-0045 Multi-User chat) created by pulkomandy
Glancing over the MUC spec, the following things are needed to fully …
4:41 PM Ticket #41 (Error message on logon error) updated by pulkomandy
Keywords changed
4:41 PM Ticket #42 (In-Band-Registration with no form) updated by pulkomandy
Keywords changed
2:03 PM Changeset in Renga [2711345]main by Adrien Destugues <pulkomandy@…>
Trust gloox on SSL certificates validation I checked the Gloox …
1:46 PM Ticket #3 (Single chat window.) updated by pulkomandy
Well I tried Stack&Tile and it's unconvincing. After 3 windows or so, …
1:45 PM Ticket #3 (Single chat window.) updated by pulkomandy
Milestone changed
1:45 PM Ticket #3 (Single chat window.) updated by pulkomandy
Keywords changed
1:41 PM Ticket #53 (XEP-0054: Setting vcard data) updated by pulkomandy
Keywords changed
1:41 PM Ticket #53 (XEP-0054: Setting vcard data) updated by pulkomandy
Keywords changed
1:41 PM Ticket #53 (XEP-0054: Setting vcard data) created by pulkomandy
It should be possible to set and edit own vcard.
1:41 PM Ticket #52 (XEP-0054: Getting and displaying vcard information) updated by pulkomandy
Keywords changed
1:41 PM Ticket #52 (XEP-0054: Getting and displaying vcard information) updated by pulkomandy
Keywords changed
1:41 PM Ticket #52 (XEP-0054: Getting and displaying vcard information) created by pulkomandy
Right click -> get user info on a contact should fecth and display …
1:09 PM Ticket #51 (Add a way to set custom SSL certificates) updated by pulkomandy
Summary changed
1:09 PM Ticket #51 (Add a way to set custom SSL certificates) updated by pulkomandy
Keywords changed
1:09 PM Ticket #51 (Add a way to set custom SSL certificates) created by pulkomandy
It is unfortunately not uncommon to have a server with a self-signed …
1:08 PM Ticket #50 (Check UX for invalid SSL certificate) updated by pulkomandy
Keywords changed
1:08 PM Ticket #50 (Check UX for invalid SSL certificate) created by pulkomandy
What happens when a server certificate can't be validated? Is there an …
1:05 PM Ticket #30 (RFC-7590: SSL support) closed by pulkomandy
11:58 AM Changeset in Renga [d772d93]main by Adrien Destugues <pulkomandy@…>
We do support the /me command.
11:36 AM Changeset in Renga [7e452fd]main by Adrien Destugues <pulkomandy@…>
Remove "Jabber" from userguide. That doesn't make it any less …
11:36 AM Changeset in Renga [80f7aad]main by Adrien Destugues <pulkomandy@…>
Switch back to bookmarks1 for the time being. Let's wait for servers …
11:36 AM Changeset in Renga [7ee0705]main by Adrien Destugues <pulkomandy@…>
JRoster: move (still disabled) subscription code in the gloox callbacks
10:46 AM Ticket #12 (XEP-0084, XEP-0398: Implement user avatars) updated by pulkomandy
Summary changed
10:46 AM Ticket #12 (XEP-0084, XEP-0398: Implement user avatars) updated by pulkomandy
Keywords changed
10:46 AM Ticket #12 (XEP-0084, XEP-0398: Implement user avatars) updated by pulkomandy
Keywords changed
10:45 AM Ticket #1 (SRV records are not honoured) closed by pulkomandy
Gloox 1.0.23 is built with getaddrinfo support enabled, so now this …
10:38 AM Ticket #49 (Update the userguide) updated by pulkomandy
Keywords changed
10:38 AM Ticket #49 (Update the userguide) created by pulkomandy
It was written in the early 2000s and the world has moved on.
10:37 AM Ticket #44 (Time to change Jabber to XMPP?) closed by pulkomandy
10:22 AM Ticket #44 (Time to change Jabber to XMPP?) updated by pulkomandy
So, all the things in the "jabber" directory is old code from …
10:18 AM Ticket #17 (XEP-0083 Nested Roster Groups (tree view of contacts)) updated by pulkomandy
Keywords changed
10:18 AM Ticket #17 (XEP-0083 Nested Roster Groups (tree view of contacts)) updated by pulkomandy
Keywords changed
10:18 AM Ticket #29 (RFC-5122: XMPP URIs) updated by pulkomandy
Keywords changed
10:18 AM Ticket #29 (RFC-5122: XMPP URIs) updated by pulkomandy
Keywords changed
10:17 AM Ticket #30 (RFC-7590: SSL support) updated by pulkomandy
Keywords changed
10:17 AM Ticket #37 (XEP-0085: Chat State Notifications) updated by pulkomandy
Keywords changed
10:16 AM Ticket #47 (XEP-0459 XMPP Compliance Suites 2022) updated by pulkomandy
Keywords changed
10:15 AM Ticket #48 (Remove useless stuff from chat window) updated by pulkomandy
Keywords changed
10:15 AM Ticket #48 (Remove useless stuff from chat window) created by pulkomandy
Remove the send button, or at least have a much smaller icon-button. …
8:51 AM Ticket #47 (XEP-0459 XMPP Compliance Suites 2022) created by pulkomandy
A tracking ticket for tracking of our compliance status. Dedicated …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.