Custom Query (27 matches)


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Status: closed (27 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Resolution
#31 Incomplete palette loaded Adrien Destugues defect major 2.4 worksforme
#67 Palette "Load" Doesn't Seem to Work pulkomandy defect major 2.5 duplicate
#41 Safety colors in preview even if disabelt pulkomandy defect major 2.5 wontfix
#30 logo Adrien Destugues defect major 2.4 invalid
#61 Ctrl + z pulkomandy enhancement minor 2.4 invalid
#62 hello ! pulkomandy defect major 2.4 invalid
#65 Room 1 pulkomandy defect major 2.4 invalid
#10 filenames are not translated to/from utf-8 Thomas Bernard defect major 2.4 fixed
#11 show total frames in animation panel Adrien Destugues enhancement minor 2.4 fixed
#21 Memory corruption Adrien Destugues defect critical 2.4 fixed
#24 Unfinished save/load in Palette Thomas Bernard task major 2.5 fixed
#25 Right clicking a layer - show previous state instead of show all layers Thomas Bernard enhancement minor 2.4 fixed
#26 Color quantization issue Adrien Destugues defect minor 2.5 fixed
#28 Stronger zoom commands Thomas Bernard enhancement major 2.4 fixed
#35 Mail notifications for trac tickets pulkomandy task major 2.4 fixed
#38 Load .IFF files saved by Deluxe Paint ST in "vert word" compression pulkomandy enhancement minor 2.4 fixed
#43 lua selectlayer return nil if layer/frame not exist or function that gives last layer/frame pulkomandy enhancement major 2.5 fixed
#46 if clicked on not existent bockmark grafical display errors occur Thomas Bernard defect major 2.5 fixed
#50 compilations issues under FreeBSD 10.3 pulkomandy defect major 2.4 fixed
#52 troubles to build under OS X pulkomandy defect major 2.4 fixed
#53 AttributeError: 'Environment' object has no attribute 'get_db_cnx' pulkomandy defect major 2.4 fixed
#54 GrafX2 unable to draw even width ellipses/circles Thomas Bernard defect major 2.4 fixed
#56 fonts from ~/.grafx2/fonts/ not accessible pulkomandy defect critical 2.3 fixed
#60 Ubuntu doesnt need iconv. build fails pulkomandy defect minor 2.4 fixed
#69 Loading .ICO wrong image on Big endian Mac Thomas Bernard defect minor 2.5 fixed
#70 Saving as brush loses the transparent colour setting Thomas Bernard defect major 2.4 fixed
#71 Debian package doesn't contain a binary! pulkomandy defect major 2.4 fixed
Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.