Custom Query (42 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Owner Type Status Priority Milestone
#22 Magnify split enable/disable option. PulkoMandy enhancement assigned major 3.0
#57 "Picture & screen sizes" needs improvements PulkoMandy defect assigned major 3.0
#58 Linux SDL2 skin error, prevents starting yrizoud@… defect assigned major 3.0
#64 Fully resizable split area for zoom PulkoMandy enhancement assigned minor 3.0
#66 Modernize the UI PulkoMandy enhancement assigned major 3.0
#5 Can't Zoom on top-left pixel with mousewheel PulkoMandy defect assigned major 2.10
#6 Show zoom viewport on unzoomed picture PulkoMandy enhancement assigned major 2.10
#7 Antialiased drawing PulkoMandy enhancement assigned major 2.10
#9 Put button configuration in setting file PulkoMandy enhancement assigned minor 2.10
#13 Add more flexible gradients PulkoMandy enhancement assigned major 2.10
#15 One-click contiguous brush grab PulkoMandy enhancement assigned major 2.10
#18 Export colorcycled picture as animated gif Thomas Bernard enhancement accepted major 2.10
#23 Inline Fill Tool PulkoMandy enhancement assigned major 2.10
#27 grafx2.2.5 wip2070 for win loose compatibility with HX extender (don't run under DOS) PulkoMandy defect assigned minor 2.10
#33 360-color hue slider PulkoMandy enhancement assigned trivial 2.10
#44 copy all layers/frames to spare page option Thomas Bernard enhancement accepted major 2.10
#51 Additional "spread" interpolations PulkoMandy enhancement assigned minor 2.10
#72 Add support for one palette per frame in animations PulkoMandy enhancement assigned minor 2.10
#8 User Manual rework Thomas Bernard task closed major 2.7
#14 Don't reset zoom state when loading if old and new image size is the same. Thomas Bernard defect closed major 2.7
#45 relative paths should allways start from same point Thomas Bernard enhancement closed major 2.7
#47 somehow make it visible what page is active PulkoMandy enhancement closed major 2.7
#12 loading a folder bookmark clears the filename Thomas Bernard defect closed minor 2.6
#16 'Restore Brush' function on Brush Grab and Lasso buttons differs PulkoMandy defect closed major 2.6
#17 'Save As' sometimes destroys old file. yrizoud defect closed critical 2.6
#19 Selectbox destroys stack when given more than 11 name,func pairs yrizoud defect closed critical 2.6
#20 Occasionally crashes when drawing (freehand or contour-fill) yrizoud defect closed critical 2.6
#29 Allow overriding default palette Thomas Bernard enhancement closed major 2.6
#32 lua get used/unique colors functions PulkoMandy enhancement closed major 2.6
#34 Latency on mouse pointer when running Grafx2 in Windows 10 PulkoMandy defect closed major 2.6
#36 use SDL TTF without needing X Windows PulkoMandy defect closed major 2.6
#37 lua first use of setpicturesize resets last changed color PulkoMandy defect closed major 2.6
#39 Tile grid cannot be enabled for new picture Thomas Bernard defect closed major 2.6
#42 lua on selectlayer(n) the toolbar gets not updated Thomas Bernard defect closed major 2.6
#48 Unimplemented Flip / X-Flip shortcuts in palette editor PulkoMandy defect closed minor 2.6
#49 windows zlib1.dll error entrypoint missing PulkoMandy defect closed major 2.6
#55 SDL2 macOS PulkoMandy defect closed major 2.6
#59 SDL2 Linux, only runs in top half of window. yrizoud@… defect closed major 2.6
#63 Alt modifier key remains activated after alt+tabbing out and in of the program. PulkoMandy defect closed major 2.6
#73 sources contain non ascii characters PulkoMandy defect closed minor 2.6
#74 Superbucketfill (Replace col. (Shift+F)) unusable in magnified mode PulkoMandy defect closed major 2.6
#75 Grabbing a brush doesn't display the XOR box PulkoMandy defect closed minor 2.6
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